
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

d and bumped the little guy on the forehead with it.A very masculine way to do things!but there was not a trace of blame!The little guy giggled, feeling all the bad feelings in his heart disappear!Let...He Ya's revenge came so quickly, it was something Lin Meng had never expected.

Bingbing cried, a child's milk is always plentiful, she wasn't afraid to be seen crying like this, wailing loudly, causing the women around, both big and small, to gather around Lin Meng, pointing and whispering.

Lin Meng didn't know what was going on. She had just gone to the restroom with He Ya, Li Yiping, and Xiao Bingbing. While the other two were in the bathroom, she looked after Bingbing for a moment. But suddenly, the child rushed over and bit her arm. The child's teeth were incredibly sharp; it hurt quite a bit. Lin Meng instinctively wanted to pull her hand back and push the child away, but before she could do anything, the child leaned back and fell to the ground, seemingly hitting her head. She then burst into tears.

She quickly soothed her, not even minding the bite on her own arm. The child's mother and aunt rushed out of the bathroom and joined in the soothing.

The little boy cried out, "She's bad, she pushed me...woo head hurts..."

Li Yiping felt heartbroken. She glared fiercely at Lin Meng and asked, "Lin Meng, what do you mean by this!"

Lin Meng was stunned, suddenly not understanding what was going on!

"Lin Meng, what do you mean! Is this how you behave as an adult! Picking on a child, what are you trying to prove!" He Ya was furious and marched forward, raising her hand and slapping Lin Meng hard across the face, almost knocking his sunglasses askew!

When Lin Meng reacted, her face burned with pain. Covering her face, she looked at the child who had always been called an "angel" in disbelief.

"Bingbing, I didn't push you!" She tried to talk to the little child so rationally, but to know, using rational methods to deal with children is simply useless!

Bing Bing was still crying, as if because she was a child, crying was her best response.

He Ya shouted, "Everyone saw you push Bingbing! You still want to deny it! Lin Meng, you really have no shame!"

Saying that, he pretended to hit again.

Lin Meng suddenly pursed her lips, raised her hand, grasped He Ya's arm, and in a serious tone, said sternly: "I didn't!"

He Yaya let out a furious laugh, her usually proud face now radiating an unyielding aura of invincibility. She seemed to have become the embodiment of justice itself. "You all saw it yourselves, am I supposed to be accusing you falsely!"

Because the change happened so quickly, and Lin Meng was completely caught off guard, all anyone saw was the child suddenly collapsing to the ground. Perhaps because the one crying was a child, that impression was enough. Everyone immediately stood by He Ya's side, nodding in agreement, their eyes on Lin Meng filled with reproach, as if she were the villain!

The dream forest was indescribable, but when it was brought to an end by He Ya, Rong Ling and Jiang Dongxian were already waiting outside.

"Brother Rong, you're being too harsh. Please let Lin Meng go back!" That was He Ya's request.

The little one, crying in distress, was met with sympathy from everyone, including Rong Ling. He frowned, holding the child in his arms and comforting him softly.

For this little girl, Rong Ling can have many special and tender sides!

Although the little girl's voice was broken, sobbing and crying at the same time, several people were still able to discern the meaning in her words.

The little guy said: Lin Meng was warning her, telling her not to occupy Uncle Rong anymore, otherwise, she would have a taste of her own medicine. She didn't agree and got angry, biting Lin Meng. Lin Meng pushed her to the ground angrily!

A brief message, but it seems to reveal a woman's ruthlessness!

"Uncle Rong, it hurts... *Sniffle* ...Bad sister... don't she..."

The little boy was crying, his face wet with tears, and his big eyes were red. He looked so pitiful! Rong Ling's gaze towards Lin Meng turned cold. This little girl was special to him in a way that...

Li Yiping anxiously expressed that she wanted to take the child to be filmed, but she must make sure nothing happens like falling and hurting their head.

At that time, Lin Meng did a foolish thing. Looking back on it now, she would even think it was a stupid thing to do.

"She's lying!" she retorted loudly, perhaps angry, or maybe a little jealous of the little girl who had always been in Rong Ling's embrace. "She tripped and fell herself! She doesn't even know her own strength, why would she need to film it!"

Suddenly, Rong Ling shot her a look that was so cold it left her speechless.

Whatever you say, this isn't something you should be saying!

He coldly snorted, finished speaking, then walked away with the little girl in his arms.

At that moment, she was so wronged.

