
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

the child Just go ahead and reveal the child's true parentage! Then, see how people whisper behind your back, and see how those young masters of the Ruan family will deal with you!"I'm looking out for..."Still holding on!" Rong Ling lowered his head, looking at Lin Meng who was still hugging him, and said in a low voice.

Lin Meng's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly retracted her hand. She lowered her head, staring intently at the floor, but didn't dare to look at him again. Xiao Yi patted his butt and left without a trace, but she was left facing the chaotic situation, unable to escape, yet unsure of what to do!

"Go wash yourself clean!" Rong Ling's voice was still so cold and ruthless.

Lin Meng raised her head in surprise, but met Rong Ling's icy gaze.

“Wash thoroughly where he touched you. I don't want to smell his scent on you.” He was almost disgusted, his eyes sharp, as if they could pierce her, or tear through her skin and expose the ugliness beneath.

Lin Meng's eyes welled up, her lips trembled, but under his harsh gaze, she couldn't utter a word. Should she explain But would he even want to hear it!

She turned her head away, bit her lip hard, loosened her grip on his hand, clutched at her nightgown, and went into the bathroom.

Perhaps, between her and him, more often than not, it could only be this: command and obedience, silence and the resulting silence.

The shower head dripped water, and she trembled as she took off her pajamas, underwear, everything. She stared at her not-so-smooth chest, and suddenly, tears welled up. There were still traces of his kisses on her body, the ones he had given her. But the moment Xiao Yi touched them, he found them dirty, even though she had been forced at the time. Remembering his cold eyes, devoid of warmth, as if one more glance at her would taint him with something unclean, her heart ached.

She grabbed a handful of body wash from the shelf and rubbed it all over her body haphazardly. Soon, white bubbles covered her skin, clean and abundant. But the man already thought she was unclean! Maybe, if she shed this layer of skin, there would be a flicker of warmth in his eyes.

She gave a bitter smile and washed away the foam on her body one by one. She picked up the towel and scrubbed it hard. Where her skin was touched, it immediately hurt badly and turned red in large patches, but she suddenly felt that these pains and redness could make her heart feel a little more comfortable. If this is what that man wanted to see, then she would do it.

Who let her be supported by him!

Who allowed it He's her employer!

A creak echoed through the room as the bathroom door swung open. She jumped, instinctively looking up to see him, then quickly lowered her eyes, burying herself in washing.

Rong Ling furrowed her brows, staring at the woman who was scrubbing herself frantically, as if her body no longer belonged to her. What was she doing with so much force Didn't she see that her skin had already turned red, and some places even had blood streaks What was she doing! Was this self-harm Was this a way to seek revenge on him! Tonight, the one who did wrong was her! Tonight, the one who should be angry was him, wasn't it!

He tightened his jaw, kept a stoic face, and methodically unbuttoned his shirt, taking it off, then removing his belt...

Lin Meng trembled slightly. She bit her lip, lowered her eyes, and clutched a towel in her hand. After the intimate encounter, her small hands crumpled the towel into a ball, squeezing it tightly. She turned off the shower, lifted her head, and tightened her fair neck, staring at him intently.

"Go wash first!"

He scorned her, and she was no stranger to scorning him!

If he wants to wash, then he washes first!

After she finished speaking, she walked out!

But, he was stopped by an arm that grew out of the oppression.

"Where are you going!" he hissed coldly. "Wash your own!"

Lin Meng gritted her teeth, her reddened eyes glared fiercely at him. Was this his way of personally supervising! He didn't trust her, afraid she wouldn't clean it properly!

“Good!” she choked out, turning back to face the shower and twisting the knob. As the warm water cascaded down, two clear tears slid silently away with the stream. She clutched the towel, using it like a brush to scrub furiously at her body, which at this moment, perhaps had become numb and insensitive like a washboard.

