
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

iedly chased after him. Seeing that he had entered the ward, she suddenly remembered the slap mark on her face. She could only helplessly turn around and enter the bathroom. Facing the mirror, she app...At night, the cold seeped into his bones. His body, weakened by surgery, felt like it was in an ice cellar, the chill threatening to freeze him solid. Then, just as suddenly, he'd be engulfed in a burning heat that radiated from within, threatening to consume him entirely. This alternating cycle of freezing and scorching, this torment of ice and fire, tested him relentlessly. He felt like human barbeque – roasted by flames one moment, then plunged into icy depths the next, caught in a relentless, inescapable dance.

This is the biggest challenge he has ever faced in his life!

But that's not the most worrying thing.

Struggling for sixteen hours inside the whale's mouth nearly drained him of his energy. Inside the whale, he couldn't close his eyes at all because if he fell asleep, he might tumble into its belly. At all times, he needed to be alert, needing to battle with his own spirit and will. When he arrived on this island, he couldn't afford to relax, for fear that there might be some dangerous animals on the island. So once his body regained its strength, he had to explore the island. Night came so quickly that he didn't even have time to sleep, and he needed to muster his courage to face the darkness, the cold, and the fever.

The first night on the island is always the hardest.

> To have gone without sleep for more than a day wasn't unheard of. He had undergone training like that, going three days and three nights straight without rest. But back then, he hadn't been so badly injured; his chest wasn't riddled with holes, and he could even use the terrain to take short naps in between missions when he was half-asleep. But now it was impossible. His eyes refused to close. The overwhelming drowsiness was relentless, and once he closed his eyes, it would crush him like a mountain, potentially burying him so deeply that he'd never rise again.

So, I tried to keep my eyes wide open, even though they ached. I couldn't stop staring. Eventually, my vision blurred and tears streamed uncontrollably down my face. I couldn't close my eyes. There was a faint metallic taste in the back of my throat, spreading like blood behind my eyes, as if something had burst. But I couldn't close my eyes.

Think of Xiaoguai, think of your woman. How can you close your eyes! You suddenly disappeared and were shot multiple times. She still doesn't know what happened to you. Maybe she's terrified, maybe she's crying uncontrollably, maybe she's suddenly lost and helpless. Think of her, how can you close your eyes!

When he jumped down, that terrified scream, "Rong Ling --", think about it, recall that voice well, how can you close your eyes!

If you really close your eyes, that woman will go crazy, she'll die!

At that time, on the rooftop, you were just acting, but she took it seriously. She cried as if the whole world had collapsed, and so directly stopped her own breath, choosing to commit suicide without hesitation.

Think about her, this poor and adorable, this innocent and kind woman. How can you close your eyes!

A switchblade slashed, one blade, without hesitation, plunging into his own thigh. Accompanied by a sharp stabbing pain, his mind instantly became clearer.

He had to go back, he had to live! That little woman, now he didn't know how she was. He worried, he was really afraid she'd be foolish, truly afraid she'd follow him in suicide again. How much he wished to rush back to her side, to hold her tightly in his arms, and brush away all the negativity for her. He wanted to tell her that he was fine, she didn't have to worry. But damn it, his phone slipped out of his hand, damn it, damn it!

With a phone, he could call her and comfort her immediately. He could know about her situation right away. He worried about her. Every time he thought about what happened on the rooftop that day, he felt fear. That woman who loved him so much that she didn't even care about her own life, he was truly afraid, truly worried!

In the pitch black night, he curled up his body and couldn't help but let out a mournful cry.

...because, he was afraid that if she couldn't find him, they would be separated in life and death!

He hardly ever cries. Crying is a sign of weakness. Crying doesn't solve any problems. Instead of crying, he would rather spend his time finding solutions to problems. And in this world, there is no problem that he can't solve.

On such a night, when his body burned with ice and fire, he couldn't help but cry.

He was crying because of her, that little woman who had completely captured his heart!

He's really afraid she'll do something stupid!

What if something happened to her! What would he do! How could he live! What meaning would life have!

He regretted it, he truly regretted it!

