
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

his! He only felt that his luck was bad and Rong Ling's was exceptionally good. After he got rid of the burden of Ya Dong, something happened to Ya Dong immediately afterward. He even harbored resentm...Chapter Name: 114

Rong Ling's subordinates reported the information they had investigated to Rong Ling. However, the matter was more complicated than Rong Ling had imagined. Because time was pressing, they only found out some superficial things. Rong Ling ordered his subordinates to continue investigating. Yet, he still had no intention of looking for Lin Meng.

He waited, waiting for that little woman to call him! He was sure she would call him, and then ask him for help.

But that day, he waited for Lin Meng's call for a long time but never received it. And on his desk, there were files sent by his subordinates, the third batch. He flipped through them, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable in his heart. He didn't know that Xiao Yi had actually helped her and dealt with Wu Shengnan. Although he was far away in City B at that time and didn't think about getting involved with Lin Meng again, naturally, there was no chance to help. Just thinking that when she was in trouble, it wasn't him who helped her, but another man, made him very angry.

That's a huge favor!

No wonder she showed support for Xiao Yi before!

But if he were the one helping her, then this gratitude should be directed at him, and not some other man! It's practically letting another man receive her favor for nothing. How infuriating is that!

As for the photos of Lin Meng and Jiang Po浪 kissing, they had already been delivered to his hands. On this side, he was considered experienced and at a glance knew that Lin Meng was being forced to kiss. A few scattered photos might not be noticeable, but when you put them together and compare them, you could roughly guess the process. Lin Meng did not take the initiative to kiss Jiang Po浪, which made him feel slightly better, but what he was more concerned about now was, when did this happen! If it happened under his nose, then Jiang's son would be truly hateful! And Lin Meng, why was she able to be forcibly kissed by that boy! The photos showed a forced kiss, so what happened in places he couldn't see!

These speculations made him burn with indignation!

Of course, the matter needs to be further investigated!

Rong Ling's subordinates were naturally skilled, but the small incident that happened at No. 4 Middle School was much simpler than investigating a business spy. The next day, a whole series of events became clear before Rong Ling!

Yang Haoting and Zhu Xiaomeng were targets Rong Lingyi had locked onto long ago. Seeing them both on the list, he wasn't surprised. However, Lin Zi's appearance took him aback. This was Lin Meng's older sister!

Sister against sister! Didn't Lin Zimo go insane! Destroying Lin Meng's reputation is also a way of destroying the Lin family's reputation!

But the moment he thought of Lin Meng's identity, he suddenly realized and chuckled at his own intellectual regression. He was an outsider to the family after all, how could he not know this feeling of being out of place even after joining Lin Meng and Lin Zi were half-siblings. It wasn't unnatural to say they weren't close, nor was it unreasonable to say they were disliked!

Listening to the report from his subordinates and flipping through the documents in his hands, he was stunned when he heard about the online video incident and saw the test results from a certain testing agency. He narrowed his cold eyes involuntarily, picked up the test result, and read it carefully over and over again. After finishing reading it, he glanced at the date on top. Then, his hand trembled involuntarily, and the photocopied test result fell onto the table.

"Boss, are you alright!" His subordinate interrupted the report, concerned. Anyone could feel the drastic shift in Rong Ling's mood at that moment! Rong Ling was always composed, like a giant, "mountains would not change his color" wouldn't be an exaggeration. Yet, for that piece of paper, he subtly changed color and was instantly moved. That subordinate had already seen all the contents presented before, and didn't think there was anything particularly touching about it!

He doesn't understand.

Rong Ling shook her head. "Get out first!"

That person immediately and politely went out.

Rong Ling closed her eyes, leaning her head against the sofa and frowning heavily.

Was she wrongly accused that day!

That test result slip was the very same one Lin Zi had taken to the testing agency to analyze the fruit juice's composition!

The time indication on the test sheet is very clear. Lin Meng went back to him and then crazily overpowered him, this was the day after the test sheet time! That means the incident happened after Lin Zi took the test sheet. The security guard also registered that around dusk, Lin Zi had gone to find Lin Meng. So was it Lin Zi who did this!

