
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

. 。Lu Kuo knows him very well. Although he's not close to the Zhuo family, he is deeply influenced by his grandfather and is very upright at heart. 。Zuo Yu'an said: "Anyway, if I don't do it, someone...Xu Ze Fang didn't leave right away. He leaned against the corridor wall casually, lit a cigarette and puffed smoke, watching the girl in front of him walk away with unsteady steps, holding onto the wall for support, about to disappear at the end of the corridor.

He took a deep drag of his cigarette, flicked the butt to the ground, and stomped it out with his foot. He then strode forward three steps and grabbed her arm.

The sugar cube was yanked and suddenly turned back, with tears streaking its face.

Xu Ze Fang saw this and forcibly swallowed the words that were about to come out.

What was he trying to say just now

Since I kissed you, you are my woman.

This is his usual robber logic. The woman he's intimate with is, naturally, the woman he wants. He never thinks there's anything wrong with it. After all, for so many years, as long as he uttered those words, no matter what kind of woman, she would willingly throw herself into his arms until he found her uninteresting.

But at this moment, he didn't say it. For some reason, he was certain that if he said those words, the woman in front of him might cry even harder, and he hated women who cried a lot.

So his mind took a sharp turn, and as the other person glared at him, he said, "I won't kiss you for free, name your price."

Fangtang only felt his head pounding; what was the difference between his words and those of the debt collector just now

In short, it's about selling.

In the eyes of these depraved men, her entire worth lay in this body that was still relatively young.

For a fleeting moment, a preposterous idea crossed her mind: give in, as those men said, just open your legs and all her troubles would disappear. No more crushing debt, no more sleepless nights filled with fear.

Xu Ze fang stood before her, his towering shadow engulfing her. He watched her crimson eyes, stubborn and defiant, gradually crack, waver, and finally concede. A sneer curled on his lips; it was pointless, just like the other women who came running at his beck and call.

Fángtáng had put away all the negative emotions from tonight, and now her mood was calm. She looked up at Xú Zéfàng, walked closer to him, and smiled, "What price can you give me I'm very expensive."

Xu ZeFang felt even more disgusted. He pinched her chin and sneered, "How much 100,000 once 1 million once"

He looked her up and down without shying away, as if assessing a commodity. He looked down at her and whispered in her ear, "I'll give you ten million once if you serve me well."

Fāngtang took a deep breath and, as she exhaled, slapped Xú Zéfáng with lightning speed. The slap was precise and forceful, the sharp sound echoing through the corridor.

Xu Ze Fang was caught off guard and slapped, turning his face. When he looked back, his eyes were filled with anger. He had never been hit by a woman before, it was an unprecedented humiliation.

Fāngtang’s voice was calm, yet powerful: “This slap is to repay you for kissing me just now. We’re even now.”

And, for such a cute child, be a decent person.

After uttering those two sentences, she quickly pushed away Xu Ze Fang who hadn't reacted yet and strode away.

Until she returned to her own room, her heart was still pounding in her chest and her legs felt weak. Just now, Xu Ze Fang's eyes had looked at her as if he were about to raise his hand and strangle her. She was terrified, thinking that here in this club, it wouldn't be difficult for them to kill her.

She leaned against the door, listening to the sounds outside. No one came, and she felt a little relieved.

It seems like this job will probably be my last one.

Three days to pay 500,000 or else they'll go to her parents' house and cause a scene. She knows those people are capable of doing this sort of thing.

Wang Yuxuan has disappeared and can't be reached. She called his parents, and as soon as she mentioned her intentions, they also started cursing: "We consider him dead, and you shouldn't bother us. If you hadn't guaranteed for him back then, he wouldn't have gotten the money, and he might be working peacefully now."

The underlying meaning was to blame her, so she also gave up. She was afraid of implicating her own parents. Thinking about these things, late at night, she tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

Xu Ze Fang was slapped, his face burning with pain. He wiped his lip with his thumb, feeling a hint of blood. This woman, she looked so fragile, but she had such great strength.

"For such a cute child, why not be yourself"

What is this What does it have to do with Xiao Guru

But his current image was indeed unsuitable for Xiao Gulu to see. Fortunately, his sister-in-law had returned from filming, so he didn't have to go home to accompany Xiao Gulu and dared to go out and be carefree.

The first time he was beaten by a woman, he completely remembered this woman named Fang Tang.

Fangtang spent three harrowing days, finding it harder to come up with 500,000 than reaching the sky. She stayed downstairs at her parents' house during the day, just in case debt collectors came to cause a scene and she could stop them immediately; at night, she returned to the bar to serve drinks, also filled with trepidation, fearing that Xu Ze Fang would come looking for trouble.

Fortunately, everything was peaceful for the next three days. The debt collector didn't contact her, and Xu ZeFang remained silent.

But she knew this was the calm before the storm.

On the fourth day, she suddenly received a call from her parents. She nervously answered with a "Hello".

Unexpectedly, their parents' voices were unusual, even with a hint of excitement. "Tangtang, why aren't you home yet Where are you Your friends have all arrived."


As soon as she heard those two words, her scalp went numb. She immediately replied, "Okay, I'll be home right away."

It takes about half an hour to get from her apartment to her parents' house by subway, which is ten stops. But it's quicker than taking a taxi because there's no traffic.

When she ran home out of breath after getting off the subway, she almost couldn't breathe when she opened the door and saw two men sitting inside.

The debt collector pretended to be her friend and made an appointment to have dinner at her parents' house. She almost forgot that it was Saturday, a day she usually went home to spend time with her parents. Her parents were very hospitable, and she occasionally brought classmates or friends back in the past, so they didn't suspect anything.

The two debt collectors were courteous and respectful in front of her parents, but when they turned to look at her, their eyes glinted with menace.

These people knew her routine inside and out, so by coming to her doorstep, they were issuing a final ultimatum or threat.

"Right now, her mom is chatting with them: 'Our little Tangtang started teaching at an international kindergarten a few months ago. It's much busier than the public kindergarten she used to teach at, and sometimes she even has to work on weekends. Today was rare that we asked you guys over for a visit, so I had Uncle cook some delicious food for you.'"

Her father had already changed into his going-out clothes and was pulling his vegetable shopping cart, ready to go out.

"Mom and Dad, stop! I forgot we have other plans today. I invited them to eat out."

She said, and then addressed the two debt collectors: "Let's go."

But those two acted as if they hadn't heard, "Tangtang, no need to rush. I was just thinking of trying my father-in-law's cooking. We can leave after dinner."

Only Sugar could hear the threat in his voice.houghtfulness.When the four friends came out of the amusement park, it was past 7 o'clock, almost 8. They had gone straight to the amusement park after school and were all starving. Lu Kuo offered to...

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