Because she couldn't imagine that a little girl of only four years old would suddenly say such things, warning her not to approach Rong Ling. These completely unfounded accusations made her subconsciously treat her as an opponent rather than a child, a mere four-year-old girl. She couldn't fathom that a four-year-old could have such cunning. So at that moment, all her reactions were directed towards someone who should be about the same age as her. If those slanderous words weren't spoken by the little girl; and if she said those things meant for someone around her own age, then perhaps people might still stand on her side.

Could it be that a little girl, just four years old, was the victim Everyone would naturally assume she had been bullied—such an innocent and pure being!

When she came to, it was too late! Everyone had left in a hurry. Perhaps they were too anxious and forgot about her, or maybe they intentionally left her behind. Whatever the reason, she was left alone in the vast amusement park.

The bite on her arm was a little cool and painful. The little girl really didn't hold back when she bit. Although it hurt, there was no blood, so she thought she was actually the victim. Her arm hurt too, after all. But with no blood coming out of the wound, who could know how much it hurt!

Maybe she should have chased after him, following him all the way to ensure the filming was successful and clear her name. But there was no chance now.

At that moment, I was pierced by the contemptuous gaze and suddenly felt an inexplicable unwillingness to move.

When she allowed those feelings of grievance to take over her entire being, she was probably terribly wrong. In the past, even if it wasn't her fault, she would have anxiously caught up and found an opportunity to clarify her innocence.

"Yes, because of his constant indulgence, she - perhaps became a little too reckless. Back then, she could still play hard to get in front of that man, use silence to feign innocence, thinking he would definitely believe her. But - she must have been completely naive!"

But then she thought again, and felt that -- actually, it didn't matter at all. It wasn't her doing anyway. As long as her conscience was clear, wasn't that enough If that man misunderstood her, so what!

And, today is her birthday! She... wasted so much effort to get this birthday, why would she ruin it like this!

Everyone else can leave, but she won't. She'll spend this birthday very well on her own!

Then she ate a large bowl of spicy sour noodles. The chili peppers in the bowl were so many that they were frightening. The chili oil was red, staining the whole bowl almost blood-red. She ate alone, while everyone around her had at least two or three companions. Eating a bowl of noodles by herself, she quietly shed tears. She didn't think much of it, because people around her were more or less crying too. Because the chili peppers were so spicy that they stung people's eyes, causing them to cry, she just cried a little more than others, that's all!

The crooked sunglasses hanging on her face were quite comical. She thought that with everything as it was, she didn't really need to wear them anymore. It seemed like leaving him, she wasn't anything shameful anymore. But there was a burning sensation in her throat and her heart felt like it was on fire. Everything just felt like a play; one moment filled with joy and laughter, the next bathed in bloodshed and violence; one moment brimming with tender affection, the next as cold and distant as ice.

The rapid change was a bit overwhelming for her. She had always been used to subtle shifts, and what she feared most was absolute certainty, like saying "it's wind if it's windy" or "it's rain if it's raining"!

That man is really hard to please!

Napkins, one stack after another, were used to wipe tears and sniffles. Later, the younger sister who was handing out napkins couldn't help but laugh and say, "Are you not able to eat spicy food! Look at you, hee hee... next time, you should order a slightly spicy one, that won't irritate your eyes as much..."

She smiled and nodded, but didn't say a word. Because, probably the moment she spoke, it would be ruined, and people would discover that her tears weren't from the spiciness at all.

In the end, she still slurped down that big bowl of spicy sour noodles until there was nothing left. The waitress who cleared her plate gave her a big thumbs-up and said, "Awesome! Next time, come for this extra spicy one again, I think it suits you perfectly!"

Lin Meng smiled, wiped away a tear finally, and left!

I saw someone wandering around the playground, looking this way and that. It was actually quite interesting. To be honest, when you're having fun, it's really best not to have too many people around, otherwise, it becomes hard to please everyone and it's difficult to enjoy yourself. Look at her, all by herself, holding a VIP pass. She can play whatever she wants, as many times as she wants. Without those pesky kids around, it's pure bliss!

"Little Devil" is Lin Meng's nickname for Bingbing. It all started after she inexplicably slandered her!

She likes children, but there are limits. So, it's not that all children are likeable.

She didn't want to investigate why the little ghost would slander her like that, just as she didn't want to investigate why Rong Ling could be so kind to that little girl, why He Ya could be so intimate with Rong Ling, and why He Ya would appear in his room while he was bathing. Some things are best left uninvestigated!