By the way, at the beginning of that day, she screamed at Aunt Xu, saying she wouldn't be allowed to call him. Then, after dragging it out for more than an hour, she cried and called him.

The examination report detailed the potency and dangers of the aphrodisiac. The statement "If not treated promptly, it could cause lifelong nerve damage" chilled him to the bone! That meant if he had been any more stubborn at the time, refused to go back, what awaited him would have been a mentally debilitated and physically crippled Lin Meng!

Thinking about this, he was suddenly filled with fear!

This matter, it definitely wasn't done by Lin Meng. Something so harmful, even if she was stupid, she wouldn't torture herself like this. It must be Lin Zi, it must be her! That girl, who is only a year older than Lin Meng, is ruthless. He really underestimated her and ignored her!

And that day, he still remembered how angrily he had laughed at her and then resolutely left, coldly thinking that he would never look for her again. Although he didn't say anything when he left, he also knew that the little woman must have sensed his mood. So, has she not called him all this time!

But even if something like this happened, why didn't she call him! Is she going to be stubborn with him like this the whole time! Or is she just waiting for him to find out the truth and apologize to her!

"Damn it!"

He couldn't help but mutter.

The thought of her getting together with Jiang Po Lang and openly declaring her "admiration" for him in front of so many people made him furious. She didn't even explicitly say she "admired" him, how could she be so blatant about showing affection to another man!


Fuming, he called his men back in to continue their report. However, up to this point, they had been unable to determine when the photo was taken, or for that matter, where it came from. They also had no clue when the video footage was recorded!

This is probably something you'd have to ask the person involved. Otherwise, it's difficult to find out anything else unless someone else saw what happened at the time!

Things that happen at school would probably be considered a disaster in the eyes of others, but to Rong Ling, it's nothing. Besides, Lin Meng didn't really do anything. Even if she did everything people said, Rong Ling has the ability to cover things up.

He was still waiting, waiting for that little woman to call him. Waiting for her to plead with him, and then he would consider appearing before her and asking her nicely about what happened between her and Jiang Po Lang!

Although she thought so, it had been the third day since the incident, and Rong Ling still hadn't received a call from Lin Meng. She couldn't sit still. She got in her car and drove towards Wenqu District. But as soon as she reached the entrance of the district, she hesitated, unable to go in. She thought to herself that while he had made some mistakes, it was unintentional. She could have explained things after the fact, but why didn't he

He silently decided, if she didn't seek him out, he would absolutely not go looking for her!

After all, her mistakes far outweigh his!

Then, he just sat in the car like an idiot for a long time, and to his surprise, he saw Lin Meng and Aunt Xu come out together. The little woman had lost some weight, her complexion didn't look as rosy anymore, and he watched through the window crack, unable to help but frown.

Lin Meng was going to the vegetable market with Aunt Xu to buy groceries. This had been arranged in advance. As a student who only went to school every day, she was almost completely disconnected from everyday life. If you asked her about current vegetable prices or which vegetables were good, she wouldn't know. She thought about living alone outside one day, and this kind of knowledge was always necessary. Taking advantage of the remaining days, she wanted to ask Aunt Xu for some advice.

Rong Ling was like a covert private investigator, driving at a snail's pace, trailing the two women who were walking slowly. As he saw them approach the vegetable market, his eyes lit up—he had an idea! He immediately reached for his phone and called Auntie Xu.

As soon as Aunt Xu answered the phone, Rong Ling coldly commanded, "Stay away from Lin Meng and don't let her find out it was me who called you!"

Aunt Xu immediately instructed Lin Meng to watch over him first, then she went aside to make a phone call.

Then, after learning that Lin Meng went out to pick vegetables herself and cooked personally after returning home, Rong Ling smirked slightly and hung up the phone with a satisfied expression. He said to himself, "That little woman couldn't be this calm, she must have asked for it." She must be planning to cook him a meal herself and then try to get on his good side!

He raised an eyebrow, thinking to himself that when the time came, he could casually give her a way out and agree to it.

