
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

t the peak for much longer.'" 。"For example, Master you, Tiger Woods, Jon Rahm 。“They are all devout to martial arts,” said Xu Jingming. 。"Those who are truly dedicated to martial arts are the ones...Wang Yi moved on the rooftop, changing her position, drawing her bow and shooting arrows again and again. Each arrow was supersonic and aimed at the thunderclouds. 。Ke Leiyun, as the world's number one master of body technique, has reached an inconceivable level. He doesn't even need to look at the arrows; he can simply dodge them by sensing the abnormal vibrations in the wind. 。For Lei Yun, walking on the wind was already instinct. 。But this scene was a great shame for Wang Yi. 。"To be standing with his back to me, allowing me to shoot arrows, yet I couldn't hit him" Each arrow missed, landing on the stone floor, but it was as if they were striking Wang Yi's own heart. She felt stifled and pained. 。How proud she is. 。She admitted that there were people in the world stronger than her, but she couldn't accept that there were people who turned their backs on her, allowing her to shoot arrows at them without hitting a single one. 。The more enraged he became, the colder Wang Yi's expression grew, as if an iceberg, without a ripple. 。< outsiders can't feel the burning rage that simmers beneath her cool exterior. > 。When she reached her boiling point, for a moment her eyes turned bloodshot, and the flow of blood in her body seemed to quicken. In that instant, she felt like her brain was buzzing, and her thoughts and reactions sped up. 。Her muscles and bones were incredibly clear at this moment, she could clearly mobilize every strand of muscle power, allowing the explosive power throughout her body to reach a brand new level. 。"Draw your bow!" Wang Yi drew her bow as always, but this time, she pulled it to its absolute limit. The bow was bent to an extreme degree, truly pulled back as far as it could go. 。You should know that when Wang Yi performs 'archery rapid fire', she usually only pulls the string to one-third its full length. She uses a greater pull for armor-piercing arrows. 。At this moment, her great bow was bent almost to its breaking point. 。Wang Yi could feel the tremors of the bowstring's material. 。"Shoot!" Wang Yi's mind was incredibly clear, her right hand relaxed. 。

The arrow tore through the air at a terrifying speed, heading straight for Lei Yunfei who was over sixty meters away. 。Lei Yunfang was still facing away from the arrow, his main attention focused on Xu Jingming. 。"Hmm" Lei Yunfang sensed an unusual tremor in the wind. This tremor was different from before, causing Lei Yunfang's expression to change slightly as he suddenly turned his head. 。

Just as he turned his head, a blurry arrow shadow was already within ten meters. 。Too fast!Lei Yun's eyes widened, almost impossible, his body suddenly shifted sideways. 。

"Pfft" 。"An arrow flashed past." 。

The arrow merely brushed Lei Yunfang's waist, tearing a few pieces from his robe. But such speed, the force of the wind carried by the arrow was like a blade. Lei Yunfang wasn't even wearing armor, and the attack directly tore away a piece of flesh, blood splattering everywhere. 。"Lei Yunfang was injured!"

"Wang Yi's arrow wounded Lei Yunfang!"

Countless viewers who had originally believed the situation to be certain were stunned. Before, Wang Yi's arrows seemed like toys, unable to even touch Lei Yunfang. 。But this time the arrow was noticeably faster. Lei Yun still had his back to the arrow and didn't notice it until it was too late. 。The virtual world shows that the arrow reached a maximum speed of 612 meters per second. To put things in perspective, Wang Yi's previous arrows only reached about 460 meters per second. 。The male guest Jin Fan pointed at the speed displayed by the virtual world system. 。"Wang Yi broke through!" Female guest Ji Wenqing was even more delighted. 。"Teacher Lei Yunfang, you've been put to work!" host Liu Xin said even more. 。At this moment, Mr. and Mrs. Xu Hong, Mr. and Mrs. Li Chen'an, Old Master Xu, Li Miaomiao, and many relatives and friends, including He Fang and Liu Chongyuan who were eliminated from the competition, were all incredibly excited watching... 。"What the heck" Cheng Zihou, Sun Li and others couldn't believe it. The situation could actually reverse

