
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

g meeting, this chapter is 2000 words longer. Finally, the two of them met! Hehe ^_^Those who subscribed yesterday are in luck, earning 2000 words. This chapter has a total of 12,000 words, but it onl...Before this, Yu Xu and Miao Qing had already made up. Rong Ling in J City, the two most important partners, or rather, capable subordinates, were these two people. Both of them were involved in the investigation of Su Xue's murder.

Lin Meng escaped this matter, Miao Qing wasn't foolish enough to ask. That was between the two of them, as subordinates, they couldn't pry into their superiors' love lives! Miao Qing began by asking when Lin Meng last saw Su Xue, what time she left home, and what she did afterward, if there was any proof, etc., and launched into a series of inquiries.

Lin Meng answered quickly, because there wasn't much to say anyway. When she had dinner with Su Xue and Sun Papan, even Xu Yi was present, so naturally there were no shortage of witnesses. After that, she stayed in the room and then slipped out. Finally, there were the consecutive accidents, which can be proven by the tickets she kept in her bag. Only her large travel bag, which she carried with her, should still be on the transport truck, or perhaps has already been taken by the police.

Upon hearing Lin Meng's words, Rong Ling's face turned dark. The evil fire she had suppressed with great difficulty flared up again. She was indeed clever, knowing to back down. In one night, she managed to drive six or seven trips. If there hadn't been this murder case coincidentally happening, perhaps this woman could have really escaped to the ends of the earth!

The moment he thought about it, his heart pounded with fear. His gaze towards Lin Meng froze like ice. Lin Meng wasn't a fool; she naturally sensed his change. She looked at Rong Ling nervously, remembering the pain of her bitten lips that was still fresh. Afraid, she licked them lightly and lowered her head, not daring to look at him again.

Miao Qing felt that the temperature around her was a bit cold, so she just smiled and stood up.

"Young Rong, please talk to Lin Meng again. Her departure needs an explanation that can be given to the outside world. You two discuss this, I'll go prepare the guest rooms first. You both stay here tonight."

Actually, you could also go to Jade Pavilion Restaurant. They have a presidential suite specially prepared for Rong Ling, which is idle all year round and only for Rong Ling to stay in. But now that Lin has dreamt of the report, and the restaurant is a public place with many people, it would cause some unnecessary trouble. Nowadays reporters are all sensitive like dogs, and when they get riled up, they'll bite someone to death and won't let go! Avoiding those public places like restaurants can help avoid a lot of trouble! Like Miao Qing’s private residence, the reporters couldn’t even get in!

As soon as Miao Qing stepped onto the floor, Rong Ling's cold eyes landed on Lin Meng's face.

Lin Meng lowered her head more and more, acting like a very submissive child.

He let out a cold snort, raising his lip in mockery. "So you're not entirely stupid after all, knowing to switch cars to avoid being caught."

Lin Meng blushed awkwardly.

"Rong Ling hummed vaguely. 'Well now, by accident you've changed so many cars. The police must think you're guilty and trying to evade them.'"

Lin Meng panicked, reaching out to grab Rong Ling's large hand and hastily defending herself: "I really didn't kill her. You have to believe me. I... how could I possibly kill Su Xue I... If I knew who killed her, I definitely wouldn't let him get away with it!"

"Oh, why not let him go!" He was intrigued, raising an eyebrow at him.

She blushed, thought for a moment, but really couldn't think of any way. She could only stammer and mumble, "Well, in short...that is...not to let him go!"

Rong Ling saw this and shook his head helplessly. "You're all talk!"

Lin Meng was unwilling to accept it and pouted. "That's not how it is!"

"Then you tell me!" he urged her.

She was backed into a corner, her face flushed red, and she glared at him with wide eyes.

He menacingly followed her with a cold stare, his sensual lips curling into a smirk as he looked at her.

She gasped in anger, "Ah---" and turned her head away.

"What's it to you!" He was putting on a tough act.

He wasn't going to press her on this anymore, he could tell she was about to explode! Look at her, showing off her little temper.

"You don't have to tell me that, but you do need to give me a reason to get away. The police will ask eventually anyway."

