
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

other at the root of his thigh. After finishing all this, she was already sweating profusely. In the sweltering summer heat, the air outside was stifling, and her entire back was soaked. When she was...The room was filled with the exaggerated sound of swallowing, naturally coming from the speakers.

Rong Ling pursed her lips, keeping a cold face, and finally walked closer, sitting down on the sofa. On the sofa, Lin Meng, wrapped like a mummy, couldn't help but shrink her body. But no matter how much she shrank, where could she shrink to It was impossible for her to make herself disappear, wasn't it

Rong Ling reached out and pulled the thin blanket.

She was both embarrassed and flustered, especially as she heard the shame-inducing "tsk tsk" sounds beside her ear. She absolutely dared not show her head. Oh heavens, if she had known Rong Ling would be back tonight, she wouldn't have looked at this sort of thing no matter what!

My God, let her die!

She puckered her lips in frustration.

Rong Ling had great strength. Even when Lin Meng strained, she couldn't resist Rong Ling. Soon, the thin blanket was pulled down, revealing her small head. Facing her, the man’s handsome face was infinitely magnified. His eyes were cold and his smile a little wicked.

"Well, aren't you going to finish watching"

Just then, the woman on TV suddenly said in a sweet voice, "It looks delicious!"

Saying that, she very suggestively swallowed the man's thing whole. Lin Meng almost jumped off the couch from what she heard.

"I... I..." She desperately wanted to say something, but in this situation, it seemed like anything she said would be a cover-up! In her panic, she wanted to run over and shut it off. But she was wrapped in blankets, and while she was still, she was fine. The moment she moved in her anxiety, she almost fell completely off the couch. Luckily, Rong Ling reacted quickly, grabbing her back before she could tumble.

“What’s the hurry!” he hummed cryptically. “Since you've gotten this far, might as well see it through!”

The voice was cold, you could feel it, this was definitely not a good thing.

"Still... never mind!" She flushed red, waving her hands frantically. "I'll just turn it off!"

"Look!" he commanded coldly. He pulled her into his arms, forcing her face towards the television. On the screen, the man was nearing climax, his powerful hips thrusting wildly as he moved inside the woman's mouth. Lin Meng felt heat rising within her, especially now that she was trapped in Rong Ling's embrace. The musky scent emanating from this man, in this charged atmosphere, was almost intoxicating!

She licked her lips, which were slightly dry. She felt like every day was an eternity right now! Her heart couldn't help but wail in bitterness: "All she did was watch a pornographic film. Was it really worth this kind of punishment"

The man behind her was unusually cold. He held her, not saying a word. But whenever she secretly lowered her head and dared not look at the television screen, the man would reach out, lift her chin, and force her to watch.

Her face was so red it was almost bleeding, she felt incredibly embarrassed and wished she could grow wings and fly away right then. But he wouldn't let her go. Finally, the man on television let out a heavy growl before kissing the woman deeply. It finally brought this round to an end!

At that moment, Rong Ling stretched out his hand and grabbed the remote control. He unexpectedly froze the screen.

She was watching the last scene, which already felt creepy. Now that he had frozen the image and wouldn't let it pass, she felt like it was torture. For some reason, she just disaster was about to strike!

"Don't you like this!"

He growled, abruptly shoving her onto the sofa. His agile body pressed down heavily, pinning her in the middle of the cushions.

She shook her head frantically, terrified.


He smiled, but it was a wicked smile that sent shivers down her spine. She nodded quickly, her voice trembling as she replied, "Really, I'm telling the truth!"

"If you don't like it, why are you still watching!" He advanced step by step, making her feel more uncomfortable than an interrogation.

She flushed red and couldn't say a word.

"I told you to reflect properly, and this is what you show me! What" His voice turned dangerous, hinting that if she didn't answer satisfactorily, he wouldn't hesitate to make things difficult for her.

She was flustered and blurted out, "I... I've never seen this before either!"

