
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

lly at Lin Yifeng, then affectionately looped her arm around Zhu Hu's, and said in a sweet voice: "Do whatever you want.""Then come from behind." Lin Yifeng lowered his voice and said to the beauty's...The strong winds and sand near the ruins of Sule City have a mysterious origin. No one can say for sure why they occur.

It is known that since thirty years ago, when the sandstorm buried the ancient city of Shule, this place has experienced periodic wind and sand erosion without interruption.

If observed by meteorological satellite, a synoptic image is formed.

One can see that within a radius of 100 li from the ancient city of Shule, starting from the southeast and extending northwestward, a continuous demonic wind sweeps across the land.

It is this demonic wind that allows the Taklamakan Desert to expand at a rate of ten meters per year in a northwest direction.

Perhaps tens of thousands of years from now, the center of the Asian continent will be completely transformed into a desert.

Who said that

Things that happen thousands of years later are too far away, I only look at morning and evening.

one hundred kilometers of distance.

It didn't take long, driving an ordinary car at full speed for about half an hour.

Though not excessively long, the sprawling city of Jinghua stretches for hundreds of kilometers from east to west. On foot, it would take an ordinary person a day and a night just to traverse it.

To walk one hundred miles against the wind in a sandstorm.

Nobody can do it.

Even demonic beings are unacceptable.

Li Nanfang at most was only riding on Lao Hei's eagerness to find a safe haven, which allowed him to trek 20 kilometers through wind and sand.

This requires a short break before engaging in some shady, underhanded activities.

Those American mercenaries without the protection of a Black Dragon, wanting to cross hundreds of miles of sand and wind on their own would be utter folly.

These mercenaries were dumbfounded when they received a call from Lao Hei saying that today's duty had been canceled.

Lao Hei, of course, wouldn't tell them that he had been scared away by the name "Mr. Gao". He just said that he had observed the celestial phenomena and found that today was not a good day for anything, so he went home.

This enraged the group of foreign mercenaries who had finally arrived in Huaxia.

Do you think that the carefully devised plan to smuggle satellites, which you came up with after spending a night stargazing, can be simply discarded

Thus, the mercenary captain made a phone call back to his superiors, exaggerating the situation and embellishing the story.

The response from the top brass in the US Empire was, to escort the satellite out of there within 12 hours at all costs, and be prepared to leave no survivors if necessary.

That was the command, leaving Old Hei, who still had a sliver of hope, with no chance of survival.

Thus, many mercenaries, with a heart full of excitement, drove straight to the ancient city of Shule. Then, they unfortunately encountered a sandstorm that would last for several hours.

The mercenaries were only responsible for perimeter support and had never considered venturing into the Taklamakan Desert.

Therefore, they were unfamiliar with the natural environment surrounding Shule Ancient City and had no idea that this sandstorm would last for several hours.

As a mercenary, claiming to be able to rival the world's elite forces.

A little bit of wind and sand is no match for their stride.

This group of people charged forward without hesitation, only to be completely dumbfounded when they were truly surrounded by the sandstorm.

The head of the tour group regretted immensely reporting Lao Hei to his superiors. If he hadn't gossiped about Lao Hei behind his back, there wouldn't have been an order to get rid of the satellite within 12 hours.

This order hung over their heads like a sword of Damocles.

Keep charging forward, there's still hope.

But once you look back, the least punishment is to be left with nothing but your bare rear end.

A team of 12, after pushing forward in the wind and sand for too long, had to get out of their vehicle and push two borrowed vans forward.

This domestically produced Chinese small bread is unlikely to withstand the strong winds and sandstorms.

Scraping things is a minor issue, at worst it's just gone.

But if you run into a small hurricane, the whole car, along with everyone in it, could be lifted into the air. It would be such a tragic death.

Therefore, the car can't be driven.

Only a group of people can line up in a long queue, fix themselves with ropes, and rely on the front of a bread truck to block the wind and sand, pushing the car forward on foot.

As the sun set in the west, they had marched against the wind for several hours straight.

Even the most elite troops will have their combat effectiveness greatly reduced.

The leader noticed that if they continued like this, even if they caught up to Old Hei, his men wouldn't have the ability to handle any crisis. He could only helplessly order them to find a temporary shelter to rest and regroup.

Hearing the big boss's order, the many team members immediately wanted to cheer loudly.

As soon as the result opened its mouth, it got a big mouthful of sand. It gritted its teeth and hurried to find a place to stop, drinking some water and rinsing its mouth.

Fate often plays cruel tricks on the kind.

Just like the famous taxi theory, when you don't want to take a cab, cars drive by endlessly. When you're in a rush, taxis seem to vanish into thin air.

This group of mercenaries was also teased by God.

I used to rush headlong, ignoring the flimsy shelters of protection that appeared along the way.

Now I want to stop, but there isn't even a slight rise in the sand dunes to be seen.

After another two hours of strenuous travel, they finally found a suitable shelter from the wind. Can their fervent desire be described in words

Of course not.

Even if language cannot describe it, they still want to cheer loudly and express their inner joy.

Again, words came out of her mouth, only to be met with a mouthful of sand. She gritted her teeth and walked on in frustration.

Finally, after several agonizing minutes of preparation, within the desolate expanse of the desert and a meager shelter formed by two bread trucks, all the mercenaries were finally able to pull out their water bottles, gulp down water, rinse their mouths, and feel the meaning of being alive.

When everyone had succumbed to the torment of sand and dust, considering how to repair on-the-spot during the exam, a sudden drop of icy water landed on someone's face.

"Did it rain"

That person reached out and wiped their face, then looked up at the sky.

