
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

ng both sisters serve that stinky boy. Lin Meixin's heart was itching, and at this moment, the doorbell rang again outside. She got up and put on her pajamas.She originally wanted to wear an undergarm...It's really hard to say just how wealthy Li Nanshan is.

Even the profits from the Golden Triangle, with over 80% donated, the remaining amount in Li Boss's hands is still an unimaginable sum for ordinary people.

Unfortunately, with such vast wealth, when he entered Shule Ancient County alone, no one would believe him just by saying it out of his mouth.

Just like Yue Ziting now.

No matter how high her status, no matter how she dealt with these old men from the wilderness villages like stepping on ants. She couldn't drive them away with scolding and anger.

On the contrary, others can.

That person is the "Uncle Two" who brought Yue Zitung here to be sold.

At the moment when the head of the Yue family was utterly despondent, at the instant when she felt completely hopeless, the cold words of the human trafficker ironically became her salvation.

A group of old bachelors were stunned for a moment, then immediately turned around.

When Wang the Crippled saw the visitor's face, he burst into laughter and hurried forward to greet them.

"Hey man, you're back Did you find a pretty girl Just in time, I have money now, let's buy another one. This one isn't enough for us to split—split it up, split it up! Ouch!"

Old Wang, the cripple, hadn't finished speaking before his words turned into a painful wail.

That peddler grabbed his arm and twisted it backwards with one hand. Old Wang, the cripple, immediately arched his body like a cooked shrimp and cried out non-stop: "Old buddy, if there's something wrong, just talk about it. Don't use force. It hurts, really hurts."

"You know pain, yet you're still so unruly I sold this person to you to be your wife, not for you to resell! Selling her to four or five people at once Well done, Wang Lao Quezi. I never knew you had such business acumen before!"

The trafficker said this.

It's clearly meant to punish Old Wang the Crippled in order to maintain the rules of their industry.

But, could those old men just stare with their eyes wide open over there

In the village, over all these years, who knows how many young brides were sold in. Old Wang was still the first one willing to share with them.

For the common good, we must save Old Lame Wang.

The honesty of the people from the mountains showed itself.

Without a word, they began to clash. They didn't utter a single syllable, but rushed forward in unison, ready to drive the blind peddler away.

In our village, do you think an outsider like you can be so arrogant

And the result It was simply amazing.

Four or five old bachelors kicked the peddler dressed in beggar's clothes out the door, one by one.

At this moment, Old Wang the cripple also became enraged.

He buys people with money, those are the customers.

The customer is king.

Have you ever seen anyone who is so good at business that they seem to be playing God

God was angry, and the result——wow, it's beautiful.

Old Wang, the lame man, was lying on the ground, about to continue arguing with the peddler when he suddenly saw another woman dressed in beggar's clothes.

That woman's figure was very alluring.

Although Old Wang the cripple didn't understand the meaning of the word "妖嬈," he felt it was the right word to use.

That woman was very alluring.

Although—forget it.

According to Old Wang's lame questioning skills, it was just one sentence: "This woman is too beautiful, so beautiful that I want to sleep with her, just like the new daughter-in-law who just moved in."

As soon as he had that thought, the beautiful woman in flats stepped on his head with her foot.

This woman was so light, her entire weight rested on Old Wang's crippled head. All he felt was his face buried in the ground, oblivious to any pain.

More importantly, such a person should be trampled underfoot.

This is Wang Lao Quzi's inner thoughts.

To be stepped on the head by a woman, and to feel it as a great honor.

Even glancing at that proud woman was a blessing earned from his past lives.

This woman, stepping on the old, crippled Wang and several other men sprawled on the ground, walked into the house.

At this point, if you look closely, many people will find that the beggar pretending to be a human trafficker just now used quite clever force when kicking these old bachelors out.

They just happened to line up, forming a human carpet for the beautiful woman to walk barefoot on.

After the beautiful woman stepped into the room, stepping on the last man's back, the beggar immediately bowed and said, "Master."

A simple title reveals the noblewoman who walks into the room and steps on a human-shaped rug. What is her identity

Shen Qingwu.

The leader of the Beggar's Gang, Shen Qingwu.

"Go out, and wait for me outside."

Shen Qingwu gently waved her hand.

The beggar, pretending to be a human trafficker, immediately went out the door, and did not forget to close the door.

Yue Zitong saw this scene.

From her position lying in bed, she only needed to tilt her face slightly to see everything the woman did from the moment she appeared to when she entered the room.

Is this woman beautiful

That's really beautiful.

Even though her aesthetic tastes differed greatly from those of the elderly bachelors who had been single for decades, Yue Zitong had to admit that the woman entering the room was incredibly beautiful, so alluring that she was almost as stunning as her own aunt.

Why is there a one-point difference

Because this woman doesn't wear clothes.

Such a good figure, such a stunning face, hidden under a tattered beggar's outfit, it's simply a waste!

"Yue Zitoung, aren't you thinking of ruining my beauty with this outfit again"

Shen Qingwu's first words echoed the thoughts in Yue Zitong's heart at that moment.

Without waiting for Yue Zitong's reply, Shen Qingwu helplessly shook her head and sighed: "A normal woman at this time, at the very least, should have some kind of desperate sobbing."

A smart woman seeing me would surely be burning with rage, cursing me for why I would do this.