His life, was strong and resolute. Therefore, when he made a mistake, he wouldn't regret it. Instead, he would strive to salvage the situation based on his mistakes. Just like when she ran away with another man, he didn't regret it. She left, and he simply let her go, not stopping or chasing after her. But now, he regretted it. He regretted clinging to old feelings, coming to Germany, and risking himself to save that woman. He had gotten involved, but he also left Little Cutie behind - Soft, vulnerable Little Cutie, like the most delicate piece of flesh. So soft, so easily hurt. Without him, who would protect her Without him, anyone could hurt her. If she got hurt, what could he do But even worse, perhaps the one hurting her the most right now was him!

He is Rong Ling. He should be cold and ruthless, only someone like that could be strong enough. As for Li Lanqiu, she had taken a blade for him once. What if she was kidnapped because of him, what if she was treated inhumanely He shouldn't care, he should be absolutely cold and ruthless. He should be this kind of person, so no one can touch him. This way, he can remain calm, strong, and focus entirely on his Xiao Gua, so that she wouldn't get hurt, wouldn't suffer so much!

She'll be fine, right

This time, things are different from the incident on the rooftop. That time, jumping from such a high building meant there was absolutely no chance of survival. However, this time he jumped into the sea, so there is still a chance of survival. Therefore, she shouldn't foolishly follow him and jump down, should she She wouldn't be so foolish as to kill herself, would she!

No way... No way... It shouldn't be the case...

Why is he so scared

In this lifetime, who else could love him more than her, loving him to the point of giving up their life Could she do it!


So, tears of fear, tears of heartache!

So, he didn't believe in ghosts and gods, yet he couldn't help but make a prayer, calling out to all the deities he could think of, bowing down and making requests!

All I ask is that she be well.

Wait for him, he'll be back. So little one, you have to be good, you must be good…

By the way, there's Dayang too!

>That's great, and Da Yang is here too!

He raised his hand, and with another knife, he stabbed himself in the leg without hesitation, trying to wake himself up. ( no pop-up ads) It hurt, but this pain was nothing compared to the joy he felt in his heart at this moment.

When he left, he specifically instructed Dayang to keep a close eye on her. Dayang is a loyal person and would definitely carry out his orders without wavering. So, he will definitely protect her well. He surely will.

He was overjoyed, and in that sense of release, a few more tears rolled down his cheeks.

This time, with hope!

So, all he could do was go back as soon as possible. Even with Dayang watching over her, he wasn't at ease. This little woman who filled his heart to the brim, he couldn't bear to not watch over her himself!

Even when I curled myself up as tightly as possible in the freezing cold, I couldn't feel a sliver of warmth. Then I thought of her, her beautiful smile, her sweet words, her warm embrace...

Suddenly, this body felt warm.

In a daze, I saw her.

In a daze, she seemed to have come beside him, knelt down, smiled softly at him, and nestled against him, hugging him tightly, muttering softly, calling his name --

"Rong Ling..."

"Rong Ling..."

"Róng Lǐng... Róng Lǐng..."

One after another!

Again, her hand glided over his face, then through his hair. He felt as if he smelled the fragrance of her hair, and her body scent. It was a warm, faint aroma, like that of flowers!

He couldn't help but laugh, but his swift and brutal movements were even more terrifying!

This is hallucinating!

The more beautiful the illusion, the easier it is to be paralyzed, and the faster the death will come!

So, with several more stabs, he jolted himself awake.

Do not be careless!

Remember always how beautiful her smile was when she looked at you, for that genuine part of her may be crying just as bitterly now! Can you make her cry with such intensity Can you bear the weight of those tears!


So absolutely cannot die, absolutely cannot sleep past it, absolutely must live back!

To see such a beautiful smile, you must live to tell the tale, and then spend your whole life maintaining it.

Little darling… Little darling… Little darling…

Repeating her name in his heart, with each utterance a prick to his own thigh. This was a reminder to himself, to remember her, never to forget; this was a way of telling himself that the pain he felt now was what he owed her, and it had to be repaid.

Thus, he weathered the darkest and coldest period of his life, enduring a seemingly endless night. When the first rays of dawn finally reached him, he could hold on no longer. He closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. In his dreams, however, one name kept surfacing...

...little sweetheart...

Must not forget, absolutely must not forget!

So, wake up!

Two hours before nightfall, he struggled to wake.

His body ached, as if a truck had run over him. It was numb in places, almost beyond feeling. But what could he do He had to get up, he had to find food. The second night was coming fast, and he had to find something to eat, no matter what. Otherwise, he might not make it!