She suddenly changed her expression, then like a quail, she pulled her head into her neck and hung her head low. It seemed like she wasn't going to say anything more. He frowned. He had just gotten her back, but now this happened again. He didn't want to push her too hard, afraid that she would get agitated and do something crazy.

"Didn't you sell me the chain you gave me!"

She trembled, burying her head even lower, almost to the point of hiding between her legs.

"That's quite a sum of money, isn't it So just tell the police that you ran away because you were afraid I would demand that money back!"

She's really buried her head between her legs now, she doesn't have the guts to look at him anymore.

"I... I only have... just 300,000 yuan on me. It's... not a huge sum!"

Her voice was low, but Rong Ling could still hear her.

He raised an eyebrow and asked, "What about the rest of the money"

She licked her lips, then closed her eyes in fear. Taking a deep breath, she blurted out, “Give me my dad!”

"What!" Rong Ling roared suddenly, his eyes widening in disbelief as he stared at Lin Meng. He thought this woman was simply... simply stubborn!

“Didn’t I say you weren’t allowed to interfere with your father's business!” He raised an eyebrow at her. Seeing her bury her head between her legs, he felt a surge of anger. He reached out, probing between her legs, gripping her chin and forcing her to look up.

She was filled with guilt, but more than that, she felt wronged. He wouldn't let her get involved, but it was her father! How could she just stand by and do nothing

"That's my father!" she said softly, her eyes downcast. "I... I wasn't going to leave anyway, and then I thought, maybe if I gave Dad a little more money, later on...later on... wouldn't he just...wouldn't he just be able to take care of himself"

He was so angry that he felt powerless. "You can think about your father, but why don't you think about me! Am I not as good as your father! You only want to give money to your father, what about me Should I just ignore it! You owe me and yet you seem so comfortable with it!"

This man is clearly jealous and feels unbalanced!

He considered himself absolutely capable of surpassing her father when it came to Lin Meng. What right did this woman have to be so biased, using his money to show filial piety to another man!

Lin Meng was speechless after being suddenly questioned.

He slammed his hand down on the sofa, making it go "crackle crackle", and snorted angrily: “Speak up! Are you mute!”

She pouted and looked up at him, aggrieved. "It's not... I said sorry, didn't I! I apologized and said I wouldn't run away again. Just forgive me this time, okay! I... I'll make money in the future and give it all to you. Whatever I earn, I'll give it all to you, okay!"

Although expecting her to earn four or five million for her entire life is a bit difficult, these words were indeed her intentions. The three words "for her entire life" resonated deeply with Rong Ling. That feeling of tightness in her chest seemed to dissipate a great deal!

"This is what you said!" He arrogantly glanced at Lin Meng. "Don't forget your own words once you've spoken them!"

"No way!" she said, her face flushed, in a barely audible whisper. Perhaps because something similar had happened before, there was an inexplicable flutter of unease in her heart as she gave her assurance.

Fortunately, Rong Ling wasn't too petty! This man, sometimes, was still quite easy to fool. Or perhaps, he was just too lazy to be as nitpicky as an ordinary person!

He raised his hand, tapping his leg with his index finger and frowning in thought. "Then, let's change the wording. Say you gave a large sum of money to your father for an emergency. Your father's real estate project recently had two investors withdraw their funds, right They are short on money, so just say you were afraid I would go after your father for the money, so you ran away, creating the illusion that you took the money and left. This will help your father."

Lin Meng was surprised and felt a twinge of bitterness in her heart. "So, you knew all along!" She knew about her father's difficulties!

Rong Ling only raised an eyebrow, a cold look on his face. "As much ability as one has, they should take on tasks of equal size. Such a large real estate project isn't something your father could handle alone. If he had listened to my warning and released that project earlier, he could have at least made a small profit. Now he's being dragged down by it."

Lin Meng fell silent. Caught between these two men, she couldn't say anything more. She could only try to steer the conversation in a different direction, lest this man become angry again over this matter.

"You gave me that chain, so it's mine now, right"

Rong Ling narrowed his eyes for this.

She boldly continued, "Well then, the money from the sale, is that up to me to decide what to do with it!"

The implication is, since it's her money, if you give it to her father, he won't try to get it back, right

His gaze, filled with desire, held me captive.

She directly assumed he agreed, and then continued, "That...about me selling those two chains, please don't be angry!"