Then, he slowly drove back to the apartment complex with the two people, waiting outside. He played with his phone, waiting for the little woman to call him. An hour had passed, and he wondered why the food wasn't ready yet, and she hadn't called. Then he thought he was being too anxious, so he picked up a laptop on the side, turned it on, and started looking at data. However, his phone remained in plain sight.

Before he knew it, another hour had passed. He looked up from the data and glanced at the time, his brow furrowed. Two and a half hours—enough time to host a dinner party. He began to glare coldly at the black phone in front of him, but sadly, the phone was oblivious to his icy aura, remaining motionless. He reached out, picked up the phone, and impulsively called Aunt Xu, only to discover that both of them had already finished their meals. Aunt Xu was even on her way home!

He's furious!

Suddenly threw the phone, stomped on the accelerator, and the car shot out like an arrow. Now, this is what I call utilizing the car's high-speed performance!

Inside the car, Rong Ling's brows were tightly furrowed, forming a large "川" shape between them.

What does this mean!

He snorted angrily, but the more he thought about it, the worse he felt. At this point, she wasn't even calling Was she crazy! With so many people staring and whispering at school, could she possibly endure it Could she keep her composure!

"Damn woman!" he muttered under his breath.

What is he being so stubborn about right now! He doesn't use his resources when it's necessary, and uses them when he shouldn't. It's just plain dumb! Anyone could have thought of having her friends come to him for help, but he hasn't moved an inch. Why didn't she just call him herself! Could it be that he actually doesn't care about her anymore!

Stupid woman… Stupid woman!

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

He pulled out his phone, dialed a number, and ordered impatiently.

"Lao Si, come over and practice your skills, same place as always!"

When Yu Xu heard that there was going to be a fight, his eyes lit up immediately. His whole body tingled with excitement. He was the best at this. Right away, he sped over in his beloved car. But only two hours later, he had to beg for mercy.

"Big brother, stop! I admit defeat, okay!"

Ron glared. "No giving up, fight until you're down!"

"Big brother, you're clearly using me as a punching bag. Where is the training Just be generous and spare me!"

Rong Ling remained silent, pursed her lips, and threw a punch. Yu Xu narrowly dodged it. Seeing this, he knew things were going badly. He rolled onto the ground, pretending to be helpless.

"Fine, if you want to fight, go ahead. I won't resist. This life of mine, I'll give it to you tonight!"

Rong Ling was stunned, but he couldn't keep fighting. He plopped down on the ground and started panting heavily. He had been fighting for two hours, sweating profusely, how could he not be tired! But there was a fire burning inside him, he didn't know where to vent it if he didn't fight.

Yu Xu saw Rong Ling also sat down, and it seemed that he wouldn't use him as a punching bag anymore. He got up from the ground and leaned closer to Rong Ling.

"Big brother, tell me, who got you riled up You tell me and I'll get some brothers together right away to mess up his place!"

Rong Ling stared coldly at Yu Xu, her gaze as sharp and chilling as the winter wind.

Yu Xu shrank his neck, feeling that the place was a bit cold. He immediately felt that what he had just said was wrong. But it's not right, is it What he said wasn't wrong, it was just payback for offending him! Unless... the person who took the beating for Big Brother was extraordinary!

He rolled his eyes, going through everyone he could think of in his mind, and then tentatively asked, "Big brother, how's that Lin Meng... doing recently!"

Upon hearing this, Rong Ling's face darkened and he suddenly stood up from the ground. He picked up his coat next to him and walked away without looking back!

Yu Xu smacked his tongue, thinking to himself: Well, he really has become a pushover!

"Ouch, it hurts, so much pain, damn it! I'm his brother, dammit! Big bro is too ruthless..."

Yu Xu grinned and muttered, secretly thinking that if his big brother called him over for another spar in the future, he had to weigh his options carefully. He wouldn't come if it meant being beaten up like today! Sparring with his big brother was exciting, but becoming a punching bag all the time wasn't worth it. He was covered in bruises and lumps from head to toe; he wouldn't be able to move for half a month if he went back home!

Bad luck!

He shook his head, but couldn't help but be curious, after all, what did Lin Meng do to make Big Brother so out of sorts!

