
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

轉碼失敗!請您使用右上換源切換源站閱讀或者直接前往源網站進行閱讀!Rong Qixiang helped Du Caiyi onto the car, and then began calling family members. She wanted to show everyone how much Rong Ling's family had bullied them. Before her mother underwent surgery, she absolutely had to let some people see her mother's condition firsthand, and then, properly take revenge on Rong Ling!

At that time, many people were either at home or on their way back from work. When Rong Qixiang made such a phone call, they immediately rushed over. After all, Du Caiyi was someone of status, and they had to show her respect.

Those nearby, upon seeing Du Caìyì like this, were indeed frightened. Hearing that her septum had been cut, they couldn't help but feel a chill run down their spines. Recalling the usually carefree and innocent-looking Rong Mama, who seemed to have aged more than grown wiser, actually having such ruthlessness, their most prevalent feeling was—she truly is worthy of being Rong Ling's mother!

They were surprised, but after the surprise, they felt it was very natural. It seemed that way, was the only way to be Rong Ling's mother. The person who didn't seem to care about anything before and let them laugh and scold as they pleased, seemed like a different person now!

Du Caiyi was quickly ushered into the prepared operating room after being checked by several people. Then, one after another, others arrived. Rong Qixian darted around, holding up her phone and showing everyone the photos she had taken earlier. Her words were laced with strong indignation, intending to stir anger against the Rong Ling family among them.

Everyone initially only knew that Du Caiyi was in trouble, so they rushed over hastily, but didn't know that Du Caiyi's trouble was also related to the Rong family. Hearing this, they felt some regret in their hearts. They should have found an excuse not to come. You say what kind of trouble Du Caiyi is causing Anyone can see that the Rong family is hard to mess with, but she insists on going to them time and time again. Moreover, the Rong family has been in turmoil recently, and it was the Rong family who led the Rong family to success.Rong Qixian called everyone here, they were the most influential people in the family. Because they were more influential, they wouldn't be so naive and dull. By now, many of them have understood what Lin Meng did before. To be honest, they have always approved of Lin Meng from the bottom of their hearts. Ordinary people really don't have Lin Meng's courage or ability. Back then, there were so many people in the family who opposed her and made trouble for her, but Lin Meng could stay calm and resolutely walk her own path. Just this calmness, thinking about it now, they still praise her privately. Now, Rong Ling is back. That man, after being shot so many times, he didn't die. He was swallowed by a whale but instead used the whale to win his life. He lived alone on a deserted island for so many days and remained unharmed. He wasn't even human anymore, more like a god or a ghost. Such an unfathomable person, you went to offend him, it was simply courting death!

Everyone laughed it off and didn't respond, just stalling for time, waiting for Du Caiyi to finish her surgery before saying anything!

Rong Qi was upset inside, but she didn't dare to raise her voice at these people. In front of them, she was more often than not just a junior, unable to give orders around!

Okay, let's wait for her mom to come out. Her mom has the weight!

Mother was indeed kind, and she didn't really go too far. The scissors didn't completely sever the septum, but left half of it intact. So after a few stitches, Du Caiyi was pushed out of the operating room. Everyone crowded around and listened to the doctor explain the situation, secretly letting out a breath of relief. Luckily, this wasn't a big deal, and they should be able to get away with it.

When she was sent to the hospital, Du Caiyi's anesthesia hadn't worn off, but it didn't prevent her from expressing herself through writing. She didn't mention anything about revenge because she had heard it herself: her nasal septum wasn't completely severed, and at that time, Zhu Xiaodan even stabbed herself, and her injuries were unknown. Moreover, in that situation, she was alone. It would be futile to argue about the severity of her injuries; one voice couldn't stand up against that whole family. So, very simply, she wrote directly:

"I absolutely won't allow that family to treat me this way. I will never let them talk about my dead son, or use him as a scapegoat! That's absolutely impossible!"

