
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

she slid softly down the door panel. She desperately reached back and grabbed the door panel to prevent herself from falling to the ground. In front of his tall figure, she seemed even more petite and...Explain! Explain what! Explain that this bra isn't hers, so she can take advantage of the situation and get away from all this gossip! No, Lin Meng wouldn't do such a thing! The bra is hers, there's no doubt about it. But how could she explain! Tell everything that happened Say that someone took her clothes off, then took pictures of her And implicate Jiang Po-lang in this too

Lin Meng's mind was a chaotic mess, her scalp tightening bit by bit, feeling like the nerves in her brain were jumping and twitching with each jolt, pain shooting through her.

Teacher Ni got angry and pushed Lin Meng. "Lin Meng, the principal is asking you something, why don't you speak up!"

Lin Meng let out an "ah" and looked at the principal's dignified face, but she didn't know how to begin!

The principal probably knew the students were afraid of him, so he immediately changed his tone and approach, coaxing Lin Meng gently: “Lin Meng, is this yours”

Lin Meng nodded.

"You're the one who put it on the flagpole, right"

Lin Meng immediately shook his head.

The principal smiled faintly, his expression composed. He looked at her kindly. "Lin Meng, don't be afraid, just tell the truth. There are so many teachers here, they wouldn't wrong you. I just want to find out who did this. If you didn't do it, you won't be blamed."

The principal truly lived up to their title, having a deep understanding of people's hearts after sitting in this position for so long. Lin Meng, comforted by the principal, was no longer as afraid. After thinking for a moment, she realized that if she didn't give an explanation today, she would be the one left to face the consequences. She lowered her head slightly, organized her words, and although her voice trembled slightly, she managed to speak calmly.

“This… thing is indeed mine, but… three days ago, it was taken by Wu Shengnan. I… didn’t feel comfortable asking for it back, and I wasn’t familiar with her. I don’t know how this thing ended up here!”

"Wu Shengnan!" The principal frowned. This name sounded so much like a boy's. For something as private as a bra to be taken by a boy, wasn't Lin Mengmo playing with the gender lines! The principal's heart sank, immediately becoming serious. He asked the teachers present, including the Discipline Director, the head of the senior year one grade, Teacher Ni, and the Dean of Academic Affairs.

"Who is Wu Shengnan! Tell him to come see me immediately!"

The Discipline Director, Teacher Chiang, was aware of this individual. Since he was in charge of discipline, he naturally had a military style when handling matters. He had actually served in the army. He knew about Deputy Bureau Chief Wu Yong and also knew that Wu Shengnan was Wu Yong's daughter. What was that girl doing running to their No. 4 Middle School instead of staying at No. 10 Middle School

Teacher Chiang immediately explained, and by the way, also mentioned Wu Shengnan's identity and her usual character.

The principal was a bit angry, thinking to himself, "You look so well-behaved, Lin Meng. How come you're associating with these troublemakers outside of school" This principal disliked students from No. 10 Middle School the most. Because of this No. 10 Middle School neighbor, many students at his No. 4 Middle School had been led astray, causing him to constantly play catch-up and never reaching the top spot in terms of college entrance exam results!

After some deliberation, the principal decided to take this matter seriously and intended to use it as an opportunity to give a stern warning to the students below, aiming for a "kill one to warn a hundred" effect!

"Teacher Chiang and Teacher Lin, please both go to No. 10 Middle School and tell the head of the guidance office to have Ms. Wu Shengnan come over!"

The principal's Lin Teacher is a man in his late thirties and the head of the teaching department at No. 4 Middle School.

Two people went back and forth quickly, and shortly afterwards, they brought Wu Shengnan here. Following closely behind were the head of the teaching department from No. 10 Middle School and Wu Shengnan's homeroom teacher.

Please have the two teachers sit down. The principal pointed at the bra on the table and asked Wu Shengnan.

"Ms. Wu Shengnan, Lin Meng said that she thinks this thing was taken by you. Could you please explain"

Wu Shengnan grinned widely and replied confidently, “Hello, Principal. I did take this, but I returned it to her the next day!”

This girl's father is a police officer. She has been to the police station with him since she was little and is familiar with the sight of police interrogating criminals. Naturally, she is also familiar with various methods criminals use to escape. Even though the principal looked stern, how could he compare to those fierce and intimidating policemen She wasn't afraid at all, nor did she feel intimidated. When she told lies, she didn't even blink an eye.

