
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

the rain, it was as unreal as a fairy tale she had seen as a child! She made countless pleas to all sorts of deities, but now she was still wandering the streets, still down on her luck like a beggar..."What are you sighing for " she softly teased.

He looked, a trace of frustration flickering across his face.

"I'm so sorry to have put you through this!"

What was left unsaid was that he felt somewhat useless!

But if he doesn't say, how could she possibly know!

"What nonsense are you talking about!" she scolded.

His brow was still slightly furrowed, his gaze fixed on the two young children.

Lin Meng followed and took a look. After thinking for a moment, she beckoned to the two young children.

"Youyou, Haohuo, come here!"

Two little guys walked over with puzzled eyes, and at the same time, they sensitively felt that their father was a bit different.

"Daddy, what's wrong" Youyou asked.

Rong Ling didn't answer, only extending his large palm and lightly patting the young one's head.

Lin Meng was helping to answer questions on the side.

"Your daddies are so worried about you!"

Two little fellows turned their eyes to Lin Meng together, looking a little confused.

"Daddy probably feels a bit useless, letting you two so young have to outsmart the police officers. Yoyo, Haohuo, tell your daddy, do you feel wronged"

How is that possible!

Two little kids bobbed their heads together, swaying like tambourines.

“Not wronged at all, it's so much fun!” the little guy said with bright eyes. “Yoyo wants to play again next time.”

The little guy has never been short of an adventurous spirit. He enjoys any form of challenge, which excites him and gives him a sense of accomplishment. In his bones, he carries the blood of his father!

Xiaohuo also raised a small smile, his dark eyes, the two points in the center, were very bright.

"That uncle is so funny!"

Even the mischievous little Haohao, who is secretly a bit scheming, also has a playful side.

Two little ones, in unison, treated this as a game and were having fun!

To be clear, these are definitely not just two ordinary kids!

"Our son, he's the best!" Lin Meng turned her head to look at Rong Ling, her long and narrow eyes glittering with a shrewd light.

"Honey, don't you feel a bit useless that you can't protect your children from police harassment But I think this is a great opportunity to train the two boys to be brave! They did very well."

Ronger's eyebrows immediately relaxed.

Lin Meng gently rubbed his big palm again and continued to smile.

"Besides, the two little ones performed so well, all thanks to your guidance! You've already protected your son enough. Our sons aren't pampered little birds that need constant protection. They are eagles who will soar high in the sky someday. So how can they be without experience In this case, if you directly used your power to protect them, you would be doing them a disservice, wouldn't you, Youyou and Haohuo"

"Yes!" the two little ones shouted back, giggling.

"Youyou wants to be an eagle!"

"I want to fly high, high!" the little boy exclaimed with a childish gesture.

Lin Meng turned her face to look at Rong Ling, smiling and twitching her lips.

"Well, you all saw that, didn't you My boys are really enjoying themselves!"

His face, which had been stern, softened slightly.

The little guy scurried right up to Rong Ling's front, grabbing onto his big hand with both tiny hands and giggling mischievously.

"Daddy, when will Captain Wan come again Youyou still wants to play with him!"

Haohao's big eyes lit up, and she said in a crisp voice, "Haohao wants to try saying nothing next time, hehe..."

He chuckled twice, a sly look in his eyes. How adorable!

"Lin Meng impulsively joined in the fun, grabbing Rong Ling's big hand and acting coquettishly. "Then, husband, I want to play too!"

This mother and her two children are truly three lively treasures. Even the slight irritation that Rong Ling had in her heart was completely dispelled by these three little bundles of joy.

He didn't respond and Rong Ling fired off two small ones.

"Youyou, Haohuo, go tidy up and get to class! Your teacher has been waiting for you in the learning room for a long time. Don't fall behind in this morning's lesson!"

"Uh We have to keep going" The little guy's spirit immediately dropped.

Little Hao also widened his eyes, his small mouth slightly pouted, looking a little unwilling.

Kids, who doesn't love to play! Give them a choice, let them play for an hour or study for an hour, most children would choose to play. Besides, cultural classes are sometimes boring, not as interesting as learning about military firearms. The two little ones secretly wanted to skip class today!

But when it comes to discipline, he is absolutely relentless!

"Go quickly!"

He let out a snort, his eyes narrowed dangerously. A palpable wave of menace spread through the air. The two little ones instantly felt it, their small bodies tensing. They puffed out their chests like tiny soldiers and then turned on their heels, scrambling away with quick steps that resembled those of a rabbit.

