
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

the worm! We're giving away bonus points again this time.Happy New Year to everyone! Wishing you all a prosperous and joyful Lunar New Year, may the year of the Rabbit bring you good fortune and hap...Rong Qi's attitude was very clear, he directly stated that he came to ask Lin Meng to return and take charge.

“Don't mind me, your seventh uncle, for speaking harshly. Right now, it seems like our Rong family is about to crumble, but this is also a rare opportunity, one that can't be missed. Go back with us and settle these matters. This should also be Rong Ling's wish. Since he's not here, you have to take on more responsibility for him. Don't worry about finding Rong Ling; I've brought people over to help. Our Rong family will never give up on him. We'll keep searching until we find him!”

To get so many subordinates visas and bring them to Germany, then have them focus on finding someone... it has to be said, Rong Qi came prepared, and he was indeed deliberate. These things, I estimate, were started by him as soon as Rong Ling's incident happened.

"Uncle Qi, you tell me your mind, and I'll tell you mine. I can handle this, and I'll definitely do a good job, but I need everyone in the Rong family to listen to me!" Lin Meng said with a cold face, not allowing any questioning. "Right now, there are probably quite a few people inside the Rong family who question me. I hope that after I go back, these people won't become obstacles for me!"

Rong Qi, hearing this, immediately stood up in respect, but inwardly he was overjoyed.

What he wanted was this very statement, this very confidence, this very boldness!

To be honest, he was quite uneasy this time. Rong Ling's accident was a huge blow to him. Everything was being carried out in secret, and with great urgency, but the most crucial leader had disappeared just as things were about to get underway. This was a fatal blow. At this critical moment, if things weren't handled properly, all their hard work could go down the drain. He was cooperating with Rong Ling, but he knew very little about the specific details of the later stages. Since they decided to pull off such a major operation, one that could have a decisive impact on the entire fate of the Rong family, the fewer people who knew the plan, the better.

After Rong Ling disappeared, no one gave him orders anymore. Even though he was capable, when it came to matters that involved the fate of the Rong family, he lost his confidence. Perhaps this was because he was old, lacking the drive and determination of a young man, as well as his strong self-belief. He had aged, and could no longer afford to lose.

In the midst of chaos, he could only quickly contact Rong San, the powerful head of the Rong family's secret forces. The current situation they were in was set up by him and Rong Ling working together. With Rong San under surveillance, he no longer remained silent about things related to Yadong as before, but directly told him.

"You go find Lin Meng. Rong Ling is gone, and so is she. As the mistress of the house, this is the time for her to shoulder the burden! Our head of the Rong family will not bring back a useless woman!"

This statement, both explicitly and implicitly, has been made very clear. It means bringing Lin Meng back to take charge. She is capable of shouldering this responsibility!

Hearing this, Rong Qi was like a drowning person who had found a lifebuoy, feeling hopeful. But thinking of Lin Meng being so young and inexperienced, although she had performed well at the Ruan family before, compared to the Rong family, it was like comparing a small fire to a raging inferno. Lin Meng might have been able to manage the Ruan family, but could she handle such a large enterprise like the Rong family!

Furthermore, Rong Ling's life and death are currently unknown. Can Lin Meng still have the heart to handle Rong family affairs at this time! This isn't an easy task, without giving it one's all, I'm afraid it can't be completed. But, can Lin Meng do it!

So, although the seven people came with worry, their anxieties vanished when they saw Lin Meng. Lin Meng was stronger than they imagined. Though her face lacked color and she had lost some weight, appearing as if she had gone through great sorrow, her eyes were resolute, and her spirit was surprisingly good. This was truly admirable! Now, she had spoken such words!

That's great!

It turns out that both Rong San and Rong Ling affirmed him!

Having thought it over, he stopped being so secretive.

“Mengmeng, the house is a bit messy now, but don't worry, you are invited back by Uncle Qi. I will definitely protect you. Don't think I'm boasting, Uncle Qi's old face, both inside and outside, can hold down the situation. After you go back, feel free to do anything, all responsibility is on me.”

This was like giving Lin Meng a reassurance. What he implied in his words was that even if something went wrong in the end, he would take responsibility for it and wouldn't blame Lin Meng at all.

This is his utmost sincerity!

Moreover, he said this in front of Rong Ling and his brothers. Given his character and prestige, it speaks volumes about his sincerity!