The principal hadn't expected this answer. He was a shrewd person too, having climbed to his position as principal through much effort and by navigating the intricacies of various relationships. At a glance, he could tell that Wu Shengnan wasn't an ordinary girl. After some contemplation, he decided to remain silent and turned to Lin Meng. "Is everything she said true"

Lin Meng immediately shook her head and looked at Wu Shengnan, anger rising in her eyes. "She's lying! She never gave it back to me!"

Wu Shengnan was displeased, looking at Lin Meng with anger. "That night after evening self-study, you went to the restroom, I gave you back that thing, how can you still frame me Hmph, do you think I want this thing from you I don't have any strange fetishes, what would I need this for Even if you paid me, I wouldn't take it!"

"You're lying! When have you ever asked me to use the restroom"

Wu Shengnan frowned. "It was that night!" She had bitten down and refused to let go.

Of course, Lin Meng knew that Wu Shengnan was talking nonsense, but who would believe her

The principal watched, thinking that Lin Meng probably wasn't Wu Shengnan's match and couldn't tell who was lying. He frowned. "You both make valid points, but back then when you were exchanging things, did anyone see"

Wu Shengnan feigned a frown and thought for a moment before saying, "I don't think so!"

Lin Meng just went to the bathroom, but who would pay attention to who else is around when they go to the toilet Besides, this happened two or three days ago. There are so many people coming and going in the restroom, who could remember clearly! Right now she was furious, her gut feeling told her it must be Wu Shengnan who was playing dirty.

Lin Meng was a little nervous at first, after all, there were so many teachers here, and several of them held important positions and had quite an official air. But being falsely accused by Wu Shengnan really suppressed the timidness in her heart. Besides, how could this principal, no matter how dignified, compare to Rong Ling!

Lin Meng gritted her teeth, raised her head, and looked directly at the principal with a serious expression. She spoke clearly and said, "Principal, I swear that I didn't put this thing on the flagpole. I beg you to send someone to investigate. I am absolutely innocent. I believe that justice will prevail, and heaven nets are wide and won't let even a fly escape. Whoever did it will definitely not get away with it."

After finishing his words, he glared fiercely at Wu Shengnan!

She suddenly became a strong character, which surprised all the teachers and principals around her. The principal also secretly admired her in his heart. He didn't expect that this girl had some courage and was a person who faced challenges head-on. His students from No. 4 Middle School, if they were really framed by someone, he naturally couldn't let outsiders bully them. Otherwise, the leaders of other schools would ridicule him, the principal, for failing to protect his own students, making him seem incompetent!

So, the principal glared at Wu Shengnan.

Wu Shengnan was also taken aback by Lin Meng's sudden change. Seeing the principal looking displeased at him, she took the initiative to speak first and questioned Lin Meng. "Lin Meng, what do you mean I said I would return the things to you, and that means I returned them to you. Do I look like someone who's afraid of not being able to prove it!"

Turning around, she respectfully looked at the principal again. "Principal, I agree with sending someone to investigate. Otherwise, it'll make me seem like the bad guy, while others appear innocent and good!"

This girl is really good at talking!

This is the impression everyone present has, and the principal can't help but have a headache.

Ms. Cao, Wu Shengnan's homeroom teacher, had received much care from Wu Shengnan's father, Mr. Wu Yong, on a daily basis. She naturally loved this student and immediately defended her by saying: "Principal, I don't think Wu Shengnan did this. This morning, Wu Shengnan didn't leave our school at all. It would be absolutely impossible for her to have run to your Fourth Middle School and done something so disgraceful to the academic atmosphere."

Lin Meng frowned.

Wu Shengnan remained impassive, but a cold smile played on her lips.

Lin Meng's homeroom teacher, Teacher Ni, also couldn't stand it anymore and hurriedly spoke up to defend Lin Meng: "Principal, Lin Meng in our class is a well-behaved girl who listens to her teachers and does well in her studies. From the start of the semester until now, she has never done anything out of line. Everyone can see this. I also believe that Lin Meng wouldn't do such a thing."

Although Teacher Ni is strict with her students on a daily basis, she is also fiercely protective of them and won't tolerate anyone bullying her students.