Lin Meng shook her head, already accustomed to this scene. At first, the two children had to learn martial arts and cultural lessons, and often people from Rong San Bo's place would come over in the evening to give the two little ones extra meals. She was worried that such a heavy study plan might be too burdensome for the children. In private, she also mentioned it to Rong Ling. But Rong Ling assured her confidently that it was nothing, she had overthought it. As their own son, he knew where the balance lay. Later on, she also found that although the two little ones had times when they were tired and struggled with their studies, most of the time they were giggling and having fun, not feeling any discomfort or dissatisfaction. She let go and trusted Rong Ling's arrangements!

As a father of great authority, the two little ones obeyed him very well. They never slacked off in their studies. She looked on, feeling comforted.

Seeing two small figures disappear around the corner, Lin Meng closed her eyes and looked at Rong Ling.

"Honey, you were overthinking things a little just now!"

She leaned in closer to him, her soft lips pressed against his ear.

“I know, you want to create a haven for us, protect us from harassment and prevent others from looking down on us. But honey, we don't desire such glory. What we want is for our family to be safe, happy, and together. You are willing to humble yourself, put away your sharpness, endure the scorn, mockery, and cold eyes of the outside world, all for this family, aren't you And I know you, my husband, are the best, most amazing person in the world. It's not about being fierce and powerful, always dominating others. There's another kind of strength: being humble and enduring, hiding behind the scenes like a nightwalker in fine clothes, turning the tide with a flick of your wrist. You're in that phase right now, and I'm not feeling wronged following you; I feel joy and excitement. You wouldn't know this, but there are things only I know. And being able to witness you change the entire situation with my own eyes makes me so thrilled. Honey, you have no idea how amazing you are; I'm about to worship you!”

Her eyes suddenly lit up, as if two stars had just fallen into them—the most beautiful and brightest stars. Her whole face flushed with excitement, expressing her genuine joy.

"Following you, I don't feel wronged at all!"

Her lips, delicate as flowers, bloomed with fragrance. Her whole face, her entire body, radiated light. She poured out her love, her admiration, her affirmation, using every part of herself to speak to him.

She is comforting him, supporting him, and encouraging him in her own way.

He received it, understood it, got drunk, and also laughed.

"Good boy--"

He held her tightly, feeling completely at ease.

She said, he was the one who held up the sky for her, but sometimes, wasn't it her who helped him hold it up

“No one will bother the two little ones anymore, Jiang Heshan will also take action. He won't just stand by and watch his grandson be bullied. [ super many good novels] Besides, I raised his grandson for so long, at this time, he should protect Youyou too.”

Lin Meng couldn't help but shake her head.

This man!

Ultimately, isn't it because you don't want your family to be bullied by others

Stand up for each other!

But, being protective is the cutest thing ever!

"Well well, look at you all prepared, why worry so much then!"

"It's just that I'm a little annoyed," he murmured, silencing her with a kiss and pushing the rest of his words down.

Although he had made all the arrangements, when he saw that after the inquiry, the two children were both pursing their lips and standing with their heads bowed beside her, his heart was still pierced. The feeling at that moment was a bit sharp, making him feel uncomfortable for a while. Although he knew that the two children were acting and hadn't been hurt, he still felt uncomfortable inside. His son, Rong Ling, and his wife, why did they need to be so wronged! They even had to waste time and effort to be polite with a small character like Captain Wan!

As the head of a household, this was his failure! Even with any reasonable justification, he couldn't cover it up. So, from that moment on, his mood began to fluctuate.

However, because she was by his side, that turmoil was easily calmed. She was his confidante, the most fragrant, sweetest, and most beautiful confidante, blooming in his heart, understanding him so well that he wanted to possess her again and again.

He sucked on her soft lips, taking them into his mouth with heavy force. His tongue quickly pushed past her lips, moving in a flurry of both urgency and greed. A heat flared within him, telling him to hold this woman close, to kiss her fully, to press down upon her, to mold her into himself.

Five fingers slipped into her hair, his breathing quickened slightly, changing angles ever so slightly. His nose brushed against hers affectionately, allowing his tongue to delve deeper. One hand rested on the smooth back of her neck, caressing gently and ambiguously. She felt a blush creeping up her body at the teasing touch, her eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of allure flickering in their depths. Her lips parted slightly, her little tongue unconsciously entwining with his, a hint of intoxication spreading through her.