The sand and dust blinded her eyes, only then did she realize that it was impossible for rain to fall in this place.

If it wasn't rain, then what was the liquid falling on his cheek

It feels sticky.

Just as this man was clearing the sand from his eyes, he pondered whether it wouldn't be more bothersome to have bird droppings land on his face in this awful weather.

The mercenary captain's bellow echoed through the ranks: "Blood, it's blood! All hands to battle stations!"

Yes, it's blood.

That was a twenty-centimeter long dagger in Li Nanfang's hand. As it horizontally pierced someone's throat, it brought out blood that went with the wind and sand. Before it could dry, it fell onto the person's face.

Lee Nánfāng always felt that the best time to kill was at night.

Only in the darkness can the blood of those damned not frighten the good people who live in the light.

An old black henchman, half his body buried in a sleeping bag and then under the sand, may be dreaming of the beautiful scene of ten women by night.

Suddenly, I was stabbed in the throat by a knife.

Then, with a tranquil smile, she passed away without a sound.

He died peacefully, without any pain or fear of death.

This left Li Nanfang, who had killed him, with no trace of the remaining guilt he had felt in his heart.

My aunt often talks about "eighteen or more painless methods of death," is there one that involves stabbing someone's throat while they sleep


But that doesn't matter anymore.

At the mere thought of her aunt, Li Nanshan felt even more energetic.

He originally thought that after experiencing so much, when he used the power of the Black Dragon again, he shouldn't have wrist fatigue anymore.

After all, Boss Li felt that his mental strength had grown a lot.

Unfortunately, the reality was that as soon as he poked his head out from under the big truck, though he still had the strength to release a sand scorpion and widen his eyes searching for a target, he quickly fell asleep lying beneath the vehicle.

Fortunately, those on guard duty didn't have the habit of inspecting the car undercarriage.

Also thanks to the fact that these people have lived for years in the completely safe underground city of Shule, they have lost their sense of crisis.

This allowed Li Nanfang to sleep for three or four hours and was still alive and well.

To thank them, Li Nanfang was the one who truly transformed himself into a ghost and sent them to another world in a quiet way.

Otherwise, given his hot temper, he would surely have pulled out his gun, aimed at the gas tanks of several surrounding cars, and pulled the trigger. Then, while those people struggled in the flames, he would leisurely drive away in the truck behind him.

At the end, flipping them off is also essential.

Their negligence was met with Mr. Li's mercy.

When Li Boss was being kind, he would think of Aunt Yue. Then he'd think of his aunt, heartbroken and devastated in Qingshan Women's Prison.

Having finished the mission, he rushed back into his aunt's embrace. He hugged her tightly and told her all about how he, a mere child, had bravely snatched the satellite from the midst of countless enemies.

Isn't that life pleasant

When you are diligent in life, you naturally work harder.

Lao Hei's thirty men, except for two who were lowing their heads and dozing off in the windbreak at the highest point of the Gobi Desert, all died peacefully, whether they were in the car or in the sandstorm.

Lao He is not dead.

Because he is the boss.

Leaders, after all, should have some more privileges than the common people.

Li Nanfang also wanted Lao Hei to live for a while longer.

But, if Old Hei seeks his own death, there's nothing we can do about it.

Lao Hei, who had slept the whole day, got up to pee just as Li Nanshan stealthily approached the top of the Gobi to take care of the last two people.

No sooner had he gotten out of the car than Lao Hei was startled by a half-bodied white figure.

The shadow seemed like a giant gecko hanging on an extremely steep desert wall.

If it were daytime or well-lit, Old Hei would certainly be able to tell that it was a white shirt.

Li Nanfang was afraid of getting his newly-received stand-collar tunic coat dirty, so he put it down on the side, revealing the white undershirt underneath.

"What is this!"

Lao Hei subconsciously asked a question, breaking Li Boss's peaceful ambiance of seeing people off.

Unable to vent his anger at the black devil who was ruining art, Li Nanshan leaped twice and jumped to the top of the Gobi.

Two guards, still dazed from being woken by their boss's voice, suddenly felt a chill run down their spines. The power in their bodies slowly drained away from where the cold wind entered.

"Boom! Boom!"

The sound of two people landing on the ground woke Lao Hei up.

This guy is quite a character.

The moment he realized the illusory nature of his existence, he didn't waste time shouting or striking back at those around him.

He simply sprinted into the truck driver's cabin with a speed completely incongruous with his imposing stature – 1.9 meters tall and weighing 290 kilograms – jumped into the driver's seat, started the engine, and slammed his foot down on the accelerator, fleeing wildly.

Lao Hei's thoughts were very simple.

Whoever comes is already exposed.

His most trusted subordinates would surely wake up at the first moment, and engage in a fierce battle with the enemy who had exposed their whereabouts.

While I held back the God of Slaughter, he was able to escape in his car for tens of thousands of miles.

But what he didn't expect was that those subordinates had lost the opportunity to stop the enemy long before he woke up.

In the pitch black night, with the wind howling and car headlights creating visual discrepancies, Lao Hei couldn't see what was behind him.

He didn't even bother to look, just slammed his foot on the gas pedal and kept accelerating.

Who knew that before the big truck could truly accelerate, several figures appeared under the illumination of headlights from the vehicle ahead.

"The enemy's accomplice!"

Lao Hei labeled the identities of the group ahead in his mind, then drew his handgun from his waist.

Like the nympho aunt, please collect everyone: () The nympho aunt updates the fastest.tylish!Liu Qin was a little speechless. She had no right to interfere with their behavior. She wanted to ask Tutu to take care of it, but when she looked at Tutu, she found that Tutu seemed oblivious...

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