
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

wly, she had put down her guard and forgotten that this young woman was actually quite capable!Thinking of this, the old woman's eyelids twitched violently. Since intimidation wouldn't work, she could...Lin Bao was driven to this predicament, once again falling into the crisis of having no materials and the building being halted. This time, it wasn't something he could easily resolve. He knew very well that this was Rong Ling's attack. When Rong Ling held a gun to Huang Liang, Lin Bao was frightened. However, at that time, Rong Ling took Lin Meng away, seeming to care for her quite a bit. Lin Bao always felt that he still had a sliver of hope. After all, he was still Lin Meng's father; considering Lin Meng's feelings, he couldn't possibly do anything too extreme to him. If Rong Ling really wanted to hold him accountable, he would follow his original plan and explain to him politely, pushing everything onto Huang Liang. That way, the repercussions shouldn't be too severe!

But he didn't expect that Rong Ling had already found out everything and knew the ins and outs of the matter, so Rong Ling didn't come to him at all. After concentrating his efforts on dealing with Huang Liang, who was a bit troublesome, Rong Ling began to turn his attention to Lin Bao, and acted swiftly, giving Lin Bao no time to breathe.

Thus, Rong Ling didn't even bother to look for Lin Bao before making his move. This left Lin Bao with no chance to use the excuses he had prepared.

Now that things have come to this, he could only go to Lin Meng and ask for her help. He secretly rejoiced that, fortunately, Rong Ling still cared about his daughter and hadn't abandoned her. Based on this alone, after Rong Ling's anger subsided, Lin Bao thought that as Lin Meng's father, he could still use Rong Ling's connections and get his business back on track. After all, relationships between men and women are like that: a woman whispers sweet nothings in a man's ear, and even the biggest problem can become trivial. That's why, in ancient times, many treacherous officials rose to power because of the powerful influence of concubines!

This pillow wind, you can't underestimate it. Lin Bao felt that if it really didn't work, he could just have his wife teach Lin Meng.

He drove to find Lin Meng with confidence, believing that the difficulties before him would soon be nothing. But he didn't know that since that chaotic dusk, Lin Meng had never seen Rong Ling again!

Whether things succeed or not, it seems, would also be difficult for him to unilaterally expect such a result!

Lin Bao's arrival surprised Lin Meng, but she still invited him into the house. She made some tea for Lin Bao and placed it in front of him.

"Dad, drink this!"

Suddenly, the father-daughter pair became somewhat polite. Lin Meng looked at Lin Bao, and suddenly, she also felt a sense of awkwardness. Perhaps it was because she had moved out of the house, perhaps because she hadn't had a good talk with him for a long time, or maybe something like…a Huangliang dream had happened!

As a father, Lin Bao wasn't being polite either. After taking a sip of the fragrant West Lake Dragon Well tea, he immediately stated his purpose.

“Mengmeng, this time you have to help your father! You see, when I sent you to Huang Liang before, it was out of necessity. How can he dare to retaliate against me now! I’m still your father, he should at least consider your face, right He's making things difficult for me and treating you like nothing!”

Lin Meng was also a little surprised. She didn't expect Rong Ling... to attack her own father. But -- she didn't blindly stand on her father's side and resent Rong Ling. After the Huang Liang incident and these days of reflection, she knew that she should grow up. Some things were not as simple as they seemed on the surface.

That is to say, Rong Ling treating her father like that might be a way of humiliating her. But from another angle, perhaps it's because Rong Ling values her that she wants to punish everyone who has bullied her. Rong Ling could make Huang Liang die with just words – something she couldn't have imagined possible. Now, by forcing merchants to refuse materials for her father's construction, this is yet another example of his power!

Very powerful!

He had previously said, "Lin Meng, you have to believe in your man, your man is strong. So what seems impossible to you might not even be worth mentioning to me." If she hadn't felt so angry and desperate so quickly that day, if she hadn't chosen to switch off her phone, but had persisted in calling Rong Ling, then nothing like that would have happened that day, and Rong Ling wouldn't have left feeling so angry and disappointed.