...This article was first published by Xiao Xiang Academy....

Rong Ling finally couldn't hold back and went to look for Lin Meng.

Something seemed off, which made him uneasy.

He told himself, it's just to see her, there's no need to bring up those things.

When he opened the door, it was deathly quiet, almost completely soundless. That was almost his specialty. He instinctively chose to do so silently, wanting to see what the little woman was up to! The inside of the house was pitch black, not a glimmer of light anywhere. He subconsciously went to the study, thinking she must be in the study doing her homework. But as soon as he opened the door, it was still dark and empty. She wasn't there. Then he went to the bedroom, also gently twisting the doorknob open, but the bedroom was still a black void. He scanned with his keen eyes, but didn't see anything on the bed!

She's not here!

His heart clenched suddenly, and he immediately turned around to push open the door of another bedroom. This time, he didn't hesitate at all, and flung the door open with a sharp crack. Then, in the completely dark room, except for a desk lamp illuminating the desk, she turned her head to look at him, her eyes wide with surprise. He could clearly see that on her pale face, her black pupils were wide open, filled with the fear of a small animal! But after seeing him, she regained her composure, then turned her head away again, continuing to bury herself in her work.

His actions probably scared her!

But how could she not even say hello!

This made him raise an eyebrow in displeasure, but inside he felt a wave of relief. She was here, and she was unharmed, safe!

Then, he closed the door and walked in. Unable to find a place to sit, he sat on the bed and looked at her coldly.

It was pitch black all around, with only the light from the lamp on the table illuminating her face, revealing a hint of fragility and paleness! Her complexion wasn't good at all, he muttered to himself. Could it be that Aunt Xu hadn't given her enough food! Shaking his head, he dismissed the thought. Then, was she feeling unwell! But she hadn't said anything! And why did she come to this room! Wasn't her own room alright!

He took another close look and immediately saw the difference. It turned out that this room was only used as a decoration, she didn't keep many things here. Now, her books that should have been in the study were moved into this room, neatly arranged on the desk, one by one. This room also seemed to have some more feminine items, such as combs, her leather case, hair clips, and even that big bottle of perfume!

Let's not talk about anything else, just that bottle of Dabo, used for wiping the face, it must be placed where it is convenient to use. It was originally in his bedroom, but it ended up in this room, which can only mean she started living in this room.

This woman, is she considered to be silent and in his and her anger!

He raised an eyebrow again. He got up and walked to the wardrobe, opening it up. Inside, everything was neatly arranged, but they were all her clothes! Almost all of them!

This little woman, she must have moved all her belongings here!

He couldn't help getting angry. He turned around and asked coldly.

"What are you doing!"

Even if he's mad at her and doesn't want her back, it doesn't mean she can take her things out of his room!

Lin Meng's pen stopped abruptly. She turned her head to look at him, and he gestured towards her clothes with his eyes. Her heart ached slightly, and for a moment she felt lost, but then she smiled and explained softly.

"It's nothing, just the other day when I was bored, I sorted out my clothes and put them here casually!"

...but it was just perfunctory!

But she didn't care how much he would actually listen. She turned back to her homework and books. She knew her days at school were numbered, so she was making the most of her time by studying as much as possible. She had just heard about something called an adult GED exam, and she planned to keep up with her studies even after leaving school. That way, she could work and study at the same time, and eventually take that adult GED exam. Apparently, you didn't need to attend classes regularly; you just had to pass the exam!

Rong Ling, upon hearing this, furrowed his brows even tighter. He suddenly had a feeling that this little woman had become... different. It made him feel like he couldn't quite grasp her anymore! This only increased his irritability! He had only been gone for a few days, and she was going to give him the cold shoulder

A cold snort echoed in his mind, yet he couldn't even figure out what he wanted to do! According to his original plan, this little woman should have been overjoyed to see him back...

Okay, even if his estimate was a little off, this woman shouldn't be so indifferent! Shouldn't she at least show some joy when she sees him! She always smiles and comes out of the room, running to greet him, softly saying "Rong Ling, you're back," But she doesn't even say anything, just turns her head and starts doing her homework! And he's already back, and she still doesn't intend to speak Is she really trying to play hard to get! Wouldn't she be worried if he just turned around and left! Or, did she anticipate his return and believe he wouldn't leave, so she acts with such confidence!