Yet you dare to question my aesthetic taste here, suspecting my clothing coordination skills.

Yue Zichong, you're amazing!

Since you don't seem to care about your own reputation, there's no point in me wasting my time here.

It's all my fault, I'm too soft-hearted.

He actually arrived on time.

"I should be back tomorrow morning."

Shen Qingwu seemed very unhappy with Yue Zichong's current performance.

After finishing his speech, he turned and pulled the door open, walking out.

Yue Zitong was dumbfounded.

What does this mean

I know it was you who hurt me.

I also know that you appearing at this time wouldn't just be watching your aunt being mistreated.

Understanding these principles, relax and question your attire. Do you really need to be this uncomfortable

"Hey, stop right there!"

Yue Zitong couldn't bear it anymore, finally opening her mouth to shout loudly.

But Shen Qingwu simply pretended not to hear, stepping over the layers of people on the carpet and walking out.

When Miss Shen stepped on the cripple Wang's head and stood firmly on solid ground again, she simply raised her hand and waved lightly, saying: "Let them go back. You're just a peddler by yourself, what rules do you talk about I'm just a beggar, I can't even afford to eat enough, who cares about your rules!"

"Yes, Boss."

The beggar pretended to be a human trafficker and agreed with a nod, then kicked repeatedly.

Those bachelors in the village were again lured into his house.

"Do whatever you want. We'll be back tomorrow morning."

The sound of the voice echoed into the room.

Yue Zichong couldn't see where the person went, but she knew that the one who had saved her at the last moment was gone.

And after those several old bachelors had cursed in low, nasty voices for a while, they resumed their wretched appearances and all turned to approach him.

"Honey, we're here."

Old Wang, the limping man, shouted loudly and was the first to get into bed.

From the depths of despair to the elation of rescue, and now falling back into the clutches of fear and jealousy, Yue Zitong completely broke down. There was no time left for her to ponder why that sudden woman had such a twisted way of thinking.

"Get out, get out of here!"

Yue Zidong exerted all his strength and roared loudly, but because of his wrist strength, he couldn't draw up any air and fainted on the spot.

Quiet, oh no, not really quiet.

Darkness surrounded me, I couldn't see anything.

... Yet, numerous faint snores could be heard around me, along with a faint sour smell that was quite noticeable, and indistinct groans that were barely audible.

The snoring is a man's snoring, the cry is a public cry.

The faint cry, signifies that this is the last sliver of darkness before dawn.

As dawn approached, Yue Ziyong's darkness was about to begin.

She finally couldn't escape the misfortune of being defiled by the old bachelor. No matter how long she could live afterwards, from tonight onwards she was already considered dead.

Once a person's heart dies, they are as good as dead.

Yue Ziton's eyes widened as she stared at the pitch-black night. Slowly, the sadness left her, and even the hatred for the depraved woman who had pushed her into the fire pit faded. She no longer felt resentment towards the woman who had defiled her old bachelor...

No matter how much hatred there is, it cannot change her fate. Even if she could shatter that woman into a thousand pieces and kill all these old bachelors, would she be able to go back to the way she was

I don't know if the person sleeping beside me was Old Wang with a limp or not, but seeing several men pounce over like that was something Yue Zitong would never forget.

That person mumbled in their sleep as they turned over, one arm falling across their chin and a leg draped over their hip.

Yue Zitong remained as diligent as ever, staring straight up at the pitch-black ceiling, her soul drifting further and further away.

She wished she could stay in this darkness forever, even if it consumed her until she herself became a darkness unseen by anyone.

That way, she could go to any lengths and harm anyone who displeased her for no reason at all!

With a whoosh.

The door opened.

Then, two red candles inside the room began to burn.

A faint light illuminated the entire room.

Yet, Ke Yue Zitong squeezed her eyes shut tightly, refusing to let any light enter them.

She felt that she was not only a shame to herself, but also a shame to her nephew Li Nanfang. She felt utterly disgraced.

From now on, I won't look for him again.

I'm sure he will be very happy.

You no longer have to worry about my bad temper, go ahead and do whatever you want with any woman, without fear of returning and facing my displeasure.

Li Nanshan, goodbye.

I won't die, at least not before I kill everyone who wronged my aunt.

But, don't think I'm alive.

I am no longer worthy of being your woman.

Thinking about these things, Yue Zichong's tears began to flow incessantly.

She desperately reached out to wipe away her tears, trying not to cry, but couldn't stop them.

She kicked and struggled against those around her, trying to drive them away, but she couldn't escape the nightmare that had already tainted her.

Soon, besides Yue Zitong who curled up on the bed with her legs hugging her knees, there was no one else.

"Well, that's right. That's a normal reaction for a woman to have."

A gentle female voice sounded in his ear.

Yue Zitou suddenly opened her eyes and saw the pervert woman who had appeared yesterday.

"I killed you!"

Yè Zǐ Tóng erupted, jumping off the bed in a flash. Her palms transformed into claws, lunging towards that woman's fair neck with a swipe.

Unfortunately, Shen Qingwu only raised her hand slightly and easily blocked Yue Zidong's lightning-fast grab.

"That's right, that's how a smart woman should react."

Shen Qingwu laughed happily, raised her hand and grabbed a handful of Yue Zichong's chest, and said with a smile: "You don't dress up well either."

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