There's no remedy for regret in this world.

"Dad, I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do!"

Lin Bao frowned and pulled a long face. "Meng Meng, are you accusing your father You were there that day too, understand the situation. Your father had no choice but to do what he did. Besides, I didn't stop you from calling Rong Ling that day. Since Rong Ling has the ability to ruin Huang Liang, why didn't he take action then If he had talked to Huang Liang in time, your father wouldn't have been forced to bring you to him!"

"Dad—," Lin Meng shook her head. "Don't say anymore, what happened that day was my fault, and Rong Ling had nothing to do with it. He didn't know anything, I called him, he didn't answer any of them, it was only later when he found out that he came running."

If she didn't make it, what would happen to her She couldn't even imagine! When Rong Ling brought her back that day, she could still hold on, imagining that even if Rong Ling hadn't come, she could grit her teeth and persevere to accompany Huang Liang. But these past few days, after reading reports about Huang Liang sexually abusing his girlfriend, her heart turned cold. Several times, she woke up in her dreams in terror.

It turns out this world is so dark and evil. It turns out people in this world can be so perverted, their methods so cruel. Newspapers say Huang Liang once abused a girlfriend to death overnight. There are also reports that some unnamed girlfriends who have had relationships with him claim that after spending a night with him, they would need to rest in bed for at least ten and a half months!

She read those reports and was secretly frightened. Every time she thought of the woman who had been beaten to death, she felt a cold sweat. If it weren't for the abuse, then she...

She couldn't even imagine the consequences!

Lin Bao was still frowning and complaining about his predicament, subtly blaming Rong Ling for not being righteous. His words also held a hint of blame towards her as an unfilial daughter. He watched helplessly as his husband attacked his own father.

Lin Meng bit her lip, a pang of sadness welling up in her heart. The words she'd been holding back tumbled out.

"Dad, do you know who Huang Liang is!" This was what she had been wanting to ask her father ever since she had read some reports.

Lin Bao's face changed slightly, his eyes flickered, and he let out an awkward hum. "What...what kind of person!"

Don't you know he's the kind of person who would abuse women

"I... how could I possibly know!" Lin Bao shouted loudly, but this sudden rise in volume only revealed a hint of his guilt. "My father is also... he only found out later!"

"Really!" Lin Meng questioned, skeptical.

Lin Bao's face darkened, and he pretended to be annoyed. "Mengmeng, what is that tone! Remember, I am your father, I could never harm you!"

Is it impossible!

Lin Meng subconsciously questioned the credibility of this statement!

As a father, even if pushed to the brink of death and forced to let his daughter accompany guests, he should at least thoroughly investigate that guest. Everyone in the industry knows about Huangliang's evil practices, including my father since he works in construction. Even if he didn't know before, once he made the decision to have her accompany Huangliang, he should have investigated him. Before she met Huangliang, shouldn't my father have given her some instructions Like telling her to be careful or something Huangliang is so perverse, she will definitely get hurt. Why didn't my father say a word before this

Either her father really didn't know anything and that's why he didn't say anything, which -- made her feel disappointed. This showed that her father only wanted to get rid of her and hadn't considered anything for her at all. As a father, his love for his daughter had only reached such a low level, what was there left for her to look forward to!

Maybe Dad knows, but says nothing. This—only makes her more desperate. It shows she's just a cheap commodity, in his eyes, merely a girl carrying the name of his daughter, something to be given away whenever he wants. So, all these things she did out of filial piety... aren't they... too unworthy!

And the newspaper's introduction to Huang Liang was just a provincial construction materials company with a larger scale, not enough to monopolize all construction materials. Dad's words that day about not being able to buy materials seemed exaggerated!

"Dad, even though we can't buy building materials in the province, we could always go out of province, right! The country is so big, as long as we have money, we're sure to find them somewhere else!" She pressed on, her words sharp. These were all questions she had repeatedly asked herself after reading the newspaper these past few days.