He widened his eyes suddenly and glared coldly at her.

"We'll settle this later. Don't push your luck."

She suddenly pulled a long face.

He saw this, and his mood improved slightly. He raised his hand and gently patted her tender cheeks.

"Just forget about all this for now. Come with me to the police station!"

...First published by Xiao Xiang Academy...

By the time they arrived at the police station, the officer in charge of Su Xue's murder case had changed. Wu Yong was transferred away and Lu Feige, a captain, took over. Before taking over, Chief Li Xinhua had explained the ins and outs to Lu Feige, so he treated Lin Meng politely. But as soon as the interrogation began, it became clear that Captain Lu was a formidable figure!

When was the last time you saw Su Xue!


You said you left around 8 o'clock in the evening, but is there anyone who can corroborate that!


"Why are you running away, and why did you have to change so many trains in one night! We found six train tickets in your suitcase. It's clear that you never stayed at your designated stops, instead quickly switching trains midway. This leads us to believe you are hiding something!"


"How was your relationship with Su Xue before Have there been any conflicts recently!"


"As she lay dying, she sent a text message saying that you killed her. What do you have to say about that!"


A string of questions came one after another, and Lin Meng felt a little overwhelmed. She secretly broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, Rong Ling had already asked her about the possible questions the police might ask before this, otherwise, she really wouldn't know how to answer them.

If Lin Meng really didn't kill anyone, then she naturally wouldn't be afraid of something out of nothing. Although Captain Lu asked some tricky questions, she still thought about it afterwards, answering what she could and shaking her head when she couldn't.

After the first round of questioning was complete, Captain Lu naturally couldn't get any groundbreaking information. Logically speaking, as the biggest suspect at this time, Lin Meng had the right to be arrested by him. However, Lin Meng had Rong Ling as her guarantor, which meant that many forceful measures could not be implemented. In the end, Captain Lu could only let Lin Meng go first and stated that she must keep her phone on 24 hours a day so he could contact her at any time.

As Lin Meng walked behind Rong Ling, Captain Lu couldn't help but furrow his brow, feeling that this case was going to be difficult. While investigations relied on evidence, these people were seasoned veterans. If he didn't use some special interrogation methods, the case wouldn't be solved quickly. However, he couldn't resort to torture against Lin Meng.

He's been a police officer for so many years, he can tell a person's character just by looking at their face. He felt that based on Lin Meng's appearance, she didn't seem like the kind of vicious person who would commit murder. But he had handled many murder cases, and many of them were accidental killings. It wasn't impossible that Lin Meng killed Su Xue. After all, Lin Meng was too suspicious.

The time of Su Xue's death was very close to the time Lin Meng planned to leave. It is entirely possible to speculate that Lin Meng accidentally killed Su Xue and then fled back home, feeling uneasy, she hastily decided to run away. The claim that she sold her necklace to avoid Ling Rong's pursuit of the money seems a bit far-fetched because it appears that Ling Rong cared for her deeply. Throughout their journey, he seemed to be looking out for her.

So, Captain Lu began to suspect that Rong Ling was helping Lin Meng fabricate false testimony to get her off the hook. He had handled several cases before, and because of suggestions from certain special individuals above, the final outcomes were often haphazard, with some guilty parties walking free despite being known perpetrators.

If Rong Ling really had that ability, Captain Lu would be willing to play dumb. But the problem is that Su Xue's murder has already been reported, and Li Qing, a female representative with considerable influence in the city, has been holding onto this matter and demanding an explanation from the murderer. Caught between these two, he feels like a punching bag!

Captain Lu shook his head, thinking to himself that it was best to leave it be. He would simply follow proper procedure and do what needed to be done. As for any special instructions, he would address them later!

He had just made this decision when the phone rang, it was Li Qing again, inquiring about the progress of the case. Li Qing expressed some indignation over Lu Daichang's failure to arrest Lin Meng and letting her go free. Lu Daichang was helpless and could only explain that Lin Meng had Rong Ling as her guarantor, what could they possibly fear her running away

The next day, there was new content in the newspaper again. In a prominent place, there was a large section added to the report on Su Xue's death. Actually, this kind of case where a female high school student was killed wasn't really anything new, after all, someone could be killed at any time and every point in the day. The newspaper constantly reported on these cases because there was profit to be made.