"Come on, Master!" Pang Yun and his classmates shouted excitedly from the stands. 。At the moment he was injured, Lei Yun stomped his foot, instantly transforming into a green shadow and darting towards Wang Yi on the rooftop in the distance. 。"Wang Yi actually broke through!" Lei Yunfang felt the impact of his waist injury, even slowing his speed by a notch. He could only reach 90% of his original speed, but he still unleashed all his power. 。Xu Jingming had been pressed so hard that he was about to collapse, barely resisting out of instinct. But suddenly, Lei Yunfang got injured and abandoned himself, rushing straight towards Wang Yi. 。Xu Jingming instantly felt relieved, but he also understood...he had to seize the opportunity. 。。Xu Jingming stomped his foot and, with the same speed, unleashed a full-powered burst. He transformed into a blurry, crimson shadow, chasing after Lei Yunfang. 。Even at his peak, Lei Yunfang would need about a second to reach over sixty meters, even without any interference. 。Wang Yi stood on the roof, motionless, still poised like a drawn bow, her gaze fixed on the gathering storm clouds. She watched as a streak of azure approached. 。"Charge!"Lei Yunfang's face was grim, and Xu Jingming, who was sprinting behind him at full speed, seemed to be slightly slower. 。But as long as he just stopped, as long as he dodged... Xu Jingming would be able to catch up, his spear would come charging in. 。Given his current state, he's completely outmatched against Xu Jingming. 。

The archer must be eliminated first. 。"Just then" 。When the distance narrowed to thirty meters, Wang Yi suddenly drew back her bowstring fully, and an arrow shot out instantly. 。One arrow, two arrows, three arrows! Wang Yi let the opponent charge towards her, dodging none of their attacks. All her energy was focused on the bow and arrow in her hand. In a mere instant, she let loose three arrows. 。The closer they got, the greater the threat each arrow posed. 。Lei Yunfang held both swords, and the pursuing Xu Jingming behind him left him no choice but to dodge. Instead, he slightly shifted his body and lunged forward, wielding his blades to deflect the arrows. 。If the first arrow was relatively easy to block, 。

The second arrow was even more dangerous. 。The third arrow is already within ten meters. 。Even before she broke through, Wang Yi's threat at such close range with a single arrow would have been substantial. 。And at this moment, the terrifying arrow... At such close proximity now, Lei Yunfang could only rely on instinct to wield his sword. 。"Boom" 。He only felt a tremor in his abdomen, his blade swung empty! He failed to block it. 。"Die!" Lei Yunfang knew things were dire, yet he still forcefully swung his blade. The blade flashed, and a red mark appeared on Wang Yi's body. Her form started to fade into an illusion. 。Wang Yi, however, broke into a smile. 。At her speed, if she chose to run, she would only be caught and killed with a single strike by Leiyun. 。

Don't dodge, shoot with all your might, you may even have a chance to kill. 。"Not bad... one for one!" Wang Yi's body was illusory, looking at the huge hole in Lei Yun's abdomen. 。The thunderclouds stopped, he lowered his head to look at the hole in his abdomen. The arrow had pierced through completely, tearing a fist-sized hole and blood gurgled out. 。Such a terrifying wound made Lei Yun stop struggling. He turned to face Xu Jingming, who was chasing after him. 。Xu Jingming also stopped, holding his spear and looking at Lei Yunfang. 。

I lost 。Lei Yunfang looked at Xu Jingming, his mood complex, "I didn't expect to lose to you young guys" 。I teamed up with Sister Yi, and we only barely managed to win. 。"Xu Jingming said, after the previous confrontation, he was very clear about the gap between himself and Senior Lei Yunfang." 。Under the pressure of the other party's full effort, how much pressure does it bring to oneself 。"We lost, we lost. After all, this is a team competition." 。"Just you two little guys, teaming up to defeat me." 。Also make sure to give Liu Hai a taste of his own medicine. 。"always"

Xu Jingming nodded. 。

Leiyun's abdomen was riddled with holes, blood flowing out too quickly. His body also became illusory and finally completely dissipated, leaving this place. 。

"Actually won" 。Xu Jingming couldn't even believe it himself. He knew that he was no match for Lei Yunpang on his own. 。But Yi Jie broke through, and their cooperation naturally increased their deterrent effect. 。As the storm clouds dispersed, the rain that had been falling over the town also ceased. The sun emerged from behind the clouds, bathing the town in its warm light after the downpour. It was a beautiful sight, made even more breathtaking by the appearance of a rainbow. 。Xu Jingming looked towards the distance, Yang Qingxue was also standing on the roof, and both of them smiled. 。Finally won this semi-final match! Can advance to the final and have the ultimate showdown with Master Liu Hai's team. 。

"Wow" 。The town crumbled before their eyes, and Xu Jingming and Yang Qingxue also faded into phantoms, returning to the battle space. 。Let's congratulate the LiMu team for winning this semi-final match. They will face the LiuHai team in the final. 。“Announcer Liu Xin excitedly said, ‘Let me announce another piece of news. The Pear Wood team is the only team in this Firebrand Cup competition to have two Tier 3 masters.’” 。tantly approaching the limit of death. 。Even in a harsh environment close to death, one must still focus on practicing marksmanship! Only when the mind is more focused and dedicated can it remain una...

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