Lin Bao was silent for a moment before replying somewhat awkwardly: “Dad... at the time... he was a bit flustered, and... he just didn't think about this..."

> Underneath the facade, it all seemed hollow. He'd been in the construction business for years, not just a few months or even half a year; we're talking two to three decades. It's truly hard to believe that he wouldn't have thought of this solution when faced with such a catastrophic situation! Even Lin Meng, an outsider like me, was able to come up with an idea after reading the newspaper. Couldn't this seasoned businessman, who constantly deals with steel bars, contractors, and suppliers, think of something

Lin Meng shook her head, but she didn't want to ask any further. In the end, she was disappointed!

For sixteen years, she devoted herself to raising him, accompanying Rong Ling and bringing his father's business to new heights; she accompanied Huang Liang, although their plans were unsuccessful, she indirectly angered Rong Ling, and now she is in danger herself. But that's enough!

"Dad, you don't need to ask me about this. If you can't buy building materials within the province, just go to another province. That way, it will still work, right"

Lin Bao's voice suddenly sharpened. "Meng Meng, how could Rong Ling and Huang Liang be the same Once Rong Ling speaks, no domestic merchant dares to supply me anymore, otherwise, they would be going against Rong Ling. In the current situation, no one would be foolish enough to go against Rong Ling and offend him!

After all, who wants to be pushed around by Rong Ling like Huang Liang

"So, that's why your dad came to find you! There was really no other way!"

Lin Meng smiled bitterly and shook her head again. "Dad, I'm saying it again, you asking me is useless! To be honest with you, since that day, Rong Ling has never come to find me again. So, it's not that this daughter of yours doesn't want to help you, but I really am powerless!"

"What!" Lin Bao was startled. "You said... you said Rong Ling doesn't want you anymore!"

This was a catastrophe for him! If this were true, his lifelong career built by Lin Bao with painstaking effort would be completely ruined!

"Mengmeng, please don't lie to Daddy!"

"Hee hee, why would I lie to you! If Dad doesn't believe me, just stay here for a few days. By then, you'll know if I'm telling the truth."

"This..." Lin Bao anxiously furrowed his brows, muttering under his breath, seemingly unable to believe it. "This is impossible! That day, he seemed to care about you a lot, how could he suddenly not want you anymore..."

Lin Meng merely lowered her head, holding the teacup in her hands, without uttering a word.

Lin Bao mumbled there for a long time, then looked up at his daughter, who sat quietly, with slight dark circles under her eyes. She didn't seem to be doing too well either. He wanted to say something more, but suddenly, he couldn't find the words.

The development of events was clearly beyond his expectations, leaving him at a loss as to what to do. It seemed that every time he confronted Rong Ling, he was caught off guard and in an extremely passive position!

Pursed her lips, after thinking for a long time, Lin Bao finally said in a low voice, "Don't be too sad, Dad will go back and think of a way, I will definitely make Rong Ling come back to your side!"

She was stunned! She never expected to say such words from her own mouth!

For a moment, I don't know whether to cry or laugh!

Should she be grateful for her father's actions, or disappointed in them!

And there's Rong Ling, what else is he going to do!

These are all unsolvable!

After seeing off Lin Bao, it seemed like she had nothing else to do but wait.

Over there, Lin Bao hurried back home and told his wife about Lin Meng's situation. Then, frowning with some worry, he asked, "A Mei, I should teach Meng Meng a lesson. She's a young girl and probably doesn't understand how to keep a man. Men are fickle by nature, and Rong Ling has seen all sorts of women in the entertainment industry. Even though Meng Meng is prettier than others, if she doesn't have some tricks up her sleeve, I'm afraid she'll be abandoned by Rong Ling soon!"