Good boy!

>The moment he thought of her, he felt a surge of strength.

I have to go back, I need to go back, I have to go back as soon as possible!

Limping on his injured leg, he went to pry oysters and pluck seaweed, eating anything he could get his hands on. When he had a bit more strength, he would fish, using the strong shells of oysters and other shellfish as makeshift javelins. The caught fish were swallowed raw. He was fortunate that this was a small island formed by rocks, so there were often fish appearing around each rock from time to time. He was also lucky that the constant tides brought in fish and shellfish regularly.

Throwing darts, it's a test of strength. It used to be something he was absolutely confident about, but now his movements are restricted because of the injury to his chest.

Night fell, the water was too dark to see any more fish. He called it a day. By now, his arms were aching and numb, and the wire across his chest felt like it was tearing apart again, bleeding anew. But there was no choice, he couldn't afford to dwell on that. All he could do was wrap another bandage around it.

One night, I still couldn't sleep. My body was still burning with fever, but it was much better than last night. The feeling of falling into an ice cellar was gone, but I was still alternating between hot and cold. My thigh had been changed. My left leg was so numb from all the injections that it didn't hurt anymore, so there wasn't much effect. So, I had to start injecting my right leg!

He needs absolute pain to get him going!

Finally, as dawn broke, he untied the cloth band, rallied his spirits, and carefully picked at the shredded threads on the gash. Then, with sheer grit, he used a small knife to cut away the flesh that looked rotten. He stitched the wound closed again with needle and thread.

Blood, I got it all over my hand. Painful sweat, it soaked my face and body.

But, he is slowly getting used to it.

Think of her, think of that delicate little person, and he wouldn't feel the pain anymore!

Persevere, persevere again!

To see her, to see her alive!

Nothing can stop it before this!

It's just a few cuts of flesh, just a broken leg, nothing serious. It will all grow back, it will all be fine.

As long as I can see her, that's all that matters!

He still slept under the sun's rays. The warmth, like she was pressed against him, never left!

Little darling…

Little darling...

Thinking about it, I feel warmth. Thinking about it, I feel hope!

This time, he woke up a bit earlier. There were still over three hours until nightfall. His body didn't feel like it was about to collapse anymore, and his left leg had also recovered some feeling.

This is your body repairing itself!

Everything is developing in a positive direction!

He knows, he will surely see her.


Then, he continued fishing. This time, he had the energy to gather some sharp stones and cut down branches from the meager, stunted trees that barely qualified as saplings. He sharpened them into wooden arrows. These would increase his fishing efficiency.

Then there's the problem of water. Seawater can't be drunk, the more you drink, the thirstier you get, and it will kill you. Dig a pit, pour in seawater, put leaves in it, and then cover the hole with a large leaf. Then just wait, waiting for the moisture to evaporate and finally condense back onto the leaves as distilled water. Time is of the essence, so at first, this is all we can rely on.

When distillation didn't work, he began to improve his methods. He used soil molds and tried making stone bowls, using leaves to collect the water, although they were too fragile. Finally, he even used his shoes!

At this point, everything else was irrelevant. All that mattered was survival, living to go back and see her!

She can't do without him!

In this way, by mobilizing all the knowledge he possessed, he managed to survive on the island with great difficulty. On two occasions, he encountered flocks of flying birds. The first time, he was somewhat hasty and only caught two. The others, frightened, flew away quickly. The second time, having learned from his experience, he mastered the art of concealment. He waited for the seabirds to become somewhat lazy as they rested, and then struck swiftly, catching five. He even had the good fortune of finding a few eggs.

This is a great treat!

On this desolate island, he had to find ways to amuse himself!

Without fire, everything is eaten raw, including birds. He would just process the feathers a little and shove them straight into his mouth. After eating the meat, he would spit out the remaining feathers, until finally, he couldn't tell if he was eating meat or feathers.

This feeling, for the first time in my life!

When he was undergoing special training, he could still manage to build a fire or roast a bird, or even prepare it like a chicken. But in this godforsaken place surrounded by water, everything was damp. Starting a fire was too difficult and too extravagant. He kept his shirt material, his suit pants, his leather shoes, and the bird feathers. Anything that could be used to start a fire was precious; he had to keep it for signaling passing ships when he needed help.