He stared at her, and she whispered, "Really, I swear, it's the first time I've ever seen it. And...I hadn't even finished watching it yet, found me!"

It can't get any worse than this!

She put on a pitiful expression, looking utterly miserable. This softened his face somewhat, and he seemed to believe her.

"Where did you get this!"

She immediately clamped her lips shut, her eyes darting around as she stammered a plea. "Please don't say it"

"No!" The tone was absolute, leaving no room for refusal.

Her face flushed again, but she hesitated to speak, pressing her lips tightly together. After all, everyone has shame. If she were to say that these things came from her mother at home, how would he think of her family It would be such an embarrassing thing for her to admit! She couldn't possibly bring herself to say it.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, grasped her jaw tightly with one hand, raised an eyebrow, and threatened with a smirk: “If you don’t speak, then later, I will make you learn what’s on this disk the hard way!”

He deliberately emphasized the words "learning," pronouncing them with such malice and wickedness that it was simply appalling!

Lin Meng's body stiffened all of a sudden, her face red enough to rival chili peppers. She had never been Rong Ling's match, not in the past and not now.

“It’s… my mom gave it to me!” She whispered, afraid of the so-called "learning from beginning to end." She felt that after this trip, her waist might be broken. Even if you don't mention this, she would die of shame first!

Rong Ling frowned heavily and snorted coldly: "What a bunch of nonsense!" He didn't know if it was considered scolding Lin Qi.

"From now on, don't look at this trash anymore!" He clenched her chin tightly, giving her a serious warning!

Lin Meng immediately nodded like pounding garlic, obediently to the extreme.

He suddenly let out a wicked laugh. "If you want to learn, I can teach you!"

Lin Meng was frightened. He... how did he know everything! But, he still stubbornly denied it, "Who... who wants to learn!"

He suddenly lowered his head, not intending to settle this matter with her. All that mattered was that she knew, and he knew. That was enough!

The thin quilt was easily pulled down by him. His big palm, very eagerly, caressed her shoulders and slid down along her waist, over her hips, and then suddenly grasped the roundness of her chest. He kneaded it gently but forcefully, with an unbearable madness, as if he had been holding back for a long time and was about to reach his breaking point. His slightly cold lips kissed her fiercely once, then powerfully kissed her chin and neck, leaving behind scorching kisses!

As he bit down on her collarbone, she cried out suddenly, a different kind of coquettishness, with a hint of soul-stirring and bone-chilling flavor, which startled her herself. What was wrong with her! How could she make such a sound Sure enough, it was the yellow film that killed people!

She shyly reached out to cover her mouth.

Rong Ling's movements also stopped. She raised her head from the collarbone, looked at her, and smiled ambiguously.

Her face was flushed a vibrant red, like a blooming peony. Seeing him smile so flirtatiously and wickedly, her watery eyes glared at him with some unwillingness. She pouted her lips and huffed indignantly, "What are you laughing at!"

I suddenly felt guilty!

He lowered his head and took a hard bite on her pouted little lips. His big hand rushed down, reaching into her legs and caressing her intimately.

"Missing me!" in a teasing tone!

"Ah..." She trembled sensitively, her eyes immediately clouding with mist. A low moan escaped her red lips once more, uncontrolled and unrestrained. Her lips trembled along with her, delicate as petals being battered by the wind, pitiful yet alluringly charming!

His eyes darkened instantly, he rolled over and got off her, then scooped her up in his arms and headed towards the bedroom. What would happen next, Lin Meng could guess without having to say it. So she was too embarrassed to do anything but bury her head in his embrace.

Finally, when he threw her onto the big bed, her whole body flushed red. Dressed only in a one-piece nightgown, her exposed arms and long, beautiful legs were white and tender, with a hint of pink that was incredibly alluring. Because the one-piece nightgown wasn't as short as shorts, any slightly more intense movement could easily expose her lower half. At this moment, half of her white panties had already been revealed.

She hung her head, thrown onto the bed, offering no resistance or struggle. She only bit her lip, bashfully turning her face away, giving the impression of allowing herself to be ravaged. It was incredibly arousing.