Not thinking much, she could have a great time by herself. She went to a haunted house for the first time and discovered that she wasn't as scared of ghosts as she thought. A zombie covered in bandages jumped out, but she wasn't frightened at all. When she saw the zombie sullenly retreat back into its coffin, she even felt like laughing. She then visited a future museum and experienced the shock of 3D technology firsthand. She screamed along with a group of kids amidst a horde of roaring monsters until her voice was almost hoarse...

In short, we played for a long time until we didn't realize it was getting dark. The amusement park politely started to ask people to leave!

She stumbled out, only realizing her legs were weak. She went to the nearest McDonald's to rest, but was surprised to find it full of little kids. Suddenly she felt very uncomfortable. After drinking a can of soda whose flavor she couldn't identify, she quickly escaped from McDonald's. Then, she stumbled along until she found a cake shop and went inside. She bought the smallest cake for five dollars, which came with a free candle. Not bad at all. Holding the cake, she went to a nearby supermarket to buy a lighter, but suddenly realized she didn't know where to go. Just then, a bus number 25 passed by, so she ran to the bus stop and threw a coin, getting on bus number 25. She swayed until it reached its destination, got off, and found herself on the desolate street from her memory.

Here, it's not as bustling as other parts of the city, almost at the edge of the urban area. The houses on both sides are mostly low-rise buildings. But you can still see neon lights flickering along the road, just fewer in number. In the dark night, they twinkle and shimmer, giving off a kind of hazy color.

She found a place to sit, out of the wind, and opened the small cake. She lit the tiny candle that came free with it. It was so thin and frail-looking, even its flame seemed pathetic, as if a breath of wind could extinguish it.

What a pity!

She thought so, and quickly blew out the candles.

As for birthday wishes, she decided against it. She had made wishes before, but apparently, God wasn't looking, as none of them ever came true. She didn't want to waste her energy anymore. Then she blew out the candles and started eating voraciously. The five-dollar cake wasn't expected to be anything grand, so she devoured it entirely, not a single crumb left. In the end, she even exerted a bit of effort to find the trash can and threw away the plate, fork, box, and everything else!

Shouldn't we be good citizens who care for the environment!

Thinking this way, she smiled. Sometimes, contentment, perhaps, is just like that.

She tossed another coin and boarded bus number 25, swaying gently towards the city center. Bus number 25 had one particularly great advantage: for a single dollar fare, you could ride for about an hour. She was almost half-asleep when she reached the city center terminal. As soon as she got off, the dazzling neon lights nearly blinded her.

Look, prosperity and desolation are actually right next to each other. Change is really that fast, that natural!

After taking the bus for a long time, she was dizzy. It was past nine o'clock in the evening, and all the buses had stopped where they were supposed to. She finally rummaged through her pocket and luckily, today because she was playing, she put quite a bit of loose change in her pocket. Usually, there wouldn't be so much money in her pocket at all. After counting, there were about twenty yuan left. She hailed a taxi and gave the driver the address of Wenqu District. The driver disliked that the amount was too little and didn't want to go. After much persuasion, the driver finally agreed.

"Looking at you so pretty, I'll take a little loss!" said the driver, who looked to be in his forties.

She listened, was stunned for a moment, then smiled and suddenly thought of this sentence, replying: "Uncle, it's good to be taken advantage of sometimes, I won't let you get away with it!"

“Hee hee……” The old man laughed gleefully. Maybe it was because of this sentence that the relationship had been brought closer The driver kindly reminded her that it was so late, and a young girl shouldn't walk alone, as it would be quite dangerous. Even if she took a taxi, she should be more careful…

Lin Meng was touched and very grateful to hear that.

Actually, sometimes people close to us, no matter how intimate, can surprisingly be less comforting than casual acquaintances offering a few offhand pieces of advice.

After arriving, the place was dark inside. She was too lazy to turn on the light, kicked off her shoes, and went in barefoot. Then, she naturally slipped into his bedroom. When she pushed open the door, she was taken aback.

The inside was also dark, with no light. Maybe she was used to the darkness, so she could see the man’s outline and his handsome, almost cold face clearly. He had a cigarette in his mouth, the red tip flickering on and off, illuminating his face intermittently. He kept his eyes downcast, expressionless, yet she couldn't tell what he was thinking. She was back, but he didn't even look at her.

After a moment of stunned silence, she reflexively pulled at the corners of her mouth, forcing a smile. Even though she was exhausted, so tired that she didn't even want to smile.

"You're back!"

Then, after a moment's hesitation, she still threw herself onto that vast bed. She pulled the blanket over herself.