Someone advised pushing Rong Qikeng out, saying it was for the sake of the whole clan, a consensus shared by many, not just a decision made by Rong Ling and Lin Meng.

Du Caoyi wrote again.

"Lin Meng is the acting CEO, and Rong Ling is the actual CEO. These two are the highest decision-makers. Today, this kind of thing happened, and I am now at odds with them. Letting my deceased son help those two people is absolutely impossible. But, my son is a member of the Rong family, so helping his family is his duty. However, if I let my son take the blame, then that couple must step down. I don't want to tarnish my son's reputation to make them look good!"


As soon as everyone heard Rong Qixian read out Du Caiyi's words, they all looked at each other in astonishment. Du Caiyi directly stated her intention to be on opposing sides with Rong Ling's family. Wasn't this forcing their relatives to make a choice They had to choose between Rong Ling and his wife and Rong Sanbo. If they protected Rong Ling and his wife, Rong Qikeng wouldn't help. Rong Sanbo would still be in trouble. But if they protected Rong Sanbo, they'd have to let Rong Ling and his wife go. How cold-hearted that would be towards them. Du Caiyi presented this dilemma, and in a way, she was also suspected of inciting discord between Rong Ling and his wife and Rong Sanbo.

The eyes of some people dimmed.

Du Caiyi then wrote again——

Zhu Xiaodan is too arrogant, relying on the power of Rong Ling's couple. Rong Ling and his wife watched Zhu Xiaodan persecute me like this but didn't stop him. It's really too much. If they continue like this and gain a foothold in the Rong family, there will be no place for me, or even for all of us to stay. Look at how Lin Meng acts. Since taking over as acting CEO, she has been forming alliances and doing many things behind our backs. If we slightly express dissatisfaction with her, she arrests those people. She's so domineering, and in the future, she's probably going to be even more tyrannical. This Rong family is afraid of becoming a dictatorship ruled by that couple. We old folks are afraid that we will all be squeezed out and have nowhere to go. I think the Rong family is currently stable, so let's raise some money to send that couple away, and then select someone else who is suitable to take over. There are many excellent people in our Rong family. By then, I guarantee you, I will use my resources and support Third Brother!

As soon as the first stroke of the pen fell, Rong Qixiang, who had been standing on one side watching her write, immediately picked up a piece of paper and read aloud --

“Zhu Xiaodan is too arrogant, relying on the power of Rongling's couple. Rongling's husband and wife watched Zhu Xiaodan bully me like this without stopping, it’s really excessive——”

"Who is being arrogant, who is going too far!"

A gloomy voice echoed from afar, drawing closer!

When he finished speaking, Rong Feiwu suddenly appeared before everyone. He looked hurried, having arrived in a great rush, but his expression wasn't one of worry for Du Caixin, rather it seemed more filled with anger!

Rong Qi Xiang got angry and bit her lip, calling out. "Dad—"

"Shut up!" Rong Feiwu scolded her as soon as he opened his mouth.

Then, turning back to face the crowd, he spoke in a cold and harsh tone.

It's getting late, everyone go back to rest. There's nothing going on here!

This is obviously sending guests away!

Du Caiyi became anxious and glared fiercely at Rong Fei Wu. She tried to speak, but felt no sensation. In a hurry, she picked up her pen again, wrote three forceful characters, then quickly held up the white paper. The three characters were glaring: No leaving!

Feng flew coldly looked at the three characters, letting out a cold snort.

"Everyone's gone, huh"

Some people immediately stood up and hurried to pay their respects to Rong Feiwu, saying they would take their leave first. Du Caiyi angrily scribbled away again and then forcefully pulled Rong Qixiang's arm, making her read aloud.

Rong Qixian was also angry, feeling that her father had gone too far. First of all, he drove people away without explanation. This clearly showed favoritism towards a certain person or family.