The man's body, stripped bare, was a marvel of muscle and definition, powerful and beautiful. His physique, a perfect triangle, was both seductive and breathtaking. He frowned as he stepped closer, his approach measured and deliberate. Soon, he stood beneath the shower spray. She wanted to hide, to shrink away, curling up in a ball and retreating to the corner.

Rong Ling extended his long arms and, with a scoop, pulled her into his embrace.

"I'm coming!" He said, reaching for the towel in Lin Meng's hand. Lin Meng held on tightly to the towel, unwilling to let go. But that annoying male palm easily grasped her small hand, caught a corner of the towel, and started pulling outwards. It looked like it was about to be pulled away so easily!

She was fed up!

Her nerves weren't that strong to keep pretending everything was okay. She was already so stretched thin, why wouldn't he just let her go!

"Here, here, all yours!" She twisted her body, her slippery form slithering out of his arms like an eel. She slammed the towel onto Rong Ling's chest and glared at him, her black eyes burning with flames of destruction.

"Do you despise me, then! If you truly find me disgusting, fine. I'll leave, and I won't get in your way!"

She straightened her slender back, tears welling in her eyes, and was about to walk past Rong Ling.

Rong Ling pulled a face, stretched out her arms, and pushed her hard, pressing her heavily against the wall inlaid with tiles.

"Go! Where to!" He sneered, a slight curl to his lips that only made him seem more sinister. "Are you going to find Xiao Yi! You two get along well enough, if you want him to take care of you, why come looking for me! Am I the kind of person you can have when you want and throw away when you don't!"

His anger didn't need to be concealed. His arms were incredibly strong, pressing down on Lin Meng's shoulders, hurting her. She felt like two giant iron nails had been hammered into her shoulders. He was tall and heavy, pressing down on her. Trapped in the small corner he had created, she could barely breathe.

Is this man going to use brute force again!

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Lin Meng retorted through gritted teeth. "Xiao Yi and I are not the kind of relationship you think we are. I didn't want him to support me..."

"No! Hmph..." Rong Ling mocked, reaching out to pinch Lin Meng's chin. His icy eyes glared at Lin Meng, dangerously murmuring. "Lin Meng, your little mouth is quite disobedient, so fond of lying. Just now, wasn't it this little mouth that said they wanted to support you That woman who said after high school graduation she would devote herself to him entirely... who exactly is she!"

His palm slowly went down, encircling Lin Meng's neck with a grip. The vulnerable spot was encompassed by his palm, the feeling was very unpleasant.

“That… That wasn’t my intention!” Lin Meng shouted in a hurry, her voice trembling slightly. Yes, she had said those words and truly had those plans, but wasn't it based on the fact that Rong Ling found another woman! Besides, how could she really tell Rong Ling that she wanted to leave! Wait until she got her graduation certificate, finish high school, and then leave, leaving him, Xiao Yi, and everything familiar behind!

How could she possibly say these words!

"Let go of me!" Her slender neck ached from his grip, and fear gripped her heart. This man, who had seemed so furious just moments ago during the fight, had fought with such ferocity, each blow seemingly aimed to kill. Perhaps he wasn't even afraid of killing someone. Was he now thinking of suffocating her

Rong Ling didn't let go of her, but just glared at her with a sinister look, angrily questioning.

What is your true intention! If I don't come back tonight, are you going to run off with him! Do you think his kind of status is cool and handsome Do you think only someone like him can take you out and have fun! You went to the bar, was it because he led you astray, or is this just your true nature!

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Lin Meng's little head ached, unable to keep up with Rong Ling's rapid questioning.

"Then just say what you know!" Rong Ling roared back, this little woman, why was she yelling at him!

He lowered his head and bit down hard on her red lips, angrily demanding, "How do you know him When did you meet him With his abilities, he's capable of protecting you. Why would you come to me What are you trying to gain from me Was he the one who sent you to get close to me"

The accusations that came after seemed utterly unreasonable. Lin Meng still had no idea about Xiao Yi's true identity. She didn't know that Xiao Yi and Rong Ling were destined to become eternal enemies, forever locked in a struggle for power! There was much she didn't understand, but she clearly felt Rong Ling's suspicion towards her, his doubt about her intentions. It humiliated her, it enraged her!