Thus, she endured the hardship. Finally, hope arrived as she encountered Yu Xu's rescue team and was reunited with him.

I couldn't wait to call her. The moment I heard her voice, she blurted out, "Did you find Rong Ling!"

That longing nearly brought tears to his eyes!

He missed her so much, and she missed him just as much!

She and he, have never been apart!

To be able to hear her voice with my own ears, confirming her safety, is wonderful, truly wonderful!

He saw her, but she wasn't good. She was thin, too thin, so thin it hurt his eyes!

As expected, she doesn't take care of herself when he's not around.

Little sweetie… Little sweetie…

I'm sorry you were wronged, I'm sorry you were wronged!

This won't happen again, never again!

The greedy kiss spoke of his desire, his guilt, his regret, his pain, his persistence, his commitment!

I made it back alive to see you, my dear. So don't cry, everything is over, it's all over!

Don't cry, don't cry!

Don't cry those kind of tears, why do they have to be that color! Don't cry, don't cry, it's my fault, don't cry...

The pain in his chest, pressing down on him, reminded him that this kiss should end. But he couldn't bear it! He wanted to kiss her until the end of time; he wanted to hold her and witness their love last forever!

The pain in his chest had started to become sharp, yet he was enjoying it amidst the agony, dancing on the edge of a knife. The blood flowed freely, so cruel, yet so beautiful!

He is so cheerful!

Why can't we have a good time!

He finally held her in his arms and kissed her!

This time, she was alive and real. No longer a dream, but true warmth, true sweetness, true softness!

Little darling, my little darling, my little darling...

The sharp pain finally sent a rush of metallic tang to his throat. He was forced, helpless, to release her quickly!

Don't let her know!

Don't let her worry!

She stared at him blankly, still looking like she'd been kissed out of her wits. Her eyes were filled with tears, misty and beautiful, pure as ever! All his fatigue and hardship seemed to vanish under such gaze, in the depths of those eyes.

She is his salvation!

How fortunate he was, at the peak of his youth, to meet her, and then forcefully seize her!

How fortunate he was, to have captured her during the tender years of her life and then imprison her forever!

"Little darling..."

Swallowing the metallic tang, he smiled softly, cupped her face, and with his hand, traced her features one by one.

Remember her, in this moment. Remember the way she's worn herself thin for him. Remember how strong she has been, all the way to now, for him!


He was willful, he hadn't let go completely. If it weren't for her last stand, her armor holding firm, he wouldn't be standing here!

"I'm sorry…" This time, he let go completely!

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

She cried, shaking her head wildly. Her fingers trembled as they reached up to touch his face.

"I'm back, so don't say sorry, don't say...don't's over, it's all over..."

Why has he become so thin His cheeks have sunk in, his eye sockets are deep, his lips are cracked, and his beard is unkempt, like an African refugee.

Disfigurement, her disfigurement, she was perfectly fine, yet she's become like this!

This is such a difficult situation!

"Don't say sorry... It's my fault... I shouldn't have let you wait... It's my fault..."

He covered her small mouth, his voice a whisper, his dark eyes filled with pain yet deep affection.

"It's not your one should say's over...let's not talk about it anymore..."

"Rong Ling..." Tears streamed down her face, but they were bittersweet.

"Shhh, don't cry, don't cry..."

Lulling her, he was still that profound Rong Ling, a powerful Rong Ling, like an umbrella of Rong Ling. He came back, and he could once again hold up the sky for her.

"Don't cry, it breaks my heart!"

"But I feel sorry for him too…"

She clutched his hand tightly, and pressed it against her chest.

"Here, it used to hurt so much. But now――" she laughed through her tears, a touch of charming naiveté in her expression. "Now, here it's so sweet, so sweet..."

How cute she is!

He lowered his head and gently kissed her.

Under the dim yellow light, with dust dancing in the air, two equally frail figures, both withered away by love, embraced each other at this moment. Their kiss, their gaze, their laughter, their cherishing and appreciation for one another, their protection and comfort warmed the hearts of all present, bringing tears to their eyes. Many bowed their heads, silently wiping away their tears!

And Xiao Youyou, however, had endured again and again. He could bear it no longer! With a cry of "Wow--" he burst into tears, raising his face to the heavens. He had been standing there all along, quietly waiting and watching. Tears streamed uncontrollably down his face, but he held them back, refusing to speak. His nose twitched, drawing in sharp breaths again and again. But at this moment, finally, he could not hold it any longer.