"Dad, Mom asked me what you're doing. Your uncles and aunts all came to see Mom out of kindness. Why are you in such a hurry to drive them away! Some things haven't been made clear yet!"

Rong Fei was furious, this pair of stubborn mother and daughter!

"I do this to spare you all face!" he shouted angrily.

Du Caiyi chuckled coldly in her heart and wrote a few more lines. Rong Qixiang saw it, hesitated for a moment, but after being tugged by Du Caiyi fiercely, she gritted her teeth and read it out loud.

“Mom said: Rong Fei Wu, who are you trying to save face for! I haven't been killed by that woman yet, and you're already rushing to protect her. Do you still have me in your eyes! Rong Fei Wu, don't go too far. After so many years of marriage, you can't be so heartless. For this family, for the entire clan, I've made contributions, something that outsider woman can't compare to!”

Feng Fei Wu finally reached his limit. Everyone has a bottom line, and he had tolerated Du Cai Yi time and time again, but this line would eventually be broken! He arrived with anger burning inside him, already enduring it very patiently. But now that Du Cai Yi herself didn't want to save face, why should he accommodate her! He might as well use this opportunity to shut her up completely!

"Okay, everyone, stay put! Let's all talk this through properly about what happened today!"

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. No one wanted to get involved, and some bold souls directly expressed their desire to leave.

"Fifth Brother, I still have something to attend to at home -- "

"All of you, get back to your seats!" Rong Feiwu barked. "I don't have much time to waste!"

Thus, no one dared to speak again. They all helplessly sat down once more. However, the atmosphere became somewhat oppressive!

Du Caiyi picked up her pen and started writing again, swooshing back and forth. Rong Feiwu said with displeasure.

"Stop writing, just listen to me. After I'm done talking, you can write whatever you want!"

But she's afraid she wouldn't have the face to write any further!

Du Caiyi stopped writing, her gaze turning icy and fearless towards Rong Feiwu. "Fine," she said, "I'll listen. How exactly do you plan to defend that woman" But what Rong Feiwu said had nothing to do with the matter at all! She hadn't expected that.

“This evening, you were driving and got into a car accident, hitting someone else’s car. This wouldn't have been a big deal, just talk to the other party, compensate them, and it would be settled. But you deliberately acted arrogant, threw money at them, treating them with utter contempt. You even called your daughter over to help out. Rong Qixiong, you really are something else, arriving and having people smash the other person’s car and crush their phone. Then, before leaving, you arrogantly said that you would take care of all the compensation. This is truly laughable. The other party is the younger brother of the CEO of Qingyu Electronics, a major figure in the electronics industry, can he possibly be short on money! You think crushing their phone will cover things up Unbeknownst to you, the woman in the car with them had a camera in her bag, even better than a phone. She directly recorded your tyrannical, vulgar, arrogant, and foolish behavior. What you didn't expect is that the so-called insignificant fat man was actually the mastermind behind the second largest dating forum in the country, known for his sharp writing and unique insights, with a huge following. That woman who you hit on the head, causing her to bleed, was Ban Zhu, a well-known figure on that forum. Together, these two used the video footage to expose your mother-daughter duo's idiotic actions, attracting widespread condemnation. Now, this video is circulating everywhere, making everyone laugh at your misfortune and look down upon you. You—”

Rong Feiwu raised his hand, angrily pointing at Rong Qixian who had already changed color.