After her lips parted, she gasped softly, her body soft and yielding like water in his arms. She leaned against him for support, unable to stand on her own. He looked into her misty eyes, a fire ignited in his heart. He wanted to take her straight to bed, but he knew he still had much to do. He could only hold back, secretly vowing to make up for it later when they returned home.

Wu Shengnan's death was indeed easy, but she shouldn't get away with it so cheaply. She should be autopsied, her body not laid to rest, and no place for her to die in peace; that's the bare minimum. Furthermore, he should send his men to investigate who this fake Li Lanqiu really is - this must be shown to party M. And he has to be angry, furious, have a temper tantrum, and then find a way to win back his wife's affection because he was played by the fake Li Lanqiu. Since party M has severed ties with him, he needs to rely on his wife's power again. Finally, he will act as if he no longer trusts any other forces and cut all ties with party M completely. They better not contact him again. However, judging from his guess, party M, in order to protect that big fish, wouldn't contact him again. What they are doing now is probably sending people secretly to watch him, see what he does, and whether he poses a threat to them!

He needs to arrange things carefully so as to dispel m's suspicions.

When she was able to stand, he reluctantly kissed her forehead one last time before giving her some instructions and then leaving with his men.

As for Captain Wan, things went just as Rong Ling had expected. As soon as he arrived at the police station, his superiors called him in and gave him a thorough dressing-down.

"No matter who greets you, if you want to keep your position, just be honest and do your job properly. Don't play any tricks. That family might be falling apart, but that's not something you can mess with!"

This sentence, like a bucket of ice water, was splashed on him, chilling him to the bone. He knew it must be his inquiries that had spread, reaching the ears of high-ranking officials, and inevitably, they had warned his leader. But the lesson his leader imparted failed to quench the burning sensation within him. On this sweltering summer day, a sudden chill settled over him, bringing an unexpected calmness.

He was troubled by this predicament of being caught between two sides. How could he break free Perhaps, he should ignore everyone else and simply stick to his job as a policeman, honestly investigating cases. That way, no matter what, nobody could fault him. Even if he couldn't win over people's favor, at least he wouldn't cut himself off from any future opportunities.

So, he immediately nodded and honestly promised to follow through with the instructions given by the leader.

The leader reprimanded him once again, making it clear that due to his actions, even the bureau chief, himself, had been scolded by superiors. If not for Chief Jiang's busy military affairs and lack of time, he would have personally come and berated him. Chief Jiang's message was crystal clear: his family members, no matter how disliked, shouldn't be bullied by outsiders! Captain Wan dared to hit both of his grandsons; did he really think Old Jiang He Shan was dead

"As for the two young ones, you've already spoken to them, so that's it. They're only four or five years old. What could they possibly know If anything happens to them because of this, you'll definitely be asking for trouble!"

"Yes, yes!" Captain Wan was sweating profusely, but he bent over with his fists clenched, obediently listening without daring to wipe the sweat from his brow.

The Chief, accused innocently of wrongdoing and subjected to a barrage of insults, unleashed his fury on Captain Wan. After berating him mercilessly, he finally dismissed the captain.

Captain Wan dashed into the restroom and squeezed into a small cubicle. He slammed the door shut before collapsing onto the toilet, his breath ragged. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with trembling hands. The Chief hadn't removed him from the case, still trusting him to handle it. This was a chance for redemption, a way for him to prove his worth. He had to seize it.

Captain Wan sat in the small room for a while, cleared his mind, and took care of his personal hygiene before coming out. After splashing some water on his face from the faucet, his eyes became resolute.

Back in his office, he called his subordinates together and started reorganizing the records. He didn't rush to send a message to the Liu family, so it was the Liu family who got impatient and called him.

"How are you"

Captain Wan was, after all, a veteran policeman. He naturally understood the ways of the officialdom, so he was still respectful towards the Liu family.

"I'm revising the record. I've tried my best, but it seems like Rong Ling and Lin Meng are both innocent. I set several traps to test them, but found nothing. I'm going over the record again to see if I missed anything."

After a moment of silence, he gave his orders. "Rong Ling and Lin Meng are still very suspicious. You should investigate them further; you should be able to find many clues."

"I'll try my best." Of course, I couldn't be too firm with my words.

"Well done, you've really earned your stripes."

Captain Wan didn't say a word.