"Plot against me, plot against me!" she shrieked. "What can I plot against you I offered myself to you, I came begging and crying for you to support me, I willingly became a concubine that even I despise. I let you defile me for free, and now I even want to repay you when I make money. What can I plot against you All I want is your identity so I can escape those men. Besides this, what else could I possibly plot! Supporting me was just a trivial matter for you, why are you relentlessly pursuing me, trying to drive me to my death Am I your enemy! All I wanted was to borrow your identity, what else could I do"

She bit her lip, staring intently at Rong Ling. Tears of sorrow flowed down her cheeks with urgency. Blood trickled slowly from the corner of her lips, yet she seemed to feel nothing. She gritted her silver teeth against her lip, tasting the blood, and roared with a newfound determination in her eyes.

“If you find me troublesome, if you think I'm dirty, well then, you can leave me be. I don't need you to support me. You have plenty of women lining up for you, you surely won't miss me. I won't cling to you like a leech and get in your way. I'm leaving, I'm leaving now!”

She reached out and shoved Rong Ling with all her might. But this man stood there like a mountain, immovable.

She was crying, her face tight with anger, and yelled, "Get out of my way!"

Rong Ling's eyes narrowed, becoming slits. He reached out, as fast as lightning, and instantly grabbed Lin Meng's hands. He pulled upwards, past her head, and twisted her two white arms behind her head. Looking down at her coolly, he let out a sinister chuckle.

"I told you, this place isn't somewhere you can just come and go as you please!"

He stopped talking and lowered his head, fiercely biting onto Lin Meng's lips!

Damn woman, she thought he would let her go and find Xiao Yi! Forget it, no way!

Biting her lip, he took a forceful suck, driving the blood from her lips into his mouth with an evil and chilling coldness like a vampire!

She shuddered violently, whimpering and moaning in protest. Her tiny frame struggled desperately, still wanting to escape!

His eyes flashed with anger, he bit her lip again fiercely, then lifted his head and growled menacingly in her ear.

You can't escape me!

As soon as the words left his mouth, his thigh squeezed into the space between her legs. She clenched her legs together, trying to push him out. A string of curses tumbled from her lips in embarrassment. "Damn it, get away from me! Get out!"

"Are you doing this because he's making fun of me" Rong Ling let out a cold snort, lowered his head, and bit down on her tender chest.

“Ah—” she whimpered, tears welling in her eyes. Though she was so angry, so desperate to push him away, his training had taken hold of her body, rendering it almost sentient and dangerously sensitive to his touch. His slightest brush against her sent shivers down her spine; his bite made her tremble like a leaf in the wind!

She... how did she become like this!

She cried out in despair, her sobs muffled and low. Language, it seemed, had lost its power; she suddenly felt too listless to speak a word.

His thigh was still stubbornly wedged between her legs. His free hand had slid down along her waistline, tracing the curve of her lower body. Her feeble resistance was no match for his advance. He could send shivers through her with just his fingers. Her body burned with a slow, consuming fire, as if it wasn't hers anymore.

She gritted her teeth, how much effort would it take to stifle the cries from escaping her lips.

His masculine body, burning hot like fire, pressed silently against hers. She felt as if she would be scorched by him, wanted him to spare her, yet such was the case that she let him have his way. She knew she was wrong, and swore never to defy him again. But a shred of pride stopped all her pleas. Such a man could indeed act as her shield, but she had forgotten the saying, "a double-edged sword." This man, so strong, could offer her the utmost protection; therefore, when he desired to harm her, he could effortlessly destroy her.

Maybe, the ridicule from her family is right. All this is her own fault!

Her body, under his touch, felt an undeniable pleasure, building layer upon layer. This was her sorrow.