"Alright, I'm going back!" Lin Meng responded decisively.

Rongqi began to have people prepare tickets, while Lin Meng, with the children, went to the cliff again.

She is going to say goodbye!

After this, if things don't end, she'll have a hard time coming back here. This place holds too many of her scars, but -- it also holds her hope.

Rong Ling, it's been three days already. Where are you Why haven't I heard from you at all You have no idea how close I am to losing my mind!

Standing on the precipice, clutching a child's hand in one, Lin Meng's face once again wore an expression of profound anguish. Her tightly pressed lips betrayed her fierce restraint. Grief wasn't about not crying; it was about holding back the tears from spilling over. Just by standing there, she radiated a palpable ache that pierced the heart.

The wind on the cliff was still strong, easily lifting her ink-black hair. This made her complexion even paler. Her clothes were blown tight against her body by the wind, making her look even thinner. She looked like she could be blown away by the wind!

Her slightly slumped shoulders spoke volumes of her heavy burden. Her profile, though serene, held a quiet sorrow. But her eyes, one must not look too closely at them, for they seemed to hold a tide of unshed tears. Just a glance would send a pang of pain through your heart.

Facing the wind, she stood for a long time. Suddenly, she grasped the hands of her two little ones tightly and shouted towards the vast sky and sea ——

"Rong Ling, I want to go home. Did you hear that I want to go home, I want to go home..."

Her raspy voice, laced with pain, hesitated for a moment before she called out again.

"I'll be waiting for you at home, Rong Ling. Come home soon. I'll be waiting for you at home, come back soon, come back soon..."

As the shouting continued, she choked back a sob. Her heart ached with a mixture of sadness and pain, and her vision began to blur again.

Two little children clutched at Lin Meng's hands, their eyes red and watery. Yet, they held back their tears, clenching their faces and biting their lips tightly.

"...Róng Líng, I'll be waiting for you to come home, waiting for you to come home..."

Lin Meng roared until his voice was hoarse and broken, then stopped, unable to scream any longer.

She bit her lip, but it trembled violently. Tears welled up in her eyes, shaking so badly that they seemed on the verge of falling.

Xiaoyou couldn't hold it in any longer. Tears, hot and transparent, slid silently down his cheeks as he looked at the sea and, in a childish voice, shouted aloud:

"Daddy, Youyou is also waiting for you to come home. Waiting for you to come home, waiting for you to come home, Daddy, come home, come home, Daddy, Daddy…"

She cried while shouting!

This child, he yearned so much for a father. After returning home, he finally found his father and could finally call him "Dad" affectionately, but Dad was gone. He idolized his father so much. He was the best father there could be, no one compared, yet...


Every roar spoke of his misery and helplessness.

This is just a child, a child who craves his father! Even though Rong Ling is quiet most of the time, the pain in his heart is no less than anyone else's!

"Brother…" Little Haohao also cried, letting out a low cry after that, then turned his head and, following Xiao Youyou's voice, shouted together with him.


Although he joined the family later, he has already become a part of it and shares a special bond with Xiao Youyou. The strong father disappeared, Mommy is heartbroken, the older brother is heartbroken, and he too is deeply saddened. He doesn't want things to be this way; he wants Mommy to be happy, the older brother to be happy, and he wants his family to be together again, just like before, where everyone can be joyful.

So, Daddy, please come back soon, come home, please come home...


Lin Meng watched the two children crying like little souls, tears welling up in her own eyes. The sound of their cries, piercing and echoing through the air, felt like they were ripping her heart apart.

She can't stand it!

"Let's go back!"

No more crying, no more tears. Let's go. No more crying. Leave the sadness here, and then wait for him to return.

The two little ones were too excited, they couldn't stop crying and screaming. Lin Meng felt sorry for them, so she crouched down and firmly pressed both of them into her arms.

"No more crying, we're not crying anymore--"

The two little ones stopped crying, burying themselves in her arms and sobbing loudly. The sound of their weeping tore at Lin Meng's heart, but she could only take deep breaths, forcing the tears back down. [/ 超多好看的 小說]

She is the child's mother, she is a role model, so she absolutely cannot cry, absolutely not!

"Don't cry, don't cry anymore, Daddy will definitely come back, he will definitely come back, don't cry anymore, don't cry, you are all little men, do you know Do you still remember what Daddy taught you Don't cry anymore, don't cry again, be a man, don't cry anymore."

