
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

ersonal ability, he was comparable to Ouyang Yu.However, at the beginning, Ou Yang Wu Di considered Ou Yang Ying Liang's awkward position in the family and wanted to use Ou Yang Yu to compensate, so t...If there were a competition for the "Most Dishonest Person" award, Li Nanfang would definitely be crowned.

Just now, he clearly didn't want to bother with the lucky guy in the desert anymore. He had even said that he wouldn't seek revenge on the child for firing that harmless shot at him. He turned around and walked away.

After walking ten or so steps, he suddenly veered off like a nimble cat, circled around, climbed onto the treetops, and as the Lucky One searched for him, descended from above, kicking the gun barrel aside with one swift kick.

Mr. Li is not a man of integrity.

Don't make promises you can't keep!

Of course, there are two people here in total.

Li Nanshang would never speak ill of himself.

The lucky one had no time to blame Li Nanfang for his breach of trust.

The lucky guy is now utterly regretting his carelessness. Relying on the weapon in his hand, he thought everyone else was just easy prey, but he forgot that everyone here was a special forces soldier of equal or even higher skill level than him.

The elite soldiers of Huaxia are the kings of jungle warfare, a king who forgets his own skills. Facing another king who pushes his abilities to the extreme, what will be the outcome

The lucky ones reacted quickly.

It was as if a voice came from the heavens above, before Li Nanfang could finish his sentence, he raised the rifle in his hand high, its muzzle pointed upwards.

Once he pulls the trigger, Boss Li, who falls from top to bottom like a shooting star, what part of his body will be hit You guys can use your imagination.

Anyway, once this shot is fired, his death will definitely be a gruesome sight.

Fortunately, Li Nanfang was no ordinary man. He was the kind of person who would squat in an outhouse with his face outwards. When he leaped from the branches, he used a thousand-jin drop to increase his descent speed. Before the lucky guy could even raise his gun, Li Nanfang kicked the muzzle aside with a kick.

As he was still in mid-air, he tensed his whole body, the tip of his other foot aimed directly at the lucky one's Tai Ci point.

After this hefty kick, the lucky ones can luckily leave here and rest elsewhere.

But, the name "Lucky Charm" isn't just for show.

Only those with exceptional abilities can seize the opportunities that fortune brings and become true lucky ones.

Li Nanfang's fatal strike didn't reap a life as intended, but instead crashed heavily onto the raised gun barrel.

The lucky one, at the eleventh hour, used that rifle as a makeshift weapon to block, saving his own life.


The sound of gunfire was incredibly clear.

If someone were able to stay within Li Nanfang's spiritual realm, of course, they could also hear the heartbreaking cries erupting from him at the same time.

That gun was considered by Boss Li to be a device that could be used to nail bullets onto the heads of rats. As a result, he kicked it and broke it in half with his foot.

Whom can we blame

Of course, it's all that good-for-nothing lucky fellow's fault.

To die by Li Nanfang's kick, before even feeling the pain, would have been so much better. But he had to use his precious firearm as a shield, didn't he Isn't that just going to further inflame Li Boss's anger

Li Nanshan felt a twinge of sympathy for the gun as it lay there for a split second. The moment he hit the ground, he pushed off with his right leg and lunged towards the unlucky man who had been kicked away by him before he could even stand properly.

Strike while the iron is hot.

This isn't some kind of arena fight, no one has time to engage in a fifteen-minute standoff with you. The way to go is to strike decisively and kill your opponent swiftly.

Unfortunately, Boss Li's opponent was not the kind to be slaughtered.

During the lucky one's soaring journey, they even managed to achieve a feat of borrowing power from thin air, twisting their body with remarkable effort.

His body moved with lightning speed, adjusting to face Li Nanshan.

The whole person was like a spring, legs propped against the tree trunk beside him, knees slightly bent for a short, horizontal pause. At the same time, he drew out his bayonet from inside his right boot and with a burst of force, lifted it straight up, aiming at Li Nanfang's chest and passing by in a flash.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye.

The lucky one's reaction speed was so fast that even Li Nanshan had to admire him slightly.

He truly lives up to the reputation of being chosen by the Dragon Squad's initial selection. With this level of skill, he could be a king amongst soldiers in any special forces unit around the world.

However, he was very unlucky to meet Li Nanfang, whose fighting spirit had been ignited and who was giving it his all.

Li Nanfang, charging forward relentlessly, found himself facing the approaching blade of Master Qin. Just as the tip of the spear was about to pierce his flesh, his body twisted in a most unnatural way.

Yoga softens and flows.

Li Nanfang used this skill for the second time here, taught by Xue's wife who was holding his ear.

The lucky one watched in disbelief as the sure-to-be-fatal strike missed, the bayonet's sharp blade scraping past his opponent's chest cloth and leaving him utterly dumbfounded.

He used the force to propel himself, leaving him suspended in mid-air. He had no more chance for a second boost.

While Li Nanfang stood on level ground, his body agility reached its peak.

So, the lucky one was dumbfounded this time, also able to open their eyes and see the world for the last time in the virtual training ground.

Li Nanfang twisted his body in a strange posture to dodge the bayonet while tightly gripping the wrist of the man holding it with his right hand. His left leg was raised, and his knee slammed into the man's stomach.

The lucky one's whole body curved like a cooked shrimp, being pulled from mid-air by Li Nanfang onto the ground. The hand holding the military thorn was twisted with immense force, and he plunged the thorn into his own heart.

