
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

Senzhou, so when she woke up, she decided to go to Gu's company with him."My work will be very boring." He declined, as he was indeed too busy to take care of her when his work got hectic."Mind your...No one knows, the father died right in front of her, no one knows that pair of blood-red canvas shoes can never be washed clean again, forever stained crimson.

At this moment, she was freezing cold, her whole body trembling uncontrollably. She clutched the blanket tightly with both hands, surrounded by blood – nothing but blood.

"Listen to the gentle waves..."

"Shuting Lan..."

Someone was calling her, gently patting her shoulder. She suddenly opened her eyes and saw a worried Zhu Yu'an.

"You have a high fever, I'll take you to the hospital."

She was drenched in sweat, her hair plastered to her forehead. She had a fever, burning with delirium and weakness. Wen Jian acted like a switch, flipping open the past nightmare, unleashing it all upon her.

Zhuo Yu'an didn't give her a chance to refuse. He directly picked her up and took her to the hospital emergency room. She was too weak to resist, very tired, with no strength in her whole body, and her mind was muddled.

She went through the emergency room, besides a fever there were no problems, it was probably due to stimulation, her body's stress response. Zhu Youan insisted on arranging for her hospitalization, finding a *** ward, intravenous drips to lower the fever, sedatives, and she finally slept soundly through the night without any dreams.

The next day, she woke up feeling a little weak, but otherwise fine. Zhuo Yu'an had been sleeping on the edge of her bed, and at the sound of her movement, he jolted awake. He immediately reached out to touch her forehead,

"That's good. No more burning." He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for last night," Shu Tinglan also regained his composure. It's just Wen Jian, isn't it Nothing big deal.

Zuo Yu'an sent Shu Tinglan home.

"Take a good rest at home today, don't go to work." He instructed, and he himself didn't seem inclined to leave, as if wanting to stay and keep Shu Tinglan company.

"Zuo Yu'an, let's just end it here. Don't see each other again in the future. You can take your things from my house today if you have time. If not, I'll have someone pack them up and send them to you."

Shu Tinglan spoke calmly and peacefully, without any ripples, as if he were talking to an ordinary roommate.

"What do you mean" Zhu Yu'an was slightly startled, confused.

"I've made myself clear."

Shu Tinglan only wanted a peaceful life, wanting to stay away from Wen Jian. Was it really possible to escape or avoid him She didn't want any connection with anyone related to Wen Jian.

After her father, Shu Minghai, passed away, she spent countless days and nights wondering if her father loved her more or Wen Jian more. Because there was no answer, she would unconsciously recall every conflict she had with Wen Jian from childhood to adulthood, as well as her father's stance in those conflicts. This kind of comparison once made her lose herself. She had finally managed to walk out of Wen Jian's shadow and live a normal life, and she didn't want to go back.

Zhuo Yu'an and Wen Jian have so many years of emotional foundation, and they are also a community of interests. His choice needs no asking.

Even if he momentarily misjudged and chose himself, so what

Will Wenjian disappear from his side No!

Could she be about to pit herself against Wen Jian again, all for Zhuo Yu’an

No, absolutely not.

So she chose to quit.

"Shū Tínglán, what do you see us as in your eyes Who am I to you"

Having given up on being a stoic, Shu Tinglan couldn't help but ask in response to his question:

"And you In your heart, who do I weigh more against Wen Jian I actually made my stance clear yesterday, between Wen Jian and me, you can only choose one."

Actually, she had a faint hope in her heart, hoping that Zhuo YUAN would firmly choose her, stand by her side, and tell her that Wen Jian didn't matter.

"Shutinglan, these are two different things. You and Wenjian hold different places in my heart, there's no need to compare."

"Different kind of existence One is the white moonlight One is the cinnabar mole" She was truly fed up with being entangled with Wen Jian.

Life has become a world of difference for them. While she struggles to survive on the brink of poverty, Wen Jian has long since achieved success and fame.

She can't escape, and she can't hide either, can she

Without giving Zhuo Yu'an a chance to speak, she turned and entered the room, stuffing his clothes one by one into a suitcase from the closet. She tossed all his toiletries from the bathroom into a bag.

How could there be so many of his things He didn't even stay for a few days, yet his belongings filled every corner. One suitcase wouldn't be enough.

"Shū Tínglán, calm down, let's talk this over." Zhuó Yǔ'ān stopped her, firmly holding her hand, completely clueless about what she was doing.

"There's nothing to talk about, we haven't gotten that far. It was just a few times, we had a good feeling for each other, but I guess it's better to cut our losses now."

Zuo Yu'an was hurt by her words, his hand gripping her wrist turning white.

"So this is all our relationship means to you!"

"Or else, what I said it was hard to part ways Do you believe me" Shu Tinglan had already packed all his things and put them by the door, opening the gate for him, making a gesture of driving him away.

She felt she did a great job, decisive and cut to the chase.

Zhuo Yu'an was truly angered, his pride wounded. He lowered his head and remained silent for a long time, without taking his luggage, he strode away from her side.

After taking a day off, when Xiao Zhu went back to work, the director was very angry:

"What was the matter with you yesterday Do you know how much your actions have harmed the reputation of the law firm"

"Director Xiao, I'm sorry." She had been emotional yesterday. After years apart from Wen Jian, seeing him suddenly made her lose control. Now that she thought about it, it was too unprofessional.

What's the point of you saying sorry Don't you know how important yesterday's meeting was All of Zhuyuan Technology's executives were there, and it was the product designer's first appearance. And you, you just bailed at the last minute. Because of you, Zhu always didn't attend the rest of the meeting.

Shu Tinglan sincerely apologized, reflected on himself, and guaranteed that such a thing would never happen again.

Director Xiao is still angry:

"In the workplace, the most basic thing is professional ethics. At important meetings, no matter what illness you have, as long as you still have a breath, stand up for me and don't run away. Shu Tinglan, I originally had high hopes for you, and I put my heart into guiding you, but if something like yesterday happens again, you immediately get out."

Shu Tinglan nodded. Although she was scolded unpleasantly by Director Xiao, it wasn't without reason. The workplace is the workplace, and no one has the obligation to cater to you.

Zhou Ming came out to defuse the situation.

"Director Xiao, please don't be angry. Listen, Lan was really sick yesterday, I saw her beside me and she looked pale and sweating profusely. You don't know her well enough, do you If she could have held on, she definitely wouldn't have bailed at the last minute. She's someone you trained, she has the same tenacity as you."

After Xiao Director finished scolding, most of his anger dissipated.

"You're really going too far, your phone can't even go off for a day You're all alone in Senzhou, you'd be dead without me, wouldn't you Is this my responsibility We've dealt with lawsuits like this before."

He was clearly concerned and worried about her health. After a day of trying to call her without success, the words he spoke were piercing and hurtful. It's probably just typical for Director Xiao to speak like this.

This article is titled: "Today, Favor the Inclined."

It's actually what Shu Tinglan wanted, a preference.

It all depends on whether Mr. Zhu can deliver.ents are like fleeting clouds, so without a greeting, we tacitly averted our eyes, acting as strangers.In the afternoon, she sent her parents to the airport and saw them enter the security checkpoint....

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