Just as she was about to sleep in her clothes after pulling up the covers, he spoke. "Don't you want to ask about Bingbing's situation!"

Her heart skipped a beat, but she didn't open her eyes. She chuckled lightly and replied, "It should be fine!"

In the darkness, a large hand silently clamped down on her jaw, very tightly, with quite a bit of force, even painful, forcing her to face him.

"He's hospitalized!" His voice was a little cold. "He has a big bump on the back of his head, just like the symptoms you had not long ago!"

Only then did she find it strange, her eyes snapping open to look at him!

Mild concussion!

Originally, are children's skulls this fragile Can they hurt themselves this badly on their own Or does anything that causes even a little pain turn into an illness Or is it really that doctors at the hospital are useless They can make up any illness for you whether you're sick or not.

"That's how it is!" she heard herself say, her voice chillingly flat.

Then, he suddenly spat out the cigarette in his mouth, grabbed her chin with force, pulled her up, and pressed her hard against the headboard. He leaned in close, his face pressing against hers, his voice laced with anger.

"Am I too good to you!"

At that moment, she didn't know how to answer!

He was breathing heavily, as if his emotions were running high, or perhaps he was struggling to contain the anger burning inside him.

You can be as capricious as you like, and I can tolerate it. But I warn you, you have to know your limits. Bingbing is not someone you can touch!

She wanted to say that she hadn't even intended to touch him, but it was the little imp who had run up and bumped into her. But that wouldn't do. So she thought for a moment, then raised her arm to show him.

"My hand was bitten by her, but I definitely didn't push her!"

He shifted his gaze to her small hand. Actually, the wound on her arm was quite obvious. Her arm was like jade, smooth and white, but once wounded, with time it would turn a deep purple, really easy to spot.

But he said, "Are you pitying me!"

She paused for a moment, then sheepishly lowered her arm and retreated back into the covers. She had said everything she wanted to say, and there was really nothing else left to say.

"Rong Ling, go to sleep!" she smiled at him, her voice still soft, even though her heart ached with a sour pain.

He still pressed her down, lips pursed, eyes cold, seeming to harbor a nameless hatred for her.

She couldn't, she rushed over and gently kissed him, but he immediately dodged her.

She started to feel awkward.

He frowned, "Are you just going to keep solving problems this way!" His voice was a little sharp.

Now she really didn't know what to do.

"So, what do you want me to do I'll cooperate as much as possible." She softened first, there was no other way, in front of him, she was always a step below.

He suddenly let her go, scrambling off the bed as if another second on it would be agony.

"Now what can we do, it's too late. Bingbing has been taken back to city B. Even if you want to apologize, there's no chance."

She wanted to say that she wouldn't apologize. So, what difference did it make whether there was an opportunity or not!

He let her go. That was great, she could finally get some sleep! She lay back down and pulled the covers up. This seemed to anger him even more, and he growled coldly, "Don't you dare sleep!"

She helplessly opened her eyes, sat up abruptly from the bed, looked at him, and asked helplessly: "Are Bingbing's family members making things difficult for you If that's the case, I can go to City B to apologize to her. I can also ask her to push back once, if it doesn't work, I can ask her to push back several times. I can even give her a concussion so she feels better!"

She didn't know much about his family background, nor did she understand the relationship between Hejia and him. She couldn't figure out why the little girl named Bingbing was so special either. But if it was really because of her that he was in trouble, then she would also do something like apologize to make amends.

He became even angrier. "Are you trying to provoke me! Don't you think it's beneath you to pick a fight with a little girl! Bingbing went to the hospital, and you didn't say a word, not even a phone call to check on her. You came back so late, who are you trying to impress!"

"Well, what do you want to do!" she finally snapped. She was human too, with feelings and a temper. She couldn't just take it anymore!

He furrowed his brows and scowled.

"It seems I've really been too kind to you!"

After saying that, he turned and walked away.

Then, with a deafening crash, the door shook the very foundations!

He is gone!

She hesitated for a moment, then couldn't hold back the tears that streamed down her cheeks.

She lay down, pulled the blanket over herself, covered her head, and let the tears run down her cheeks onto the pillow.

So, it's really not a good day to be born!

This has been a terrible day!

So, she hates birthdays!

I hate being in this world on this day, cursed and unlucky to have landed in this mess of a place!ed out silently and increasingly fiercely in the shadows!"There's bound to be a collision! Boom—it'll explode!"Yu Xu smiled, summing it up like this with a tone of schadenfreude!Rong Ling remained non...

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