He couldn't help himself.

He didn't even have time to take off his pants before he got on the bed, parting her legs and forcing himself between them. His big hand lifted up her nightgown, directly touching her breasts, with no resistance at all!

She let out a soft, alluring moan, barely audible, like a cat's purr, yet biting her lip, struggling to contain her suppressed moans.

His eyes were aflame, finding her nightgown an annoyance. He roughly tore it apart once more, revealing the nudity that pleased him so.

"My pajamas!" she cried out, her voice filled with anguish. She strained to sit up, her upper body rising in a spasm of distress. The damn man had promised not to tear her clothes again!

But by doing so, she was essentially offering her own breast into his mouth. He bit down hard, and as she gasped in surprise, he grabbed her small hand roughly, pulling it towards his abdomen until it touched the hard object there.

She trembled in fright, her small hand quickly retreating backward.

He suddenly raised his head, his eyes as black as ink, staring intently at her. His handsome face also leaned ambiguously towards hers, making her blush and her heart race.

"Touch me!" The hoarse command, yet it was clearly laced with a heavy, sensual undertone!

Her heart beat faster and faster.

He lowered his head and kissed her deeply, plunging straight into her mouth. A swirl of sensations sent her head spinning. Her hand, led by his large palm, blindly followed his lead, beginning to stroke his desire.

He hummed softly, seeming to be in extreme pleasure. Her body instantly heated up, as if burned. When her small hand was led through his pants and faced no resistance, she felt a little scared, wanting to escape, but he pressed her down forcefully, and then...

Then… tragically, I let him get his way!

That rough and hard thing, it turns out, was so hot! She felt like her little hand might get burned!

But listening to his heavy panting and suppressed moans, she strangely felt a tinge of... satisfaction. Watching him sweat profusely, his handsome face flushed with crimson, she also felt... a bit surprised!

Could this all be because of her! Turns out, she could be this amazing too!

Is he this excited only because of her!

Finally, he let out a low moan, releasing his frustration into her hand. At that moment, she too experienced a brief lapse in consciousness, feeling as if her very soul shuddered with that guttural cry!

From beginning to end, his big hand had always been holding her little hand. She felt that his palm was so hot now!

He was pressed against her chest, gasping for breath rapidly, as if he had just finished a marathon. At that moment, his sweaty face, strangely, made her think of him as vulnerable, like a child. She felt, in that instant, like she could simply hold him in her arms.

She didn't do so because her small hand was in an awkward state at the moment. But she still leaned over and gently kissed him, placing the kiss on his forehead.

He was startled, he raised his head, and looked down at her with lowered eyes. His jet-black eyes were even more profound at this moment. She met his gaze and immediately seemed to be enthralled, raising her head and leaning in, biting gently on his somewhat cold jawline. Then, she giggled softly, like a little sprite.

His eyes changed, he lowered his head, and bit onto her lips, sucking hard for several mouthfuls. Then, he kissed her deeply, clinging to her with all his might until she could barely breathe.

She "ha ha..." panted heavily, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.

He reached out and began to caress her lips gently, sometimes light, sometimes heavy, grinding against the two soft mounds. She was dazedly abused for a while before her face changed color, and she suddenly snatched his hand away.

"Rong Ling!"

She blushed and shouted.

He raised an eyebrow, looking at her silently.

She was too embarrassed to speak, she just shook her little hand, which still had his fluids on it! Just now, he had led her little hand to do those things... He... how could he touch her mouth with that same hand!

She grinned, silently protesting.

The villainous fellow actually chuckled lowly, laughing gleefully to himself. She was so furious that she reached out and slapped his chest with all her might. After all, it was his stuff, and now she was returning it all to him.

Seeing this, his muffled laughter grew even louder.

She snorted angrily and turned her head away.

He stopped laughing then, leaned in, and kissed her face again and again. His tender gestures quickly set her aflame once more, her cheeks flushing slightly with warmth.