"Hmm," the principal nodded, very approving of Teacher Ni's statement. But things couldn't just remain like this! The principal frowned, looking at the two students before him. He felt that this matter was rather difficult to handle. Most importantly, Wu Shengnan didn't seem like an ordinary student!

After a moment's contemplation, the principal's face darkened. He looked at Lin Meng and Wu Shengnan, and spoke in a stern voice: "I know that one of you is lying. There's no doubt about that."

The principal immediately grasped the situation and added another layer to the nature of this matter.

“You two need to know that if you dare to lie in front of so many teachers, principals, and even the headmaster, the consequences will be severe. Right now, the matter hasn't been publicized, and no one is investigating yet, so I'm giving you both a chance to come clean and tell the truth. If you do, I can go easy on you. But if any of you persist in your stubbornness, and this ultimately gets exposed, then I will definitely take strict action!”

At this point, the principal's voice suddenly rose in volume, causing everyone else in the room to stiffen.

The principal's eyes, steeped in experience, darted back and forth between Lin Meng and Wu Shengnan's faces, as if trying to see through them both and determine who was more nervous.

"Now, who's willing to tell the truth!"

Wu Shengnan was not one to be intimidated. She raised her chin, stuck out her neck, and defiantly shouted at the principal, "Principal, every word I said is the truth!"

Lin Meng let out a cold snort in her heart, and immediately raised her chin. Her fair face rushed towards the principal, her dark eyes bravely meeting the principal's gaze directly. Facing those eyes that bore the vicissitudes of life and contained wisdom, she gritted her silver teeth and refused to yield even if she died.

"Principal, I'm telling the truth, check if you want!"

The principal laughed angrily, thinking to himself that one of these two people was truly unlucky. Did this person really think that a respectable headmaster like him was just there for show!

"Very well!" The principal let out a cold snort and abruptly rose from his leather armchair.

Since you two are both so stubborn, then investigate! As I said before, and gave you a chance, if you don't cherish it yourselves, then from now on, I won't show any mercy to anyone!

At that moment, the principal immediately ordered Discipline Director Jiang to arrange for people to investigate. Discipline Director Jiang had previously served in the military and had been at this school for over ten years, handling all sorts of student misconduct cases. He also had comrades who were now police officers. He still had some experience when it came to apprehending criminals.

Immediately, he arranged for Lin Meng and Wu Shengnan to go there first. He wanted to find out why the bra had changed hands and what had really happened that day. He also wanted to understand if there were any other conflicts between the two women.

Wu Shengnan smiled smugly in her heart. Everything was going according to her plan. She was even a little afraid that the teachers at No. 4 Middle School wouldn't investigate further! If they investigated well, thoroughly, they would be able to uncover all of Lin Meng's secrets. She hadn't been idle these past few days; she had already asked her uncles, aunts, and brothers to investigate Lin Meng. She wanted to catch Lin Meng in some small misdeeds, embarrass her, and make her lose face in front of the entire school. Unexpectedly, even heaven was helping her. She actually found out that Lin Meng went to "prostitution"! Haha, if the school knew about this, they would have to expel her immediately!

She said, "This Lin Meng is no good. To do such a dirty thing! As soon as she heard about it, she wanted to call Jiang Po-lang and give him a good scolding. But then she changed her mind. She decided to let someone else tell Jiang Po-lang about it. She was afraid that telling him herself would make him suspicious and resentful. It's better for him to hear it from someone else, so he can see who regrets it all."

She wasn't afraid that the school wouldn't be able to find out about this. Since she had planned everything out in advance, she had made arrangements. The final investigation would definitely proceed in the direction she wanted it to go. She was now just waiting to see Lin Mengyan humiliated and then spend the rest of her life hiding at home, too ashamed to face anyone!

On the other hand, rumors spread through the school, insinuating that the bra belonged to Lin Meng. Jiang Po Lang was a smart person and immediately connected it to that day and Wu Shengnan. He had his own network of information and learned that Wu Shengnan had been called to the principal's office, where Lin Meng was also present.

He was getting quite angry. This Wu Shengnan, she really treated his words like wind passing by her ears. Did she actually think he would spare her just because they were childhood friends!

Because Wu Shengnan's phone was crushed by Lin Meng and she hasn't had time to buy a new one, Jiang Po浪 couldn't contact her by phone. He could only rush to find her during his lunch break.

At a glance, he bluntly concluded, "I know you did this."