Breath, for his closeness was a chaos, sometimes light and sometimes heavy, sometimes slow and sometimes fast. This was her sorrow.

A delicate frame, glistening with sweat, her body tossed high and then dropped again and again. Just as it neared the ground, she'd be lifted once more, but never quite reaching that highest point – a cruel irony, her tragedy.

This man seemed to be an expert in matters of the heart, as if he had been through countless battles. This sparked a nameless rage within her!

Even in this most intimate moment, he still wore a stern expression, his brows furrowed. Even though sweat poured down his face, his eyes lacked much warmth. This was his strength, reflecting his ruthlessness towards her.

As she was sobbing softly, moaning in pleasure and wanting him to withdraw his fingers, to possess her fiercely, give her a burst of ecstasy, he suddenly left her, turning away and walking out! His tall figure, his rapid stride, were coldly inhuman.

She slumped to the ground, dazed and discarded like a broken doll. The hollowness in her lower body, a piercing ache, tormented her. This had never happened before. In his eyes, was she truly so filthy that he no longer wanted to touch her Was she now only worthy of being played with and humiliated by him!

This realization almost destroyed her!

She huddled together, trembling, her legs uselessly clamped tight, covering her face. She sobbed with despair and rage. The cold tiles pressed against her body, and she felt herself freezing to death!

Then, she was picked up. The strange man who had come and gone returned, pressing her against the wall, pulling her legs apart. This time, he finally took her forcefully.

For this, his face grew even tighter, and in his heart he muttered bitterly: Damn it, tight!

He let out a long sigh, took a deep breath, and then his strong waist swayed with the power of a powerful motor.

She gasped softly, bewildered, tears sliding into her mouth and catching her by surprise. She coughed weakly, looking utterly disheveled, which really ruined the mood. Rong Ling frowned, taking deep breaths one after another, his face contorting back and forth as he forced himself to stop.

Gritting his teeth, he asked with difficulty. "Are you alright!"

Damn it, this woman is such a busybody. He's about to explode, and she just has to give him more trouble. She's really a pain in the ass!

Because he didn't move, Lin Meng quickly stopped coughing. She stared at him with tear-filled eyes, unable to see through him or understand what he had just wanted to do. Since he left her, why did he come back!

Rong Ling lowered her head and stroked her chest a few times, letting her catch her breath. Then, with a frustrated kiss, she began a game of possession and being possessed, until the music ended.

During that time, there were strong winds and torrential rain, fierce like a life-or-death battle!

Lin Meng leaned against the wall, breathing heavily and erratically. There was a confused suspicion on his face. He seemed to understand what she was wondering, threw the used condom carelessly into the nearby trash can, and explained in a low, husky voice still tinged with the aftertaste of their encounter: “You don’t need to take birth control pills anymore, those things are bad for your body if you take too many. From now on, I'll be careful and use condoms!”

Lin Meng was stunned for two seconds, her body bristling as she looked at the discarded condom. Her somewhat pale face blushed subtly. Original... original... he went to... go get this thing!

He reached out and pinched her cheeks hard twice, as if some anger still lingered.

"From now on, you are not allowed to contact Xiao Yi anymore. Remember, you are my woman, and don't let any other man touch you!"

Then, he turned on the shower, letting the warm water flow gently over them both. He scooped her up in his arms, holding this boneless body halfway in his embrace. He picked up some body wash and rubbed it all over her. In a while, she was covered in white foam from head to toe. She nestled there, dumbfounded, allowing his rough yet warm hands to wander over her. But she could clearly feel that he seemed less angry!

Uh, does this count as... husband and wife fighting, make up at the end of the day


Ps: Some people keep reminding me to mention birth control, so I've been holding it in for days. Today, I can finally bring it up openly and honestly. Hehehe, I guess this isn't very kind to Mengmeng, but...

Hehe, don't hit me!es, it wouldn't be good for our company's image.So, even though I know what kind of person he is, I still have to put him in such a lucrative position. I deliberately contradicted you and stood on his...

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