"Is there anything you want to say to me!" After their encounters, his voice was always particularly low and husky, like aged wine, always making her feel a little intoxicated. So, she foolishly shook her head.

He gave a few hints. “For example, your father!”

Her mind suddenly returned to clarity, but she still shook her head. Pillow talk That was not something she wanted to do!

He stopped the kiss, propping himself up with his hands and leaning over her, a look of surprise on his face.

"I don't want to say anything!"

"Mm." This time, Lin Meng answered in a voice. "I believe you know your limits!" She chose to believe him! This was something she should have done from the beginning!

This time, he smiled with satisfaction. He couldn't help reaching out and messing up her hair again with that "wicked" big hand of his. “Let you reflect on your actions properly, this time you've finally made some progress!”

That day, I left and ignored her. It was partly out of anger towards her, but also to see what she would do next. Since he had made a move against Lin Bao, Lin Bao would definitely come looking for her. I wanted to see if she would come to him for help because of her father!

If she chooses to seek help, he will inevitably be disappointed. Then perhaps, a state of ambiguity, where they are close yet distant, is the best way for them to coexist! For someone who doesn't believe in himself, he needn't waste too much thought on it; taking what they need should be the most correct approach!

And she, chose not to ask for help, then...

A twitch of his lips, a fleeting moment of delight in his heart! He couldn't help but torment her head again with his hand. She was furious, reaching out to grab his big palm. He pulled down his pants and, while she was completely unprepared, slammed into her body with force!


She hummed softly, and at that instant, a thrill of death coursed down her spine!

He grabbed her waist with one hand, his dark eyes fixed on her face as he crashed into her.

His desires had always been intense and powerful, she had almost forgotten. But this man had recovered so quickly, he…he was also... too strong!

She was lost in thought, her mind drifting away. He probably sensed it, and with a frown, he lowered his head and bit down hard on her chest, causing her to cry out in pain. Her eyes widened, their water-like color shimmering with displeasure as she stared at him.

He grunted heavily. "Focus!"

She blushed instantly!

What the heck!

In an instant, he was swept up by his movements and could no longer bother to complain. He could only follow his actions like the current.

The fire burned all night, and didn't die down until dawn!

She several times couldn't hold on and fell asleep, but was woken up by his violent movements every time. This man, whenever he reached this moment, seemed like a demon, his physique so enviable.

"So sleepy…"

At another peak of ecstasy, she murmured softly amidst a shiver.

He lay heavily on her, panting.

She closed her eyes and fell asleep instantly. But soon, she was awakened by him.

She gazed at him with sleepy, bloodshot eyes, the remnants of tears clinging to her lashes. She looked pitifully at him, pleadingly. "I'm so tired, can I just sleep"

The voice was weak and raspy, like that of an eighty-year-old woman.

He grunted. "Answer me a question, and if you get it right, you can sleep!"

"Oh, alright, just ask then." She gave a big yawn and urged him impatiently.

"I held another woman, do you believe me"

Her body stiffened for a second, then immediately softened. She rolled her eyes at him and mumbled something heavily.

"No way! Let me sleep already!"

He hummed, and indeed let her off. He rolled over, pulling her close into his arms.

She rolled her eyes at him again, unable to stop herself.

He used to say she was petty, but now it seems like he's the one who is. Isn't it just because he suspects him and He Ya that day Does he really hold a grudge until now And retaliate against her this way!

He's even braver than Yajiro at his peak, no one would believe he has another woman!

She mumbled a few words, but still turned to face him. Her long legs brushed against his, entwining themselves around him, and then she reached out with one hand, her arms tightening around his strong waist in a possessive embrace. Then, burying her head in the crook of his neck, she closed her eyes with a smile.

He slightly raised his eyelids, his dark eyes flashing a bright color, and unconsciously the corner of his mouth curled up. He reached out with one palm, going around her shoulder and resting on the back of her head, gently pressing her towards himself. His long fingers intertwined in her black hair, appearing and disappearing from time to time, a different kind of enchanting and intimate touch!