Wu Shengnan smiled silently, neither admitting nor denying.

Jiang Po Lang's smiling face hardened into ice. "I warned you, don't lay a finger on her again."

Wu Shengnan let out a cold snort. "Jiang Po浪, what's your rush The investigation results aren't out yet. Come find me when the results are in and we can have it out. I'm always available!"

That way, she was incredibly confident, as if she wasn't afraid of the investigation results at all. This left Jiang Po浪 quite confused. He had been 100% sure that Wu Shengnan had done it, but now seeing her so reliant on the investigation results, he started to have doubts in his heart.

What did you do

"Wu Shengnan waved her hands innocently. "I haven't done anything!"

"Impossible!" Jiang Po waved gritted his teeth, his bright black eyes flashed suddenly, as if he had thought of something. "Did you use your father's connections and reach out to the investigation team!"

Wu Shengnan smiled but said nothing.

Jiang Po浪 was furious, his wheat-colored skin looking even darker. “You wouldn't be stupid enough to really do this, would you Let me tell you, I’ll handle this, and Lin Meng will definitely pay the price. For the sake of us growing up together, I advise you to come out and surrender, confess your crime willingly. That way, I won't pursue it too harshly. Otherwise, once things are investigated, I won't show any mercy.”

Jiang Po-lang is being a bit harsh here, after all, he and her family aren't too bad. They still keep in touch sometimes. He also doesn't really want to make things too difficult for this girl!

Wu Shengnan let out a cold snort, hating Jiang Po's constant protection of Lin Meng. She laughed coldly and angrily said: "No need, thank you for your kindness, but I don't need it. As I said, I will wait for the investigation results to come out."

Jiang PoLang gritted his teeth, this girl really wouldn't cry until she saw the coffin.

"Alright, Wu Shengnan, let's see what happens. I'm putting this on record: if you dare to harm Lin Meng in any way, you'll face double the pain!"

Wu Shengnan rolled her eyes, clearly disdainful. Don't get ahead of yourself. Just wait until you know what Lin Meng is really like. I bet you won't think she's so precious then, and you certainly won't be rushing to defend her!

Jiang Po waved, pursed his lips, and turned away coldly.

Wu Shengnan saw his coldness and ruthlessness, clenched her fists tightly, and became even more determined to give Lin Meng a good lesson. Just wait, the girl who was so eager to protect him would immediately taste the bitterness. The people she had arranged were definitely stirring up trouble at No. 4 Middle School right now.

Everything went exactly as she had planned. Although the principal of No. 4 Middle School had strictly ordered all teachers not to say a word about the bra incident until the truth was revealed, with lunchtime approaching and the canteen bustling with people, soon everyone knew that the ridiculous spectacle of the bra waving under the red flag that morning was most likely the work of Lin Meng.

"Wow, is that really yours!" Zhu Xiaomeng's eyes widened in disbelief as she stared at Lin Meng. Her voice was loud; they had already finished their meal and were walking along the path where people came and went. She spoke so loudly, it was truly reckless. Normally, Lin Meng might have nodded. But with Zhu Xiaomeng being so vocal, she couldn't even nod her head! It felt like everyone was stealthily looking at her.

"I'm sleepy, I'm going to take a nap!"

Unwilling to say more, she hurried towards the classroom. Zhu Xiaomeng gritted her teeth and followed. Lin Meng was determined to escape all this commotion. Saying she would sleep, she went back to the classroom, sat in her own seat, and fell asleep. To say she slept, but could she really have After such a headache-inducing incident, how could she possibly fall asleep!

I was called to speak with the discipline head this morning. It seems that deliberately hanging a bra on the flagpole is considered extremely bad behavior. It's not only an insult to the school, but also to the national flag, and must be taken seriously. Regardless of whether she did it or not, the item came from her, and she secretly colluded with outsiders and even got into a fight. This matter won't just end here.

Perhaps being too honest is also a mistake. She thought that telling everything that happened between her and Wu Shengnan truthfully would earn her some trust, but instead, it made her situation even more difficult. She probably would be punished! If she was punished, she would accept it, only hoping that it wouldn't come to the point where her family had to be called to school. In her family, she was already an awkward one, and she really couldn't bear the shame of facing them!