“With your family member holding a bit of power, you've become arrogant and had your family member directly instruct the Public Security Bureau to cover this up. Humph, this time it's really like flooding the Dragon King Temple! Your family member has some ability, but the one who is the CEO of Qingyu Electronics is even more capable. Do you think you can erase it This matter isn't over yet, and in the video, everything your family member did is exposed. This is truly a good show! Our Rong family is really something, not holding an official position but even more powerful than those who do, almost able to cover the sky with one hand. No wonder the higher-ups want to destroy the Rong family. You say, each of you are so arrogant, acting like queens or princesses, can you not be disgusting and repulsive, can you not make people want to eliminate you! The Rong family is precisely because of your complete lack of restraint that there was that major disaster at the beginning. Fortunately, Lin Meng led the Rong family out of its decline, reducing suspicion from above. Du Caiyi, you are actually revealing your own secrets! Your arrogance is even greater than before! Du Caiyi, what do you want Do you want our Rong family to die a miserable death Do you want the Rong family to be ostracized by the higher-ups again! Just that video alone has caused so much opposition and protest. Do you know! At this time, as long as the higher-ups are willing, they can use this incident to strike the Rong family again. Do you know! Do you know how bad this matter is Do you know how much harm it will bring to our Rong family! Du Caiyi, just shut up! Instead of making progress, you're dragging your feet at this crucial moment. As a former head wife, are you proud of yourself!”

Each question pierced Du Caichen's heart, leaving her face as pale as ash!

She… she… she never imagined that the fat man had such a background, and she never thought this matter would be exposed online. She… she just casually sent away an annoying fat man, how… how did it cause such a big trouble!

She wanted to say something, but her mouth remained stubbornly silent. She picked up a pen, wanting to write something down, but her hand trembled so violently that she couldn't form a single character!

"I've never seen anyone so incompetent in success and yet overly capable in failure!"

Fēng flew directly slapped her face in front of so many people, without any politeness.

"Everyone here knows about me and Zhu Xiaodan. There's no need to hide it. As long as Rong Ling exists, my past with Zhu Xiaodan can never be erased. But Du Caiyi, I believe I have treated you well. When Rong Ling disappeared, everyone thought he was dead. Even then, I didn't go to see Zhu Xiaodan privately. I did visit her because she is also the mother of my son. This is my respect for you. Qi Keng left, and you were heartbroken. I understand that and tried my best to stay by your side, tolerating your feelings. You compare yourself to me, saying how I treated you compared to Zhu Xiaodan! You spend all day suspecting everyone, hinting and making veiled accusations. Do you think you're still the respected Du Caiyi from before! I'm busy with family matters every day, going in and out with my subordinates. Where would I have time to meet with Zhu Xiaodan privately What are you trying to achieve by making such a fuss Is there anyone here who can testify to what I just said! Tell me yourself, why did you go to scold Zhu Xiaodan today Was that appropriate And then you cursed Rong Ling for not dying outside, how cruel were your words! Zhu Xiaodan cut your nose, but she also got a stab wound from you and is now in the hospital for surgery. I ask you, who was being arrogant and excessive!"

"No, no, no..."

Du Caiyi shook her head frantically.

But Rong Fei still continued to frown and speak in a deep voice, as if oblivious to the others.

"What you did with Zhu Xiaodan is a private matter, and it shouldn't have involved your brothers-in-law. But you, on the other hand, stirred up such a big commotion, inviting everyone here to judge you. Do you think your face holds any weight! How much face do you even have left! Even if you did, all these stupid things you did today have tarnished it. Do you know how many people are laughing at you outside! Because of you, the Rong family finally had some peace, but now this has happened again. You know that Because you claim to be the hard-working head mistress, your influence is even worse. Remember, when you go out, you represent the Rong family. If it were anyone else today, the Rong family wouldn't have gotten into such trouble. Du Caiyi, you are the one who is too arrogant and overbearing!"

Rong Feiwu said, taking a printed sheet of paper from the briefcase in his hand and angrily throwing it at Du Caiyi.

"You did this yourself, take a good look at what you've done! I gave you face, I spared your embarrassment, but you don't know shame. Well then, you handle this yourself!"

The paper was flung aside, scattering on the floor. Some even landed on the ground. People looked up and could roughly make out some of the content printed on the paper, regarding that video, concerning those sharp, sarcastic criticisms, concerning the many voices of condemnation!

Everyone who saw this felt a little uncomfortable, and many people pulled their faces down.