She pursed her lips, unconsciously leaning into his movements and burrowing deeper into his embrace.

Before falling asleep, she vaguely felt that she had forgotten to say something, but what was it!

Though I could keep going, sleep won out in the end. I ended up falling asleep.

The next day, she woke up in a daze, as if she didn't know what day it was! She lay listlessly in the bed for a long time before the aches and pains in her body jolted her awake. Then she suddenly sat up with a start, drawing in another sharp gasp. She turned her head, and there was a vacant corner in the bed where he had been sleeping – he was gone!

The huge bed was left with only her, it felt a little empty and a little cold!

She was a little panicked, enduring the aches throughout her body, moving her weak legs up to the ground. The moment her feet touched the ground, she stood up, her legs so soft that she almost fell.


She gasped and quickly braced herself with her hands before falling onto the bed, preventing an embarrassing tumble. After such a long separation, this sudden surge of "physical activity" felt more intense than a few workouts spread out over time. Otherwise, this high-intensity, high-frequency workout was leaving her feeling like she'd been disassembled!

She bit her lip, adjusting for a moment before she found her footing. Then, she picked up the ripped nightgown still lying on the floor and threw it over herself haphazardly, offering some meager cover as she started to walk away.

"Rong Ling!"

She raised her voice slightly and called out. She finally remembered what she had wanted to say last night before bed! No matter what, when she saw him later, she absolutely had to tell him!

As soon as she opened the door and took a few steps into the hall, someone suddenly dashed out!

She gasped in surprise, "Xu... Aunt Xu!" she stammered.

"Hee hee, you're awake! Go wash up quickly, dinner will be ready soon. Rong Shao went out, he'll be back soon!"

Her heart immediately relaxed, and she couldn't help but smile.

Then, meeting Aunt Xu's ambiguous gaze, he let out a cry and quickly dashed into the room. She looked no different from being half-naked now! Her already tattered pajamas could hardly cover anything! He had only thought of convenience earlier and hadn't considered much before going out to find someone. But he forgot that this house had Aunt Xu who appeared at a fixed time!

Oh my god, she couldn't help but slap her forehead, feeling so embarrassed. Aunt Xu must have seen everything and knew everything!

Lowering her head, she didn't need to look closely to see the purple and red marks on her body! That man always went overboard. She seriously suspected he was a dog, seeing how he had bitten all over her.

She rummaged through his closet and pulled out a bathrobe, which she hastily put on. She then ran back to her own room, retrieved some clean clothes, and headed straight for the bathroom.

The hot water on her body was incredibly comfortable, seeming to ease the aches and pains. She closed her eyes and began to tend to herself. Halfway through washing, she suddenly remembered something, and her face changed color. Then, without further delay, she hurriedly wiped herself down, put on a shirt and shorts, and rushed out like a rocket, straight to the living room!

Beneath the massive LCD TV, there was nothing! The floor was clean and empty, with absolutely nothing on it!

Yesterday, that big pile of messy discs was thrown on the floor and put in a small bag!

It couldn't be Auntie Xu...

Lin Meng's face changed drastically. Her fair complexion flushed red then white, then white again and finally blue, so red she looked like she was about to smoke from the top of her head. She imagined Aunt Xu cleaning the house and suddenly seeing those messy plates scattered on the floor. The covers displayed half-naked women—anyone could tell what they were.

My goodness!

What would Aunt Xu think of her Would she think she's a flirt

My God!

After this, how could she ever face Auntie Xu again!

It's embarrassing, so embarrassing!

She stood there, her face changing color again and again, so embarrassed that she almost bit her finger. In the end, with a face about to bleed, she slowly crept up to Aunt Xu's side. In the kitchen, Aunt Xu was bustling about happily. Lin Meng slept until almost afternoon; at this time, it naturally counted as lunch. The dishes were, of course, more plentiful.

Aunt Xu turned her head and saw Lin Meng, then smiled: "Finished washing up!"