The more he thought about it, the worse he felt.

Remembering the dinner from tonight, his heart began to ache.

The little woman was making dinner for him for the first time, and she was shyly covering herself as she handed it to Auntie Xu. Then, she indirectly asked if he liked it! But this time, she didn't say a word, letting the outsider get a free meal!

His mind was in a turmoil, he stood up. Since she treated him as if he didn't exist, what was he still doing here! If she chose not to speak, then she must have the strength to bear this herself. He had nothing to worry about her!

A cold sneer crossed his mind, he left the room, and watched as he approached the entrance hall. The closer he got to the entrance hall, the slower he walked, deliberately delaying time so that the little woman could catch up. As long as she pleaded with him softly, he could agree to help her through this crisis! But damn it, he was about to leave, how could she still not come out!

He couldn't help but mutter under his breath, and he turned around abruptly, walking towards the bedroom with much faster steps than when he had left.

"Nothing to say" he leaned against the door, asking in a cold voice. A face was buried in the darkness, looking grim. He wanted to maintain his pride, but also acutely aware that he probably looked pathetic! He shouldn't have turned back, he should just have left like that. He had a tinge of regret, but with an equal measure of anticipation for her response.

She turned her head to look at him, but shook her head calmly.

He was so angry he could grind his teeth. "Really not!"

She still shook her head, then pretended to turn away and continue reading.

He lost control, shouting urgently: “Why didn’t you ask me!”

She froze, her whole body stiffening. Then, a chill of sadness ran through her heart. What he wanted, it turned out, was her begging. But would her begging work Wouldn't he think she was being pushy and arrogant again!

"What are you asking for!" she arched her lips, smiling but feigning ignorance!

He suddenly sank his face, he should turn around and leave, then never come back, never care about her again. But seeing her turn her head, bury it, her jet-black hair contrasting with her slightly pale profile, he couldn't bring himself to do so. That small body, under the spotlight, was so small, so frail, as if he could crush it with one hand. If he just left her like this, then she...

He lowered his eyes, but he couldn't take a step forward. After all, he felt sorry for her, and he thought that since he was so much older than her, he should make way for her. Besides, she was so young, always with a bit of a childlike temper. Letting her have her way now was only right. He convinced himself with this logic, finding a reasonable excuse, and sat back down by the bed again. Then he waited, waiting for her to come around and speak to him first. He wasn't in a hurry; the night was long, and he had an entire night to wait for her to open up!

He didn't realize that he was compromising and making concessions time after time!

Time ticked by, and before he knew it, it was past eleven thirty. It was almost midnight. He glanced at his watch and looked at the little woman who was still furiously scribbling away, her brow furrowed slightly. He remained silent.

But it seemed that even without saying anything, she could continue doing the problems like this. With patience and perseverance, finally, twelve o'clock arrived. Rong Ling couldn't help but speak up.

It's late, time for bed!

She muttered softly, “Oh, right away!”

He sat there waiting, and after about five or six minutes, she put down her pen. Then, with sleepy eyes, she walked out. He felt a bit sorry for her; if she was so tired, why not go to sleep earlier Was it more important to rest her body or those unimportant problems He couldn't help but think of his time in the army when he could stay awake for days and nights on end for a goal. But now, seeing her staying up late felt like a death sentence. He had to nag and urge her to go to sleep on time, almost more responsible than any parent would be.

Then Lin Meng went into the bathroom, locked the door, and started to take a quick shower. She wasn't going to wash her hair; she was too tired, she'd do it tomorrow morning. When she came out of the bathroom, she remembered that there was one more person in the house now, so she paused outside the bathroom and shouted, "Rong Ling, are you going to take a shower!"

Otherwise, she'll turn off the water heater!

Rong Ling, upon hearing this, felt a surge of excitement. He had been trapped in the bathroom by Lin Meng, who was acting like a guard dog to prevent him from doing anything. Now, his mood lifted. It turned out that this little woman intended to seduce him on the bed! Indeed, she seemed to have some experience with this tactic!