Now the power of netizens is growing stronger and stronger. Without the backing of powerful forces, it's incredibly difficult to suppress some voices. It can be foreseen that if Du Caixin does such a thing, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to the Rong family. The Rong family has passed the stage where they need to put on a show of decline. Now, the Rong family is like a company starting from scratch and needs a good reputation. As Rong Feiwu said, this incident is extremely vicious and has a very bad influence. If those in power or business competitors have this intention, they can definitely take advantage of this opportunity to severely punish the Rong family.

Thinking about it this way, most people have thrown their sympathy for Du Caiyi out the window!

One person hurriedly stood up and walked to Rong Fei Wu's side, trying to persuade him.

"Fifth Brother, please don't be angry, don't be angry. This is a big deal, you can't argue with your sister-in-law. The most urgent thing is that we have to immediately suppress this matter, otherwise, with Qingyu's methods as the boss, it would be very easy to put this video on the front page of all major online portals. If things really get to this point, our Rong family will be in trouble!"

That's Ching Yu Electronics, a major player in the industry. They control over half of the resources in the electronics sector. They can make or break a person. This includes an entire company!

For a company to survive, its own strength is one aspect, but its external image is also very important. If you give customers or consumers a bad impression, it will be difficult to change this perception, or it will take a huge cost to rebuild your image. It's easier to ruin than to recover, that's what they mean. But if this huge cost is spent, wouldn't that be too much of a waste!

"Yes, yes, Fifth Brother, let's quickly find a way to solve this. This is a big deal. We are currently at odds with the He family, and they could very well use this against us!"

Everyone chimed in, crowding around Rong Fei Wu, completely ignoring the mother-daughter duo of Du Cai Yi and Rong Qi Xiang. Until, a phone ringtone rang out abruptly.

Fei Wu raised his head and looked at Qi Xiang gloomily. Qi Xiang saw that the caller was her husband, and she knew roughly what it was about because of the accident. She couldn't avoid answering it, so she planned to go outside to answer it. However, before she had taken two steps, Fei Wu called her back.

"Just take it, right here. It's Cao Shijian calling, isn't it Just take it and see what he has to say!"

Many eyes turned towards Rong Qixiang. Those eyes, however, were definitely not the previous ones filled with tolerance and kindness.

Rong Qi Xiang lowered her head, unable to meet anyone's gaze. She quietly answered the call. On the other end, Cao Shi Jian didn't say much. He just told Rong Qi Xiang to go home immediately and to stop getting involved with her mother's affairs. Rong Qi Xiang wanted to say something, but the call was abruptly hung up, leaving no room for her to object.

"What did he say" Rong Fei asked aggressively.

Rong Qixian was speechless and could only stammer.

Rong Feiwu let out a cold snort!

Rong Qi felt a blush creep up her cheeks. After thinking for a moment, she secretly pinched her thigh hard, squeezing out a few tears from the pain, and then rushed to Rong Fei Wu crying.

"Dad, I was wrong. Please, think of a way to help our family get through this hardship. Once we've overcome it, you can punish me however you like!"

It's likely that children raised in large families know what to say at times like this, which makes them more likable and helps them improve their image in the eyes of others. However, it can also ruin their genuine image.

Upon hearing Rong Qixiong's words, everyone began to persuade Rong Fei Wu once again. Some quick-witted individuals even started proposing their own solutions for saving him.

--- Aside ---

"Must-Read! The story of the wealthy family's young wife from four years ago has been published as "Love in a Big Family". It is on sale at Dangdang,卓越, Jingdong, Taobao and bookstores. Please support it, thank you very much! Your support will determine whether the story four years later can be published. Ps: For those who need to buy in bulk, please join QQ group【233784008】and contact the administrator to purchase."immediately, a black gun barrel appeared in front of Dayang. The bodyguard who had just seemed somewhat humble suddenly became tough, his whole body filled with murderous intent."Young Master Rong, pl...

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