She lay there for a long time. Zhu Xiaomeng rolled her eyes and left. The gossipy girls over there didn't care whether she was really asleep or faking it, and they started talking about bras. Their gleeful Schadenfreude and their veiled mockery were truly appalling; even a clay Buddha would be angered by them.

"It seems these things haven't happened to them, so they are so happy to treat other people's pain as entertainment. Lin Meng quietly pursed her lips and gritted her teeth."

Humiliation, it's utter humiliation!

On the field, during the broadcast exercise, almost all the teachers and students saw that fluttering private object. At that time, she was surprised, but at the same time felt sorry for the owner of the bra. She thought to herself that it would be better if the bra was blown down by the wind and quietly swept away as garbage. However, she never expected that the pitiful creature was herself. This was such a humiliation, to be laughed at by all the teachers and students! No wonder on her way back just now, many people pointed at her and whispered behind her back. It turned out that almost the whole school knew it belonged to her. Teacher Jiang said clearly that before finding out who did it, he wouldn't tell anyone about it! Why, why make it known to everyone! Why!

"This is so embarrassing! I can't believe someone like this came from our class!" The girls huddled together, glancing sideways at Lin Meng who was lying on the floor, making pointed remarks.

“Yeah, I don’t know what she was thinking either. Hanging her stuff under the flag! Is she crazy! Even if she wants to show off her inner beauty, there’s no need for this, right”

"Ugh." A girl said with annoyance, "It's bad enough that she got talked about by herself, but now she's dragging down the entire class! Whenever they bring this up, they say it was someone from our year seven class. It's infuriating! They make it seem like all the girls in year seven are just like her, shameless and embarrassing. I'm so mad!"

"Well, that's just too infuriating!"

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Right next to my ear, it's these constant complaints, accusations, and insults!

Lin Meng felt it was enough, really enough! What had she done wrong again! Was it wrong to rebel against Wu Shengnan! Was it wrong to speak the truth about what happened! Why, whenever something went wrong, did all the blame always fall on her!

That's enough, that's really enough!

The crystal tears slid slowly down her eye sockets. She tried to take deep breaths, pushing all the pain into her heart. Don't think, don't think about anything. Everything will be alright, it will pass. She believed that she wasn't the one who did it, and nobody else could slander her. She believed that the school's investigation team would give her an explanation.

But, those girls can't stop, don't say anymore!


Lin Meng whimpered softly, hearing more girls who had finished their meal join the ranks of those condemning her. They angrily rebuked her one after another, sounding like harbingers of death.

She thought, this life is really goddamn ridiculous!

Want to laugh, but tears fell first.

Alas, feigning sleep—enough!

The afternoon class bell rang, but she had no energy to lift her head and look at the blackboard. She didn't need to see, just by feeling, she knew that many pairs of eyes were secretly staring at her. Perhaps some of them were not malicious, just out of curiosity, curious about her reaction as the person involved. But did she need to raise her head, let everyone see her tear-stained eyes, to satisfy everyone's curiosity, to stop their attention

"Teacher, Lin Meng is sleeping!"

In every class, there are always a few mischievous and restless students who stir up trouble. Even the teachers try to turn a blind eye, but those students just won't let up.

This class is physics. The physics teacher is a young one, fresh out of normal university and only teaching at this school for less than two years. She's always been teaching high school first and second year students, but this time it's her turn to teach the first year physics class. The female teacher is very approachable and kind-hearted. When she heard the complaint from the black-faced boy sitting in the back row, she was taken aback for a moment before quickly reacting with a slight smile and saying, "Lin Meng just came out of the hospital and is weak. She's not feeling well right now, so let her lie down."

That boy with the sullen face got what he deserved. He clamped his mouth shut and said nothing more. In his heart, he thought to himself, "I guess I just made a small bit of trouble for Lin Meng, so that should be enough to complete the task Wu Shengnan gave me!"

Lin Meng had been desperately trying to suppress her tears, allowing them to flow silently. She let the pain of humiliation crush her heart, but she remained silent. She was a good student, always ranking within the top ten in her class. She thought that even if she missed a lesson once, her teacher wouldn't make things difficult for her. But who knew, someone would actually call her out by name.

Teacher Ding, who taught physics, was very liked by her. Unexpectedly, this time Teacher Ding even spoke up for her. She felt that she was really letting down her teacher's kindness with how pathetic she looked now. And maybe they just wanted to see her downfall, to watch her as a laughingstock. Why should she be so foolish and cater to them, letting them have their laugh at her expense! Just because she had been hurt, did that mean she should cry and give them something to laugh at!