He smirked and walked towards her. But she just slipped into the bathroom, not even glancing at him, busy with something inside. He frowned, feeling like she was avoiding him. Then, they just passed each other in the bathroom doorway. However, he wasn't too upset about it, after all, she would still be waiting for him in bed.

He quickly took a shower, just a quick one. He had already showered after his fight with Yu Xu earlier. But since she asked him to, he obliged, giving her some time to herself.

When he came out, he saw the door was closed. He was a little surprised and didn't know what she was doing, but he still walked over excitedly. He hadn't seen her in days, to be honest, he missed her. He had just been deliberately ignored all this time. This body was used to her smell, it seemed like it didn't want anything without her. I have to say, her body is very attractive!

Grab the handle, give it a twist, but -- the feeling is off!

He arched his eyebrows high, then twisted them again, finally discovering that this wasn't his imagination. The door was indeed locked!

What is this little woman up to!

Anger surged up within me!

Is this anger, or is she rejecting him! Has she found another man in her heart, and that's why she's keeping him out the door!

He suddenly kicked the door panel with his leg, kicking it so hard that it shook violently. At the same time, he roared angrily.

"Lin Meng!"

There was a commotion inside the door, followed by hurried footsteps. As the doorknob turned, a small, black head poked out – it was her face, as white as snow, even in the darkness. She frowned slightly and asked, “What is it!”

What's wrong! Rong Ling was so angry, she dared to ask why!

"What do you mean!"

He burst through the door, his tall frame squeezing into the room before he pushed her against the wall with a swift, forceful movement. He leaned down, his gaze intense and suffocating as he stared at her.

She licked her lips, a mixture of resignation and determination in her expression. “I thought you hated that!”

"What do you dislike! Huh!" He raised an eyebrow, feigning ignorance.

Lin Meng blushed slightly and turned her head away from him, whispering, "You thought I didn't want to sleep with you!" Her tone was clear.

Rong Ling's chest heaved violently, his eyes locked on Lin Meng with a venomous glare. He wished he could rip open the boy's head and see what kind of idiotic nonsense was inside it.

"It's up to me whether I like it or not, you don't get to decide!" he practically roared, his anger clearly boiling over.

She was clearly afraid of him, having witnessed firsthand how he fought. His roar made her shoulders shrink and she dared not speak.

He hummed softly, a malicious edge to his tone, maintaining his usual mocking demeanor. "Are you playing hard to get with me! You know exactly what it means for me to stay here. You make me go take a shower and then deliberately close the door. You find that amusing! If you really have something you need from me, just say it straight up! Don't play games with me!"

She felt humiliated once again, and couldn't help but turn her head, lifting her small chin and widening her jet-black eyes, staring straight at him. "Rong Ling, I swear, I never played any games of pretending to be hard to get, nor do I want to play tricks to ask for anything from you. If there is even half a lie in what I just said, then let me be hit by a car—"

But it was Rong Ling who reached out and suddenly covered her small mouth with his hand.

She widened her eyes in terror, staring at him.

He kept a composed face, lowering his head and leaning close to her. His eyes were cold and menacing, and his voice was heavy and grave!

"Lin Meng, don't say things like that anymore! Never speak such nonsense again!"

... But he also knew that if he didn't stop her, the next thing Lin Meng would say would be to go out and get hit by a car! He didn't believe in Buddhism, nor was he superstitious. It was just that this kind of thing happened to her, and he had to be more cautious. He couldn't imagine what he would do if it actually worked! In that moment, he instinctively stopped her from saying anything else!

Then, he continued to charge at her face, panting heavily as he threatened, "Did you hear me! From now on, don't say that again!"

She realized she had misunderstood him. He wasn't trying to strangle her or hit her at all, he just nodded his head. A soft spot in her heart ached, both sour and sweet...and kind of sweet!There was Rong Feiwu, Jiang Chengfeng's mother and son, Lin Meng's good friend Sun Fei, and naturally, there were also people from the Ruan family. Even Jiang Changhao, who was rumored to be cold-bloo...

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