Before, Lin Bao naturally hoped that Rong Ling would give up on Lin Meng. But now, with no one daring to touch Lin Meng, even if Rong Ling gave up on her, Lin Bao couldn't expect to gain anything else from her. Therefore, he had to cling tightly to Rong Ling's leg. Lin Bao now understands that among all the big fish schools, Rong Ling is the king of sharks!

Lin Qijia, a woman named Jin Sai Mei, also knew the severity of the situation. At this time, her husband's business depended entirely on Rong Ling's whim. He could make it flourish or destroy it with a single thought. So, even though she disliked Lin Meng, for the sake of the entire family's well-being, she had to devise strategies for him at this point.

Jin Sai Mei this woman will endure, and she knows how to be tactful, she is a woman who can accomplish great things. Right now she replied: "Alright, I know about this. Give me time to think it over carefully."

"Hurry up!" Lin Bao urged. What if at this time, an individual woman came along and stole Rong Ling's heart, wanting to pull him back Then things would be difficult.

Jinsai frowned and immediately said decisively, "Then I'll go find Mengmeng tomorrow night!"

Lin Bao gave an "mm" sound, and then finally nodded in satisfaction.

The next evening, Jin Sai Mei came to Lin Meng's place with a bag. Lin Meng thought that Jin Sai Mei was still here for business concerning Lin Bao, and she felt a little helpless, but she still invited Jin Sai Mei in. She had said yesterday that Rong Ling wouldn't come again, and it was indeed true. No matter who came, she would still say the same thing.

Once she truly knew Jin Semei's intentions, she suddenly didn't know how to respond.

Ginsey's here, and she's teaching us how to capture a man's heart!

Jinsai Mei was a smart and cunning woman. She had defeated numerous other women to marry Lin Bao, and after marriage, she drove away countless concubines who came to show off. Naturally, her methods were impressive. She originally intended to pass on those battle-hardened experiences to her own daughter, Lin Zi, but today she was passing them on to Lin Meng. She was truly reluctant, but she had no choice.

Lin Meng felt dizzy listening, but she still patiently endured it. At that time, she didn't understand why she didn't interrupt Jin Saimei's "teaching." Later, Jin Saimei gave Lin Meng some tapes and asked her to study hard before leaving with a slightly accomplished air.

After all, if a woman can't satisfy a man in bed, then no matter how much she does, it's all for nothing!

Lin Meng received them in a daze, looking at the discs with women whose chests were all engraved with "raging waves". Besides feeling embarrassed and red-faced, he was also speechless!

Are these... the legendary... pornographic films!

Outside, Auntie Xu was still there. Thinking about this, Lin Meng felt a little scared, but for some reason, he suddenly felt guilty like he had done something wrong. Then he stealthily hid the pile of things away. After thinking about it again, he didn't feel reassured, so he moved it to several other places before finally feeling slightly calmer as he came out and joined Auntie Xu in cooking.

At night, Aunt Xu left, and she was alone in the house. She buried herself under the desk lamp doing her homework, but inside, there was always a feeling like a little hand scratching her, making her itch with anticipation. Uncontrollably, she rolled her eyes towards the wardrobe — where some things that shouldn't be seen were hidden!

Once that happened, she would berate herself inwardly and silently command herself not to be distracted, to focus and do her homework well.

But those things, like Pandora's Box, held a forbidden power, tempting her with all their might!

She bit her lip, having drawn who knows how many meaningless lines and rays on the paper. Finally, discouraged, she threw down the pen.

"Well, I'll write it tomorrow!"

She said this to herself. Anyway, tomorrow is the weekend and she doesn't have to go to school.

As for adult films, most people are a little curious, and Lin Meng is no exception. But the reason she's so restless is also because of another factor... She ... is actually somewhat persuaded by Jin Sai Mei's words. If... she truly learned something, then wouldn't it be possible to... make Rong Ling... uh... happier!

Don't be fooled by her seemingly indifferent demeanor. She still goes to school, comes home, eats, and sleeps as usual, appearing unaffected. It seems like she can maintain this monotonous life even in the face of bullying. To say that she doesn't secretly desire for bullying to happen is something she wouldn't even believe herself. To say she doesn't secretly hope for it That's impossible!