No, I don't want to!

The more so in times like these, the more one should stand tall, meet their gaze head-on, and make them unable to laugh. Lin Meng felt a surge of defiance rise within her. Silently, she moved her hand, wiping away the tears on her face, again and again, until her palm was completely wet, until the last sheet of paper towel in her possession was almost used up, before her entire face was clean.

Striving, taking deep breaths again and again, slowly driving away the sadness. This time, it took about ten minutes. Although her eyes were definitely red and swollen, giving away that she had been crying, how many people would know she was secretly weeping She even tried to put on a brave face!

Slowly, she raised her head and drew back her left arm which she had been using as a pillow. Taking a deep breath, she proudly lifted her chin and stared intently at the blackboard with wide-open eyes. After reading the main title on the blackboard, she slightly lowered her head, took out the physics book from beside her desk, and flipped to the page for today's lesson. At the same time, she took out a pen and carefully copied the notes onto the book. When she looked up again, she saw the young female teacher nod slightly at her, with a hint of approval in her eyes.

So, she laughed!

Then, everyone else was surprised.

What caught my eye was a stunningly beautiful face. It was damp with redness, clearly having been washed by tears just moments ago. But what pride that face held! Her jaw was set firmly, her chin slightly raised, like a revolutionary warrior who would rather die than surrender. The graceful curve of her profile revealed a gentle yet resolute strength, reminding me of the plum blossom, one of the "Three Friends of Winter." It made me think of the poem on plums written by Lu You that our language teacher had just taught us two days ago—

Alone by the bridge, outside the station, a solitary lamp flickers. The sun has set, and I am left to my own thoughts. Wind and rain add to my melancholy.

Unintentionally vying for spring, I allow all the flowers to envy me. Falling to the ground and becoming mud, crushed into dust, only my fragrance remains as before. 【Note】

These people each had different feelings in their hearts, and soon they looked away and earnestly listened to the lesson!

And over there, Wu Shengnan laughed merrily, anticipating her imminent victory! What a silly girl, she has no idea what trouble she's gotten herself into!

Time flies, and it's already self-study time. It's almost eight o'clock now, in half an hour these students can go home. Wu Shengnan twirled a ballpoint pen in her hand, a slight smile on her lips, imagining the possible miserable state of Lin Meng couldn't help but feel secretly proud!

Suddenly, the head teacher entered the classroom and shouted, "Wu Shengnan, come out!"

Wu Shengnan didn't take it seriously, thinking that the investigation team from No. 4 Middle School was going to ask her something again, so she strolled out casually. When she saw her old man, who was known for being expensive and high-class, standing at the classroom door, she was stunned on the spot.

"Dad, how did you get here!"

Wu Shengnan's father, Wu Yong, thought his daughter was too embarrassing academically and never wanted to come to school for her. Even at parent-teacher conferences, he had her mother attend. He even sent his subordinates to pick her up if there was an emergency. This was the first time he came to see her.

Wu Yong's face was grim. The lighting in the corridor wasn't very bright, casting his face in a dark and gloomy hue. He was still in his police uniform, not even having time to remove it, indicating he had arrived in a great hurry. Wu Shengnan felt a pang of anxiety. Although she was usually pampered by her parents, when her father changed his expression and got stern, Wu Shengnan became very afraid.


Wu Shengnan called out softly again, her heart pounding.

"Come with me!"

Wu Yong said this in a low voice, then turned and left with his back straight.

On the other side, the teacher kept smiling warmly and said to Wu Shengnan, “Shengnan, you’d better go. After-school classes are almost over, you don’t have to come back.”

Wu Shengnan nodded and immediately ran two steps to catch up with her father's long strides. As soon as the two of them walked, they got straight into the police car parked at the school gate.

Wu Yong snorted: "Xiao Zhang, go for a stroll outside, I'll call you back in a while."

The driver, Xiao Zhang, let out a sigh and opened the door to get out of the car.

Seeing that her father had asked the driver, Uncle Zhang, to step aside for a private talk with her, Wu Shengnan's heart sank. She felt uneasy and suspected this must be something important, otherwise, Uncle Zhang wouldn't have been called away.

"Dad, what's wrong" she asked with a sweet smile.