The protagonist, Su Xue, is also a character with a certain story that can make some older uncles and aunts shed tears. An ordinary high school student, she lost her mother at a young age. Her father suffers from uremia and needs expensive treatment every week in the hospital. To help her father get better, Su Xue works part-time while going to school, which is a small story of inspiration.

The supporting role, Lin Meng, has attracted much more attention. After all, a beauty attracts eyes wherever she goes. Last time the newspaper sold out because everyone wanted to see how this little beauty committed murder. This time, the newspaper continues to sell out, even with increased printing runs, because of Lin Meng's revealed identity.

The newspaper directly exposed Lin Meng's identity as being kept by a man, and it even stated the specific building and floor in Wenqu District where she lived with him.

The NPC representative Li Qiong expressed her anger, stating that all evidence points to Lin Meng being the primary suspect in the murder. However, because the person who supports her has significant influence, the police are unable to take action against her. She stated that the involvement of such influential figures in a murder case, with the sole purpose of shielding the suspect, is truly disheartening. She earnestly requests public opinion to provide oversight and ensure that Su Xue, the innocent victim, receives justice!

The moment the newspaper came out, it immediately caused quite a stir!

People in this country have always loved a good scandal. This kind of story, involving someone being kept and high-energy figures with internal corruption, is just what excites them.

For a while, reporters from other newspapers were also caught up in the frenzy. They rushed to the police station with their cameras, some heading to Wenqu District, and others frantically chasing after Lin Meng's whereabouts, afraid of being beaten to the punch!

Rong Ling and others, of course, also saw today's newspaper.

Lin Meng's face wasn't looking good, but there was a numbness to it. This kind of scandal had been exposed several times already. After so many occurrences, the impact had lessened. What she was truly worried about now was whether this would cause trouble for Rong Ling.

"You still shouldn't interfere with my business. I didn't kill anyone, and I'm not afraid of their investigation. If the police want to arrest me, I can cooperate."

"Fool, don't be so naive!" Rong chuckled coldly. "In this world, wrongful convictions, miscarriages of justice, and cases of sheer incompetence are never in short supply. Don't be so foolish to blindly trust the police. If they were to go rogue, the harm they could inflict is beyond your comprehension. Had I not intervened, you very well might have been coerced into a confession. As it stands, with no other suspects besides you, there's a high chance you would end up convicted. The police station is definitely not a pleasant place!"

Lin Meng weakly defended herself. "But I...I didn't kill anyone! How can you convict me if I didn't kill"

"You didn't kill him, I naturally believe that, but can others believe it! You don't have an alibi, and you also acted suspiciously after the fact. They could easily think you are covering up!"


"Don't worry about it, just listen to me on this!"

Rong Ling reached out, pulled her over, and pressed her head against his chest, patting her head like he was soothing a child. She pursed her lips and snuggled into his arms, suddenly feeling a little down. The world she knew was too small, and the dark side of society once again unfolded before her, making her feel a little uncomfortable.

Rong Ling looked at the photo of the female representative sprawled across the newspaper on the table, and couldn't help but squint his eyes.

"Miao Qing, you go and thoroughly investigate this family for me!" He reached out and pointed at the woman.

" Miao Qing, who was sitting at the table, raised an eyebrow in doubt: "You suspect her! She doesn't seem suspicious at all. It's probably just a way for her to increase her fame and climb the ranks!"

"It's not that simple!" Rong Ling shook his head. "Businessmen don't do things without profit. You need to see clearly, she is both a National People's Congress representative and a businessman. The nature of her pursuit of profit still dominates. This woman is too enthusiastic about this matter. With my intuition, I feel that there is something wrong with this woman. She wants to play the role of justice to gain power, which is also a way, but even after she knows I am Lin Meng's protector, she dares to make such a bold statement in the newspaper, which makes people have to think deeply about her ulterior motives. She wants to rise to power, but she has to consider our Rong family, right To be so blatant against me, is she stupid, or does she still want to climb higher! So, it's not that she's foolish, but -- either someone is supporting her behind the scenes, perhaps wanting to attack my opponent; or maybe she herself is guilty and afraid, killing people and shouting to catch them!"

