Word count: not counted
author: error
Xiaoxi was really crushed this time, crying her heart out. She probably got hurt badly. After she cried, she didn't smile at all. She just had red eyes, sniffling with her little nose, looking pitifully at Rong Ling while also sucking on her own palm relentlessly.,And Yu Xu's words that day, about dragons liking to hide glittering things, especially treasures, seemed to have come true. Xiaoxixia grew bigger and bigger, and she became fixated on anything that shone brightly. At this time, the jewelry and accessories worn by adults became her target.,“Our XiXi loves to hide things and play. Experts say this is a way for children to develop their intelligence and practice their skills, so we shouldn't restrict her. Unexpectedly, it made everyone laugh. Hehe, kids only hide things in those places, the objects must be somewhere in this house, we will definitely find them.”。