On one hand, she yearned for independence, to live well on her own, and to gradually let go of the resentment. But on the other hand, she couldn't help but think of him, as if bewitched, finding it impossible to extricate herself.

His prolonged absence gradually made her lose confidence in herself. Perhaps, she could no longer attract him. Maybe his weariness with her appearance had set in.

He who takes pleasure in the color of things, cannot endure for long!

Who said this, anyway She couldn't remember, but she thought it was pretty classic!

Want to learn!

Thus asking herself, she couldn't help but take out that pile of things. Then, she randomly picked one and put it into the DVD player! When the screen lit up, she felt a little scared again and hurriedly took the disc out. It was as if something big and scary would jump out and eat her!

Staring at the plate, she seemed to be staring at her greatest enemy. Her brows were furrowed like a tangled mess of hemp rope, and she remained in that kneeling position for what felt like ten minutes. Finally, when she suddenly came back to herself, she thought her behavior was utterly ridiculous!

Isn't it just porn What's the big deal! You've broadened your horizons, haven't you!

Though she thought that way, she still went back to her room and took out a thin quilt. She put it on the sofa, then put the disc into the DVD player and dashed onto the sofa herself. She picked up the quilt and covered herself tightly, like a silkworm cocoon, only showing a pair of eyes. This protective look was as if she was watching a horror movie! Perhaps, for her, both adult films and horror movies had the same level of impact!

She—she was probably feeling embarrassed, and it felt a little better to her in a way that being covered by the blanket helped. She didn't even know what strange logic she had!

Then, the colored painting began to shake, and immediately a man and a woman came out. They didn't say a few words before they started kissing. She watched and let out a sigh of relief, thinking it wasn't anything, just a kiss!

Then, half a minute later, the plot took a sharp turn. The man and woman in the painting stripped each other naked and started having sex quickly. Lin Meng was dumbfounded, only thinking... This is too fast! Her face, for some reason, suddenly flushed red. Although, there were no outsiders in this room, only her!

Then, her eyes widened in astonishment. The two people during their intimate act, were moving in different positions: sometimes he was on top, sometimes she was, sometimes standing, sometimes sitting, sometimes half-kneeling...

That was a performance like acrobatics, making Lin Meng’s heart skip a beat. When she saw the woman suddenly swallow the man whole, she jumped in fright, her mind going blank for a moment. She felt… good… so incredible…

Then, with a "crunch," there seemed to be a crisp sound. That sound, amidst the moans and groans of the couple, sounded somewhat unreal, almost as if it could be overlooked. It's worth mentioning here that Lin Meng's family had a luxurious home theater system, the surround sound was so realistic, it truly reached the point where the echoes lingered for three days.

Lin Meng's ears twitched, she felt like she had really heard something just now, it seemed like…it seemed like…

She suddenly thought of something, and abruptly turned her head. Then, to her utter despair, she found the one man she least wanted to see was right here.

He stood at the entrance of the hall, his face dark as he looked at her. His handsome features were contorted in a ferocious expression, as if he wanted to kill her! Yet, he stopped short, restraining himself and standing there motionless, staring at her with an unfathomable look that sent shivers down one's spine!

My goodness!

Game over!

With a groan, Lin Meng acted like an ostrich --

I pulled the covers over my head, engulfing myself completely! This time, I was a completely sealed cocoon! Perhaps this way, I could block everything out, pretend nothing had happened.

Humans, it seems, can't afford to "make mistakes"!

Lin Meng's first time watching a pornographic film ended with her being caught red-handed by Huang Lili.

Om Mani Padme Hum!

May your dreams come true!ughing, and then purposely let her win to keep her spirits high.She couldn't possibly ignore such kindness!"I know, I'm fine now, don't worry."After finishing her words, she winked playfully at him.Ch...

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