Miao Qing's heart skipped a beat, then she smiled faintly.

"Still, Rong Shao is amazing! I never expected it to be this deep!"

Rong Ling waved his hand, letting her get started with the arrangements.

Then, he flipped through the online edition of today's paper on one side. He found what he was looking for in the fresh news section and smiled faintly. The newspaper reported that last night, two men had a fight at their residence and eventually ended up using cleavers to kill each other. Their deaths were gruesome, with intestines spilling out and blood everywhere, but they were the very two men who had insulted Lin Meng that day!

"Look at this!" He patted Lin Meng's little head!

Lin Meng was puzzled. After seeing the photo, he felt that the two men in it were really disgusting and creepy. On that day, both men wore hoods and never took them off, so Lin Meng had no idea who they were!

"No more!" She reached out and pushed the newspaper away, a little afraid to see that large expanse of blood. After looking at the photos for a moment, she glanced briefly at the text and found it uninteresting, so she didn't want to read any further.

"Don't you find this familiar!" he asked, his voice laced with suspicion.

She shook her head.

He suddenly let out an evil laugh, his eyes betraying a chilling darkness. "As I said, I'll find another way to punish those people!"

Lin Meng was startled, suddenly sitting upright in Rong Ling's embrace. Her little finger pointed at the two men in the photo, and then she started to tremble.

"You... are you saying that the two of them are... were they..."

He nodded, lowered his head, and sealed her lips with a lingering kiss. After releasing her, he watched as she panted softly, reaching out to gently caress her beautiful face. In a low voice, he said, "There's still one Wu Yong!"

Yet, there was a chill in his tone.

Her heart tightened, actually... she didn't really want him to stain his hands with blood for her!

“Don’t… don’t get into trouble for me!” She reached out and slowly hugged his neck, tilting her head up, her eyes wide and misty, looking at him with pure concern. “I’m fine, don’t worry. I want you to be well too, so please, don’t cause trouble for me, okay Just give that Wu Yong a little… lesson.”

Murder, in Lin Meng's eyes, was a huge deal! Two people had died suddenly, and she felt uneasy. She disliked those two people and had even said she wanted to kill them, but if Rong Lingqian did it, she would be scared! And Wu Yong was a police officer, even a deputy director, definitely more difficult to deal with than those two. It wasn't like she could just kill them whenever she wanted, right

She looked at him uneasily.

Rong Ling smiled arrogantly. "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. You just take care of yourself!"

"You have to promise me you'll be good!" She pursed her lips, stubbornly trying to get a reassurance that would ease her mind!

He laughed, "I promise!"

Lowered his head and kissed her!

I assure you this will all be over soon, and I guarantee that everyone who hurt her will get what they deserve. After all, the dead are the best at keeping secrets.

The more difficult thing now is that video, which is in the hands of someone unknown. Wu Yong's phone has been tapped, and his every move is being watched by Rong Ling's people. But so far, he hasn't met with the person who has the video. It seems that Wu Yong is also a smart man; all these years as deputy director haven't been in vain. He knows that during sensitive times, rash action should be avoided. But he's like an ant in autumn, he can't jump for long. Rong Ling already has some information about his corruption and bribery, and I believe that a deeper investigation will yield significant results. However, before Rong Ling makes a move, the video must be retrieved first. Otherwise, once Wu Yong is desperate and resorts to a do-or-die situation, it wouldn't be what Rong Ling wants.

Rong Ling had dispatched more people to investigate those who were close to Wu Yong, simply because time was of the essence. So far, there hadn't been any particularly promising developments. This made Rong Ling somewhat anxious. Those things, being held by someone else, just felt uncomfortable to think about.

To my surprise, someone called Lin Meng in the afternoon and said they were going to return the video.

"Video! What video!" Lin Meng asked in confusion. Just as she answered the call, Rong Ling happened to be beside her. Upon hearing this, he didn't hesitate and snatched the phone from Lin Meng's hand. He stood up and made a move to leave.

"Huh This is my phone, isn't it" Lin Meng blinked in confusion and tugged at Rong So what she said wasn't necessarily the truth, and she wouldn't compromise just because he threatened her."You're not letting me go, are you!" She laughed coldly, a hint of destructive madness in...

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