
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

e to rely on.On the other side, the ripples were looking through Mu Mianmian's harvest. Food made up the bulk of it, along with cosmetics, bags and clothes from luxury brands and jewelry. They should...Wu Lianyi's feet never stopped, and she muttered to herself, "This explains why the previous teams all came and went without a trace, and they all delivered themselves right to us."

"A different kind of spider!"

Sun Wang exclaimed in surprise, then immediately reacted, and hurriedly asked:

"Ripples Sister, was it that thing that attacked my sister"

"That's right, both belonging to the psychic category of abilities, your elder sister leans towards crisis perception and prediction, while that spider specializes in weaving illusions, leading us right into their open mouths."

Because your sister sensed them before, Sun Yi became their main target after entering here. They attacked your sister just now, and their abilities must have been depleted. Coupled with our indiscriminate attacks, they couldn't maintain the illusion any longer.

As Wu Lianyi spoke, she swung her sword, slaying the white spiders that were dangling down by their webs. She protected Sun Yi, who was still dazed. The team members listened to her words and understood their current situation.

"Ripple Sister, if we kill that spider, its nucleus should be able to boost my sister's abilities, right"

Sun Wang, relying on his speed, kept moving, covering his teammates' weaknesses. He just happened to return to the two elder sisters' side and asked directly.

"Theoretically, it's possible, but we need to take care of that first."

Wu Lianyi replied.

The teammates on the side listened to the conversation between the two, their eyes twitched, they could only say that these people were bold and daring.

The fire hawk blazed a trail ahead, and by the tenth level, its abilities were almost depleted. Looking at the safety entrance sealed with thick white spider silk, it gathered its remaining energy and launched its final fireball, burning a round hole large enough for one person to pass through directly into the door.


The eagle dog let out a mighty roar, and the fiery eagle immediately retreated. Everyone else lowered their bodies as well.

Two flashes of light, like two streaks of lightning, were hurled from the burning doorway. The corridor on the tenth floor was bathed in two blinding bursts of light that illuminated the entire level. Then, everyone heard the sound of heavy objects hitting the ground, a clattering noise like dumplings being dropped.

Taking advantage of the opening, Sun Wang swiftly dashed through the door and went ahead to scout the situation inside. He also planned to find the room where the instruments were stored.

Now, Sun Yi's complexion had eased considerably. The dull ache that felt like it was drilling into her brain had slowly disappeared. Her eyes were just a bit bloodshot. She glanced around, making sure everyone was safe for the time being, before speaking:

"Captain, the mutated white spiders here intentionally let me know they were here and then led us in. This is probably a trap, we should fight quickly and decisively."

She hadn't expected the mutated white spider to be so large. It was different from what she had perceived. Apparently, the alien white spider had done this on purpose, intending to make them underestimate it and walk into the web they had woven. Sun Yi was furious that they had been tricked.

“We've never underestimated them, and their actions haven't affected our plans. You focus on recovering, Fei Ying still wants to take down that alien spider so we can get its core and upgrade your abilities.”

Eaglewing said softly, easing Sun Yi's feelings of self-blame. At this time, everyone must stay calm and not panic.

Yes, Captain!

As soon as his voice fell, Sun Wang flashed back, his face slightly grave and said:

I found the room where the instruments were kept, and the instruments were inside, but they were difficult to reach. The room was full of spider eggs that were hatching, covering the entire room and the instruments.

"It seems our obstacles are considerable."

The eagle mastiff spoke in a low voice.

What's the situation in the hallway

"There were huge white spiders, their webs covering the entire hallway. I also saw several spider cocoons, and judging by their shape, they probably contained humans."

When it came to this, Sun Wang's voice became strained. It wasn't that he was indifferent to death, but after so long, the chances of the other party surviving were too slim.

"Captain, the spiders in the stairwell are back again!"

The last player on the team immediately reported, "There's no time for us to think about this slowly."

According to the original plan, one team was responsible for clearing the way and attacking the mutated white spiders, while the space ability users followed another team to retrieve the equipment.

With a decisive wave of his hand, Ying Yi's team immediately split into two groups. Ying Ao led the assault squad, charging ahead. This group included Wu Lianyi and Sun Wang. Sun Yi followed Captain Ying Yi to retrieve the equipment.

The team had clear roles and worked in perfect harmony. As they launched their attack, they lured out the hidden white spiders.

These variant spiders emerged from their webs, the ground, and every corner of the room, swiftly spinning strands of silk to ensnare their arrogant prey.

Attack their webs!

Wu Lianyi reminded.

Then, a flurry of colorful attacks rained down on the spider's abdomen, targeting its sacs.

Because each team member had a piece of hot weaponry and were all trained, they could be said to be firing without missing. After swatting a multitude of white spiders on the ground, suddenly a giant spiderweb descended, clearly intending to catch them all at once.

The Flaming Hawk had been prepared for this move. He hadn't made a single attack before, allowing himself to be surrounded by the crowd. He only occasionally fired his gun or swung his blade, just to replenish his consumed energy. Now, as he saw the giant white spider web falling from above, he opened up a fiery net of his own, perfectly overlapping with the spider web.

With a “whoosh”, it felt like oil being heated on fire. The spiderweb immediately caught alight, and it was spreading upwards to the top of the web, causing the white spiders to panic.

A jade spider, no bigger than a football, seemed to be petrified by the flames. It remained motionless in the corner, showing no intention of fleeing.

"Sun Wang!"

Wu Lianyi greeted directly.

Sun Wang appeared beside her in an instant.

"Ripples Sister, what's up"

“Did you see that little spider That’s your target! Remember, speed is key, and your attack needs to be a surprise. Otherwise, it’ll attack your brain just like it attacked your sister.”

Wu Lianyi lowered her voice and said.

Immediately, gunshots drowned out her voice, but Sun Wang heard it clearly. He nodded solemnly, quickly moved to Yan Ying's side, and then the two began to cooperate in battle.

On the other side, the eagle wing carrying people had already charged into room 1006. The room was now a spider's world, with webs everywhere. There were unhatched spider eggs on the webs, shed webs and molted skins of spiders on the ground, and the instruments were covered in webs, making it impossible to see what they were.

"Quick clean up, remove the equipment, they are more dangerous the longer they're restrained outside."

With a whistle from the eagle-wing commander, the superhuman stepped forward. They launched a coordinated attack, shattering the web that covered the ground and clearing it of small spiders that had scurried out in fright.

Because the place where the spiderlings hatched was attacked, it agitated all the white spiders outside. The entire tenth floor became chaotic, and the mutated spiders began to attack their group without restraint.

A super large spider, the size of a tank, suddenly opened its eyes on the criminals. The frail Li Gang became a target for these people to snatch food.Meanwhile, Li Gang used his telepathy to discover that one of them was a criminal. He immediately told the guards he wan...

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