The rain continued to fall, but now what flowed across the ground was not just rainwater, but also blood that was shockingly scarlet.

Li Nanshan's muscles relaxed completely, and then an overwhelming sense of confusion filled his mind.

"How is this trash still here"

Looking at the bloody and lifeless body on the ground, cold and still, with no pulse, Li Nanfang would have almost believed he had just taken a young man's life if it weren't for the understanding that this place was virtual.

"Under normal circumstances, shouldn't it be that after defeating monsters or killing enemies, the loot and equipment are left behind instead of their bodies disappearing completely I've played some online games before, you know."

Li Nanfang crouched on the ground, an inquiry arising from the depths of his heart.

And in the real world, at the bottom of the Dragon's Nest training base, Training Room 3 in the virtual training facility.

Five researchers, with hearts pounding in their chests, rushed to a virtual pod labeled "44" and quickly removed the neural interface equipment from the soldier inside.

The instructors in Area One were anxiously watching that direction.

Seeing the soldier being helped out of the virtual pod, his eyes still vacant, a section leader's heart sank to the bottom of the well. He roared on the spot, "Take him to the recovery training room and start Program A for recovery training. Report on the progress of the recovery training at all times!"

As the area leader's words fell, two "local" soldiers immediately rushed up and carefully helped the No. 44 away.

Don't be fooled by many people calling virtual reality training a high-tech military tactic with infinite value. In reality, the drawbacks of this tactic sometimes far outweigh its benefits.

Virtual reality training allows soldiers to experience countless life-and-death simulations without risking their physical safety.

When first participating in this kind of training, one has to endure the immense psychological pressure of confronting death.

Virtual reality technology allows for the simulation of death in training environments, capturing the feeling of true mortality through data. This was achieved by countless experts who recorded physiological indicators of tens of thousands of deceased individuals and cross-referenced them to generate these accurate datasets.

People with strong psychological resilience, such as those like Jinghong Ming, will also experience at least ten minutes of brain consciousness blankness after trying the taste of death.

They can dispel the psychological shadows that remain in their hearts by relying on their own strong willpower.

But what about these new recruits

Soldier No. 44, who was killed by Li Nanfang, was definitely someone with a strong psychological capacity. Only then could he wake up calmly and accept recovery training.

If this were placed on someone with a weak psyche, they would subconsciously form the deep-seated belief that they are dead, and they would never be able to open their eyes again.

Whether it's the virtual world or the real world.

Watching the new recruits stumble and be helped away, the high-ranking officials at Longteng Training Base all wore solemn expressions.

Until Jing Hong took a step forward and addressed the crowd, "Whether it be an individual, an army, or even the development of a nation, they must all go through hardships that ordinary people cannot comprehend."

Before this training began, we already knew what the consequences would be, so there's no need to dwell on pointless regrets here.

A true soldier needs to be tempered by blood and fire, and equally capable of enduring training in life and death.

If they cannot withstand simulated death on the training ground, how can they hope to achieve immortality on the true battlefield

Everyone, return to your posts. Soon there will be more "deceased" for us to receive!

Jing Hong's words dispelled the oppressive atmosphere here.

Everyone cheered up and plunged back into the work of weaving Zhang's silk.

Jing Hong walked with her red life-signal blinking, once again returning to Research Room 11. Her eyes fixed on the three "virtual pods" lined up inside the room behind the one-way glass, she carefully considered a question. Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

"Should we give that demon a little push in the right direction"

Jing Hongming's self-talk was soft.

The oldest researcher closest to him widened his eyes in disbelief, staring at Director Jing Hong's retreating figure.

Old friends may have a bit of hearing loss.

He actually heard "work harder" as "work hard, work hard".

Okay, despite the fact that this demon, although appearing as a man, possesses a woman's body, causing astonishment among everyone present. But for Chief Jing Hong to touch him like that, wouldn't it damage his authority

The old friend sighed and shook his head, not daring to say much.

If Jinghong knew what the old geezer was thinking, she would definitely scold him for being "a rascal."

I am not like Li Nanfang, a despicable person who would do anything dirty.

If Li Nanfang were here, he would most likely be wondering "Is Yang Xiao a man or a woman" and would probably try to find out by examining his genitals.

Ke Jinghong had already looked over the Red No. 1 file a long time ago.

Once it was confirmed that Yang Xiao was a descendant of Emperor Xuanyuan, I knew exactly where this demon came from.

How could he possibly have feelings for a man who changes between day and night Even if he did, it should be Shen Qingwu. Forget it, none of the three people in this room could possibly attract his affections.

However, thanks to Shen Qingwu's self-proclaimed intelligence, she fell for that demon despite being unaware of Yang Xiao's true identity and condition.

Forget it, with Shen Qingwu's inexplicable restrictions, it's best to avoid that demon as much as possible.

"He is living, and that makes him infinitely more valuable than if he were dead."

Jing Hong uttered to himself again, proving that he had abandoned the idea of killing Yang Xiao. He turned back and asked those researchers, "How is it going Can you detect the cause of that person's body anomaly This kind of thing should be explainable by science, right"

Like the sexy aunt, please collect everyone: (twfanti.) The sexy aunt updates the fastest.Fan said with a reluctant expression."I know." Si Kong Yanran raised her head, her expression somewhat complex. This guy seemed to make it incredibly difficult for him and Luo Xueyan to get into bed."...

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