Finally, he saw his father. His father was also excited, but also wronged, and full of bitter tears.

He's just a child, only five years old. How mature can he possibly be! His father is gone, and his mother is so heartbroken. As the pillar of this family after his father left, he can only stay strong, hold himself back from tears, and work hard to help his mother, to keep the family going. But he's still a child, he feels sad too. He just hides his sadness, practicing martial arts and punching bags. Maybe at night, when it’s quiet, he will cover himself with a blanket and secretly cry, not letting anyone see. In front of his mother, he must be brave; he cannot become her burden. He has to support his mother, waiting strong for his father's return.

Now, daddy has finally come back. He can finally stop forcing himself to be strong and finally cry out loud.

"Daddy... Daddy..."

Finally, I can cry and shout as much as I want. I can shout however I please.

"Daddy... Boo hoo... Youyou misses you... So much, so much... Boo hoo... Youyou is scared... So scared... So scared..."

Finally, I can speak my heart’s cowardice aloud.

As long as his father is around, he can act like a child. It's okay to be cowardly, and it's okay to be afraid.

"Daddy... sniff... Daddy..."

He rushed over and hugged Rong Ling's leg!

Pain shot through him instantly, but Rong Ling didn't push Youyou away. Instead, he reached out with a large hand, gently touching the little guy's head, then covering it completely, and then kneading it hard for a few times.

Lin Meng's tears also subsided slightly.

“Yoyo…he’s been so good…” She sniffed, wiping away tears with her hand and smiling at Rong Ling. “He was so strong when you weren't here, he helped me a lot. And Haohao too, both of them, they’ve been so good...”

Xiao Hao reached out to wipe his tears, but the more he wiped, the more they came. Rong Ling reached out to touch his head, and he suddenly threw himself into Rong Ling's legs, hugging him tightly. However, his crying was silent, a habitual way of hiding himself.

Two tiny tears immediately soaked Rong Lingxin's freshly changed pants, and a faint smell of blood spread. Although Rong Ling's thighs had been treated, there were still signs of bleeding.

Xiao Youyou suddenly raised her head, her red eyes wide with alarm as she stared at Rong Ling.

"Daddy, why is there blood!"

The dream changed faces.

"It's nothing." Rong Ling chuckled at the little guy. "Just a minor scratch!"

Yu Xu couldn't help but chime in. "Where is a minor injury! Big brother, we should still go to the hospital as soon as possible, get the surgery finished, and then, we can cry our hearts out!"

Rong Ling glared at him again, this kid was really poking the hornet's nest. Sure enough, as soon as he mentioned surgery, the three of them, mother and son, with their pure black eyes fixed on him, all burst into tears!

He finally soothed him!

Rong Ling secretly scolded Yu Xu in his heart, although he understood that this brother was completely thinking of him!

But he had also gone off track. Although Lin Meng shed tears fiercely, she suddenly became strong.

I told you, there's no way nothing happened. Come on, let's go to the hospital, right now!

She raised her hand, wiped her eyes with her smooth arm fiercely, and then walked over to support him.

"Come on, let's go to the hospital. When you're better, we'll have a good cry!"

At this time, some foolishly echoed Yu Xu!

He naturally couldn't say hers, and he couldn't disobey her either, so obediently, he let her hold him up! The two little ones were also unwilling to be outdone, following closely behind, seemingly clearing the way and protecting their parents. Although both of them were still crying, their immature faces had regained their firmness.

The light shone on the faces of the mother and her two children, their cheeks wet with tears, yet reflecting a dazzling brilliance.

Very bright!

The man of the house is finally home!

At this moment, their hearts were enlightened!

A pair of eyes, embedded in the face, are even more striking!

That is the light of hope, that is the light of peace!

Rong Ling looked at the three of them, his eyes welled up. But soon, he suppressed the moisture!

He is Rong Ling, he's back, not to cry, but to protect, to protect these three treasures, especially that soft little one!

--- Aside ---

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In short, thank you all for your various kinds of support! o(n_n)o~he clean clothes were picked up by Rong Ling just now, Lin Meng changed into them and went out with her half-wet hair.She was actually a bit anxious and really didn't want to keep Rong Mama waiting to...

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