
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

night, Zhuo Yu'an didn't hold her like he used to. Instead, he lay on the other side, maintaining a respectable distance between them. 。Shutinglan rotated the diamond ring in her hand, her heart swi...Because of the sound, Song Jingye's brain felt like it was being blown apart again, he looked back in a daze, and saw her pale face with no blood color leaning against his shoulder, blood from the corner of her lips staining his green shirt. The soft touch on his back made him feel cold all over. 。"Ningning," he called her name, turning to pull her into his arms. Her body was soft and limp, weightless in his grasp, and it sent a wave of panic through him, completely robbing him of his composure. 。

A fresh drop of blood trickled from Chen Ning's lips. She had been pressed against him, her body jolted violently by the shockwave despite wearing a bulletproof vest. 。Song Jingye was at a loss, helping her wipe the blood. A man who had been through numerous battles and faced death several times found himself completely unable to remain calm at this moment. Not only was his face pale, but even his lips were blue. 。Chen Ning tried her best to stay conscious. She really wanted to reach out and hug him, comfort him, but she had no strength; she couldn't lift her arms. There were so many things she wanted to say, but she also had no strength to speak. 。I worked very hard, gave it my all and only managed to say: “Uncle, I am so happy.” 。To have met and fallen in love with him, she was happy; to have shielded him from this bomb, she had no regrets. 。Song Jingye's chest felt like it had been hit by a blunt object, the pain was excruciating. It was at this moment that he suddenly woke up, picked her up, and ran towards the car in front of him. 。Teacher Zhang in the car also had a face ashen, he opened the car door and put down the first-row seat to place Song Jingye on it, avoiding further injury. 。

The car sped towards the checkpoint. Once their vehicle crossed out of Xishi, the soldiers in pursuit no longer pursued them. With the assistance of government troops, they swiftly evacuated the battlefield. 。

Chen Ning clung to consciousness, refusing to sleep. She was afraid that if she fell asleep, she would never see Song Jingye again. His icy hand held hers tightly, but her awareness grew increasingly hazy, more and more blurred. 。

I had a long dream, she was in pain all over, full of tubes, breathing so hard she was almost suffocating. She said goodbye to Song Jingye: Uncle, I'm leaving. 。Every time she felt like she was about to be free, Song Jingye's voice seemed to come from afar: "I'm here, where are you going" 。That voice was muffled, low, and full of pain. 。Yes, he is here, where is she going She struggled again, breathing hard, over and over. 。Sometimes, she couldn't tell if it was a dream or reality. His voice often rang in her ears, sometimes speaking softly: "Ningning, you're amazing, you cleared another level." 。Sometimes, his voice was hoarse, his throat as if ripped: "If you're in too much pain, just leave." 。"

Hearing his voice, like a mournful wail, she couldn't leave. He was her deepest tether." 。The dream was very, very long, until finally, her pain gradually subsided, and her breathing became easier. She struggled to open her eyes and saw the real world. 。She lay in the bed, surrounded by a group of Chinese doctors in white coats. One of her hands was being held by a pair of thick, rough palms. Her eyes moved to those hands, and their owner looked back at her. He didn't speak, only cupped her hand and gently kissed it with his lips. 。

"Finally awake" 。"

This is a medical miracle" 。The doctors looked at her with satisfaction, as if they had achieved a successful experiment. 。"Is there anything that hurts" A female doctor leaned down and asked her, it was a familiar face, Dr. Su>>> 。"You've been in a coma for a month and just woke up, it's normal to feel dizzy. You can close your eyes and rest first, slowly adjust yourself, don't rush. " 。。After the doctors finished their discussion, they all greeted Song Jingye and left the ward. 。The ward fell silent, she gathered her consciousness and opened her eyes again. 。Song Jingye was very close to her this time, sitting right by her pillow. Seeing her wake up, he leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Are you thirsty"

As he asked, he took a cotton swab dipped in water and moistened the dry edges of her lips. Perhaps it was because she had been wearing an oxygen mask all along, or maybe because of the medication, her lips felt numb, but her mouth was very bitter, like chewing on Coptis chinensis. 。Song Jingye moistened her lips with a cotton swab, and her mouth chased after it. 。"Want some water" She blinked, and Song Jingye got up again to take the cup next to her, put a straw in it, and held it to her mouth. "Drink a small sip first, don't drink too much" 。After taking a gentle sip, the bitterness in her mouth was slightly diluted. She wanted to take another sip, but obediently gave up. 。

There were only two people in the ward, and her spirits had lifted a little. This was when she could finally take a good look at Song Jingye. 。He was turning to put the cup down, and from his back view, he looked much thinner. It was noticeable. Her eyes instantly warmed up, she really wanted to hug him. 。Song Jingye turned back, saw her eyes red and swollen, lowered his head and kissed her eyelids and forehead. His lips lingered on her forehead for a long time, as if cherishing the feeling of rediscovering something precious. Afterward, he spoke to her in the same soft voice as countless times before: “You idiot” 。so foolish that even if he were broken to pieces, I would protect him 。When he let go, his eyes were still red. He didn't want to mention another word about the agonizing pain of the past month. All that mattered was that she was okay now. 。Chen Ning's recovery news spread quickly to Xu Haichen and Zheng Ke, the next day, after confirming that she was in good spirits, they both came to the hospital to see her. 。Xu Haichen arrived first. When he entered the ward and saw her, he still had his usual elegant smile, but when he sat beside her, there was a slight redness in his eyes. 。Chen Ning was already able to speak, though her voice was a little hoarse and her throat still ached. So she smiled and gave him a thumbs-up. This trip to Xili country, although fraught with danger at every turn, had been incredibly rewarding as a diplomat. To be part of this operation and complete the mission successfully filled her with immense pride. 。Xu Haichen: “Have you all seen the news The whole country is proud of you.” 。Chen Ning nodded. Last night, Song Jingye told her that after she fell unconscious, all their compatriots, including the soldiers sent, were safely evacuated on the day. This evacuation operation lasted six days and six nights, successfully bringing back over 10,000 compatriots from Xili country. Not a single person was left behind. Not only was the whole nation praising them, but the entire world was in admiration. 。Get well soon. The department meeting was postponed especially for you to receive your award when you're back. 。>Xu Haichen encouraged her 。

"good" 。She rasped out the word. 。In the afternoon, Zheng Ke and his wife, as well as the squad leader, came to see her. 。Song Jingye saw them coming and sat quietly beside them, watching them chat. 。Zheng Ke walked in and immediately gave her a thumbs up: "Xiaoning, your brother used to admire Captain Song the most, but now he admires you the most." 。He had a general understanding of why she was injured. From Zhang Ni, he learned that due to the immense force of the bomb blast, her internal organs were ruptured. At that moment, she was hanging by a thread. Song Jingye and others urgently airlifted her to a neighboring country for treatment in a helicopter. After her condition stabilized somewhat, she was sent back to the country for treatment with Zhang Teacher, mobilizing all available resources on a special plane. 。 wasn't for his daughter's wedding. There was no need, after all. They had been divorced for over a decade and were both living well on their own.But Dayao advised her, "Talk it over with your father....

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