Under the coaxing, the two children gradually quieted their crying. Finally, they hung their heads down, one wiping away tears with a childish hand while the other was held by Lin Meng's hand and got into the car. That was how they left this place filled with too much heartache!

Lin Meng and his group retreated, taking a plane back to their country. Yu Xu and Xiaobang remained there. Yu Xu took on the responsibility of finding Rong Ling, inheriting those people brought by Rong Qi. He was determined to find Rong Ling, just as he had promised before. This was now his only mission. As for Xiaobang, because of his identity, he could still manage in Germany and could help Yu Xu when necessary.

This line of people returned to their country, and there were quite a few people waiting to pick them up. There was Rong Feiwu, Jiang Chengfeng's mother and son, Lin Meng's good friend Sun Fei, and naturally, there were also people from the Ruan family. Even Jiang Changhao, who was rumored to be cold-blooded, heartless, and disowning his own relatives, came to pick them up. Surprisingly, even Feng Tan, whom they hadn't seen in a long time, was there.

When Rong Feiyi saw Lin Meng and the others, he hurried over to greet them. His relationship with Lin Meng was awkward, and his relationship with Rong's mother made it impossible for him to do anything in public. Therefore, he went straight to the two young children.

Rong Ling is his son. Though he didn't treat Rong Qi-keng well, he was still his son after all. A good son ended up missing, his heart was also agonizing. He just had to stabilize the situation within the Rong family because after Rong Ling disappeared, things became unstable. As the former head of the family, he had to step up first. Because of Du Cai-yi, he couldn't just leave everything behind and go abroad. Abroad, there was Rong's mother as well. If he truly went abroad, Du Cai-yi would definitely make a scene.

Rong Fei Wu looked at Xiao Youyou with pity and walked over, wanting to pick him up. But Xiao Youyou turned away with a cold face. Rong Fei Wu just awkwardly squatted there, his hands outstretched, but unable to hold onto anything.

But he was a man of experience, shrewd and seasoned. So naturally, he stood up, bent down, and patted Yoyo on the head with a heavy hand, without saying a word.

Lin Meng looked at him, her expression distant and cold.

Feng Wu also didn't take it to heart. After putting her hand away, he glanced at the back, but only saw Rong Mu's downcast face. She was deliberately avoiding him!

With a sigh in his heart, he gently uttered, "Thank you for your hard work!"

But it was said to Lin Meng.

Lin Meng didn't answer, but instead opened his arms and hugged Sun Fei tightly when she came over. Sun Fei's heart ached as soon as she saw Lin Meng walk out. This good person, how could he become so thin after just one trip abroad How could something so terrifying happen to her!

Fate was too cruel to her!

But all she could say were words of comfort.

"Just come back, just come back..."

At the time of the incident, she happened to have a big order on her hands, so she couldn't leave. Besides, knowing that she was truly helpless, Lin Meng told her that there were plenty of people on their end and asked her not to come over again. So, she stayed in China, closely monitoring all news related to Rong Ling and ready to relay it to Lin Meng at any time. She was small and couldn't do much for this poor friend, so this was all she could do.

However, she's so thin, too thin! When I hugged her, all I felt were bones!

Sun Fei let go of Lin Meng, looked at her, and suddenly couldn't help but shed tears.

Oh, she feels sorry for her. What's going on!

"Look at you, still crying!" Lin Meng said with a hint of mockery.

Sun Fei also felt embarrassed and a little ashamed. Lin Meng didn't even cry, but she cried first.

"Look at me!" she chuckled dryly, hastily wiping away her tears, then threw her arms around Lin Meng tightly.

Welcome back, Mengmeng!

A shadow of gloom flashed briefly in Lin Meng's eyes, remembering Rong Ling. But after a slight blink, the gloom vanished. She reached out again and returned the hug with force.

The men standing on one side, like Ruan Chengyi, could only feel envious. With their status, hugging Lin Meng was simply inappropriate. At this moment, they couldn't help but feel that being a woman was really good, as they could directly hug and embrace like this.

When Lin Meng let go of Sun Fei, he nodded to Ruan Chengyi and the others one by one.

They came to pick her up, it was out of concern for her, and she was very grateful.he mildest among the Jiang family, because there had always been a Xiao Youyou occupying an extremely important place in her heart. Now that Rong Ling had achieved this level of success, talking abou...

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