"Send me a copy of your recording here, and I'll have a listen." The other party made such a request.

"Sorry, I can't give you that." Captain Wan refused.

He was stunned. Because, according to what he had been told beforehand and the hints given to him, the captain should have agreed without hesitation when he said this.

"Can't I have it" The voice lengthened, laced with a hint of danger.

"I'm sorry, but we can't give that out. It's against regulations."

That sensed something amiss, and grew slightly angry.

"Are you sure" he was giving Captain Wan a chance.

Captain Ma has already made his decision.

"I'm sorry, but I won't do anything against the rules. If you have nothing else, I'll continue organizing my notes. I need to submit the results soon!"

This refusal is already quite obvious.

On the phone, Captain Wan was angered by the other party, thinking this person was disrespectful. He snorted heavily and hung up the phone. That snort filled with anger was like a hammer, hitting Captain Wan's heart hard. He heard the warning in the other's voice, but he wouldn't choose sides!

The Liu family thought their warning had been clear enough. Captain Wan must have been momentarily confused to hang up the phone like that. Captain Wan should understand now. But after waiting a long time, there was still no call from Captain Wan. The Liu family knew then that Captain Wan was no longer someone they could command!

But he's just a branch bureau captain, how dare he be so disrespectful! The Liu family gave him the opportunity to work for them, this is elevating him!

Captain Wan's change in attitude, and his final refusal with neither servility nor arrogance, was a slap in the face to the Liu family. The Liu family naturally wouldn't let it go, but they were helpless in the short term. Kyoto wasn't solely ruled by the Liu family. Jiang Yichen's affair had already attracted much attention. Any actions you make at this time will be noticed by those with ulterior motives. If your words and deeds are inappropriate, you could be set up by political enemies at a crucial moment.

As Jiang Yichen said: "The children of the Rong family are distributed all over the country. Although Rong Sanbo has been investigated, so many descendants are not just for show. They will also seize the opportunity to counterattack. Even a rabbit in a hurry can bite. If the Rong family is really desperate, then what we are doing now will be completely causing trouble for ourselves!"

After all, Rong Ling acted very cleanly in the matter of Fake Li Lan Qiu's death. As he stated in his record, from beginning to end, he was an innocent victim. His anger was so obvious. Because for a fake person, his relationship with his wife deteriorated, causing his career to suffer significant losses. And he has absolute alibi! Moreover, many people saw him and Fake Li Lan Qiu still being very close before her death!

It's too hard to compromise on this.

“I think this is not very feasible, and Captain Wan has gone too far!” Jiang Yichen criticized. “Chief Jiang has been angered, so he must also start paying attention to this matter. We need to be more careful in our actions. And as for Youyou, everyone knows that my wife dotes on the child. He acted without any sense of propriety and made the child cry. Hmph—if it weren't for so many people watching right now, I would definitely have him removed and replaced with someone else to handle this case!”

This is impossible. He himself revealed that many people are watching him now. Even the Deputy Minister of Public Security, who is within the police system, can't make any moves. How could the Liu family surpass him and take action!

Liu's side fell silent and stopped clamoring for Jiang Yancheng to use his authority to replace Captain Wan. However, the death of someone presented an opportunity. If they couldn't frame Rong Ling, then target Lin Meng. Without the fake Li Lanqiu, if this couple reconciled, it would be very troublesome. Moreover, if they could manage to get them divorced, the division of assets would inflict significant damage on Ya Dong.

“That’s worth a try!” Jiang Yichen agreed verbally, but he didn’t really believe it in his heart. It was impossible for Rong Ling to divorce Lin Meng! He even thought that perhaps all the things they did secretly, in Rong Ling’s eyes, were just childish games.

Anyway, ever since last night, he has been deeply impressed by Rong Ling's overwhelmingly powerful and almost ghostly martial arts skills!

"However, I can't really make any big moves right now, you know, too many eyes on me. Plus, my wife just went through that ordeal, and I need to take care of her. I'm a bit stretched thin."

"Liu's family immediately expressed understanding. "Since your sister-in-law went through such a thing, you should stay with her more. We'll send someone from our side to handle this."

"Alright, if you need anything from me over there, just ask."

"Well, well, that's just natural, I wouldn't be so polite to you!"

After chatting for a bit, they hung up the phone.ft moans, her little mouth mumbled a few times, then fell silent again.These soft moans, however, have already set people's hearts racing! As the saying goes, "Listen to the sound and know the person,...

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