"Hmm," she replied softly, a little embarrassed.

Auntie Xu smiled, thinking she was hungry. She said understandingly, "Just wait a moment, Shao Rong will be back soon and we can have dinner. If you're too hungry, there are buns in the refrigerator. I'll heat one up for you to tide you over!"

Lin Meng shook her head, feeling even more embarrassed. "That, Auntie Xu, I'm not hungry, I...I have something to ask you!"

"Oh. Ask away!"

"You..." Lin Meng licked her dry lips, suddenly feeling nervous. "You... when you were cleaning the house, did you... see anything... out of place"

Her heart skipped a beat, and she looked at Aunt Xu nervously.

Aunt Xu first frowned, but then seeing Lin Meng seemed to be on high alert, she suddenly understood something and winked at her ambiguously, smiling: “Hehehe, don't worry, as soon as I saw the shoes at the threshold, I knew it was Shao Rong who had come, so I didn't go clean up your two rooms. Hehehe, rest assured, I haven't seen anything!”

Lin Meng blushed again, realizing that Aunt Xu had misunderstood her. She lowered her head helplessly, twirling her fingers, but inside, she felt a creeping sense of dread. "Why did I even watch those videos!" she mentally screamed. "This is all my own fault! I'm going to regret this forever!"

On that side, Aunt Xu “chopped, chopped” as she began to cut the vegetables.

Lin Meng hesitated for a while, stamping her feet impatiently. She decided to go all out.

"Aunt Xu, I wanted to ask... when you were cleaning the living room, uh, did you see anything... something... strange-looking like a plate!"

Now her hints are obvious enough, right! She's even putting on a face for this, planning to let Auntie Xu laugh behind her back!

Unexpectedly, Aunt Xu shook her head without hesitation. “No, no, the living room is still quite clean, haha…”

Lin Meng is very particular about personal hygiene and never litters. This made it especially easy for Aunt Xu to clean up, and she was secretly very satisfied.

Lin Meng immediately froze, swaying like a drunkard out of the kitchen. Then, she sat on the sofa, deep in thought, and finally settled on Rong Ling as her suspect.

Just then, the door creaked open and Rong Ling came back. Lin Meng ran out barefoot, in a hurry.

"Rong Ling!"

In the entryway, Rong Ling was just taking off his shoes when he saw her like this. He raised an eyebrow.

"How come you're not wearing shoes!" It's implied criticism! Even though it's summertime, walking barefoot on the floor can easily make your feet cold.

Lin Meng waved her hand. "Oh, let's not talk about this for now!"

She hurriedly rushed to Rong Ling's side, looking around nervously like she was up to no good. Then she tugged on Rong Ling's arm, signaling him to lower his head. When Rong Ling cooperated and bent down, she tiptoed closer to his ear and whispered, "Did you put those discs away!"

After saying that, she blushed and looked at him.

He nodded.

She dramatically let out a "whew" and patted her chest, looking greatly relieved.

He almost chuckled, thinking it was a big deal, made so mysterious, but it turned out to be nothing. Patting her head, he commanded in a deep voice, "Go put on your shoes!"

She "oh"ed and obediently went back to the living room to find her shoes. Then she thought of something, didn't walk a few steps, and turned back.

"Róng Líng, where did you put the things!" Be sure to put them in a safe place, otherwise if Xu Yí finds out, she'll be embarrassed.

Rong Ling let out a cold snort. "Lost!" She was as decisive as ever!

"What! Lost!" She suddenly raised her voice and exclaimed, staring at him with wide eyes.

He raised an eyebrow, darkened his face, and looked at her menacingly. His thin lips moved slightly as he questioned her with displeasure.

Well, what do you have to say


> ps: I'm doing well, thank you for your concern. I will walk my own path and keep writing!

Wishing everyone a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! ^_^n the cool president looks at her, his eyes are obviously much more focused and softer than when he looks at others.The first dance, needless to say, was led by the new CEO and his wife. As the newlyw...

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