Wu Yong's face darkened, and he glared at Wu Shengnan fiercely, wishing he could slap her across the face.

"What else do you dare to ask You've almost played your old man's life away!"

This startled Wu Shengnan, her face changing color.

"Dad, what's wrong" Her voice trembled with unshed tears. She could hear the heaviness in her father's tone, it didn't sound like a joke at all. What on earth could be so serious that her father would talk about dying

Wu Yongqi let out a snort, his bronze face contorted with anger.

"If it weren't for Liang Jian calling me today, I wouldn't have known what you got up to!"

"Liang Jian!" Wu Shengnan murmured, but this man was a stranger to her.

Wu Yongqi glared at her again. "There are people outside of people, and heaven above the sky. Don't think that because you became the deputy director, you can act recklessly. I have figured out what happened between you and Lin Meng. You are so bold, you dared to use my men without authorization and even got them to do bad things for you. Humph, you underestimated the discipline director of No. 4 Middle School, he knows a lot of people. This time, he directly asked Liang Jian to privately help him investigate the case. Do you think what you did was flawless In the eyes of an experienced police officer like Liang Jian who deals with cunning criminals every day, your actions are child's play!"

Wu Shengnan let out a sigh of relief. "I thought something was wrong," she said. "It's just this. Since Liang Jian called Dad, it means things were kept under wraps, so there's nothing to worry about." So Wu Shengnan smiled and coquettishly said, "Dad, I'm still young, so naturally I can't do everything perfectly!"

Wu Yong saw that his daughter's little tail was wagging again, and he couldn't help himself. He tapped her head lightly. "You're still laughing! Do you think just this will get your old man involved!"

Wu Shengnan was stunned!

Wu Yong looked at her, almost hating iron for not being steel. "Since you thought of asking your uncles and aunts to investigate Lin Meng, how could you still be so foolish as to confront her head-on! Don't tell me you don't know who Rong Ling is!"

Wu Shengnan pouted. "So what if you know!"

"Knowing you still dare to be so bold! Rong Ling is someone you can't mess with, even your deputy director Uncle Jiang wouldn't dare to directly confront him! You little chick who hasn't even fully spread her wings dares to stir up trouble on his territory! Do you even want to live!"

"I didn't offend him, did I" Wu Shengnan was trying to defend herself!

Even though she has shown her true colors, he is still so stubborn and unyielding.

"How could you not have offended him! Lin Meng belongs to him. You touched his people, that's an offense against him. Do you think my position as your father is that powerful Just one word from Rong Ling and I could lose my job anytime. You little girl, do you understand what I'm saying! You almost caused a huge disaster, do you get it!"

"Didn't Rong Ling already give up on her Why would he still care about her affairs!" Wu Shengnan retorted stubbornly.

Even if Rong Ling doesn't want her anymore, she, Lin Meng, is already labeled as Rong Ling's. You think those schemes you have in mind are hidden from me Do you want to use this to smear Lin Meng But have you thought about it, if the Si Zhong investigation team digs deeper, they will definitely find out about Rong Ling. If the people below carelessly leak this matter, making it known to everyone, do you think Rong Ling will let you off the hook! You think he wouldn't know that all of these things are your doing He, Rong Ling, has the guts to come out and play because he thinks no one dares to touch him. You, this silly girl, foolishly run into his gun barrel, do you really think Rong Ling won't shoot you!

"He...he dares!"

“You’re still being stubborn!” Wu Yong immediately widened his eyes and raised his fan-like big hand to slap Wu Shengnan’s pretty face. Wu Shengnan was frightened, she let out a cry and quickly turned her face away, closing her eyes, her complexion paled slightly. Seeing this, Wu Yong felt a pang of reluctance in his heart. Looking at his only beloved daughter, he couldn't bring himself to hit her. In the end, he reluctantly lowered his hand.

"That's it, I've told you everything. This matter should end here. Your father also spoke to you today. The Rong family is huge, so big that those who aren't core members of the Rong family don't even know how vast it is. It's just rumored that the Rong family's businesses are spread all over the world. If the Rong family withdrew its assets from this country, the national economy would regress by twenty years overnight. And there are people from the Rong family everywhere in the government and political institutions of this country. Even the army, on the surface, several top commanders are from the Rong family's main branch, not to mention those behind the scenes who have intricate connections with the Rong family. In Kyoto, everyone in power knows that you shouldn't provoke anyone, but especially the Rong family members. Otherwise, you'll definitely die a terrible death."

Man, this time you're wrong, badly wrong. I order you to go find Principal Chen right now and explain the whole story from beginning to end, and apologize sincerely. I've already spoken to Principal Chen, and he said he will try his best to downplay the situation.

Wu Shengnan bit her lip and unwillingly nodded. She didn't want to gamble her and her family's lives.

Besides, tell those people you've been looking for to stop what they're doing and don't stir up trouble anymore. Later, be sure to sincerely apologize to Lin Meng. Only then will this matter be truly settled!

Apologize to Lin Meng!

Wu Shengnan suddenly raised her head, so angry her nose was almost crooked. "What for! What reason do I have to apologize to that little bitch!"

Wu Yong frowned. "Manman, who let you speak so rudely What school did you learn this from! I'm ordering you to apologize! Just apologize! Don't ask why, just unconditionally obey!" Wu Yong growled almost in a low voice.

Wu Shengnan snorted and retorted, "I don't want to!"

Wu Yong was furious, feeling that this daughter of his was becoming increasingly unfilial.

"You've gone too far! You don't even listen to me anymore!" He raised his hand, this time truly intending to slap Wu Shengnan!

Wu Shengnan was quick-witted. She suddenly pushed open the car door and scrambled out, slamming it shut at the same time. With the window rolled up, she made a defiant grimace and spat.

"Who would apologize to her! Humph, she deserves it!"

After that, regardless of Wu Yong's ashen face, he dashed off!

Let her apologize next life!

Wu Yongqi's fist clenched tightly, wishing he could grab this girl and beat her up.

The driver Xiao Zhang, who was standing under a tree in the distance to avoid suspicion, saw Wu Shengnan dash out and immediately ran back. He respectfully asked Wu Yong, "Deputy Bureau, should I chase after Nannan" He had always been Wu Yong's driver and had vaguely guessed why Wu Yong had rushed here today.

Wu Yong shook his head, watching Wu Shengnan run far away. He knew deep down that his daughter's stubborn personality would likely make it impossible for her to swallow this grudge. If he really forced her to apologize to Lin Meng, things might get even worse at the scene. Let it be, let it be.

"Xiao Zhang, drive to No. 4 Middle School. Come with me to look for Principal Chen!" He wanted to end the matter tonight so as not to cause any more trouble.

Xiao Zhang let out a sigh of "Ai" and got into the car, driving straight to No. 4 Middle School.

Inside the car, Wu Yong let out a silent sigh of frustration. For his daughter, he had reluctantly lowered his proud head and apologized to others. It was truly embarrassing. It seemed he had been too lenient with her, spoiling her to become somewhat lawless. This wouldn't do. If he didn't rein her in soon, she would surely get into trouble later. He must change his educational methods and discipline her more strictly. Otherwise, if she ever caused a real disaster, there wouldn't even be time to cry.

Even someone as vigilant as Wu Yong couldn't have anticipated that once things started, there would be no stopping them.

Wu Shengnan was burning with anger, wandering aimlessly on the street. She didn't even go back to school, afraid that her father would be waiting for her there, ready to drag her to apologize to Lin Meng the moment he saw her. As she was walking along the roadside, a gray minivan suddenly stopped beside her. Wu Shengnan instinctively turned her head to look and saw the car door open, with several masked thugs jumping out of the vehicle.

Wu Shengnan felt something was wrong and immediately ran. The big man was agile, before she could even run far, he took a swift step forward and subdued her. Without letting her speak, he pulled out a white handkerchief from his pocket and covered her nose. Wu Shengnan struggled weakly for a few times but immediately fainted with rolled eyes, probably drugged by something. The big man immediately hoisted her up and quickly jumped back into the van. As the car door slammed shut, the van sped away.

On the street, a few people occasionally passed by, but none of them noticed this scene that happened as quickly as lightning.

As the old saying goes: one reaps what one sows!

Lin Meng doesn't have the ability to teach her a lesson right now, but someone else will take care of it for Lin Meng!ard, puzzled. “What is this!”"Credit card, go ahead and spend!""Give me!"She widened her mouth, her sultry eyes beginning to twinkle.He chuckled lowly. "Who else would I give it to! Here you go!"He ga...

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