
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

nyi, but was intercepted by her and Wen Jian in between, no wonder Fu Shenyi is angry. 。She dashed over, catching up to Fu Shenyi in the garage. He was in a Bentley Continental GT, already started an...Chen Ling is just a low-level employee and she doesn't have access to many aspects of the company.

So she didn't know how Teacher Zhang had persuaded the Xiri government and the governments of several surrounding countries to allow a large-scale weapons shipment to pass through their borders; nor did she know when Song Jingye had arranged for these weapons to arrive in Xiri so quickly.

She only saw domestic news on the office TV, with a strong condemnation of the Xili anti-military mob's hijacking and harming of Chinese people and diplomats. The picture showed Mr. Liang being rescued.

Xu Haichen's news department also held two consecutive press conferences for domestic and foreign reporters. The first conference mainly emphasized that no matter where Chinese citizens are, the country will spare no effort to bring them back home. The second conference mainly expressed strong condemnation of the vicious acts of anti-military and thugs, and thanked neighboring countries for their strong support.

This is an international public opinion war, and the emphasis remains on not interfering in any country's internal affairs. All subsequent actions are legitimate and legal rescue operations for Chinese citizens.

Song Jingye has already taken off with the airdropped elite troops by helicopter to Zag City; while on land, another team is cooperating with the government army in a large-scale march toward Xi City.

Chen Linghui responded to Teacher Zhang and others, following in another car behind. Looking at the armored vehicles supporting ahead, Chen Linghui felt a surge of excitement and pride, a sense of national pride.

And another young colleague was just as excited, "With our equipment, it would be like squashing an ant to defeat them!"

"Let them know what it means to fight with an egg against a rock."

Chapter teacher glanced at that colleague, not angry but imposing. The colleague immediately shut up and dared not speak again.

They only know excitement, but they don't know how much effort the country has put in to get these supplies here, and how much diplomatic work has been done with so many countries.

"Our soldiers are here to help us evacuate our compatriots. Attacking anti-government rioters is the job of the Sri Lankan government forces."

"Everyone listen to orders and do not act independently." Teacher Zhang emphasized again.

The car drove for what seemed like an eternity. Gradually, dust filled the air ahead of them as they neared Xishi. Suddenly, a deafening roar echoed through the air. Their vehicle lurched violently, spinning and bouncing along the road. The impact stunned everyone, nearly deafening their ears.

When he looked up again, a huge black mushroom cloud rose in the sky ahead, with thick smoke billowing out. It was clear how powerful the bomb had been.

Everyone inside the vehicle instantly sat up straight, their spirits highly tense. This was a formal clash between the Xili government army and the rebel forces.

The Westernily government army that came with them stopped in front, with the leading soldier standing on top of the car canopy, waving to them and shouting, "This is the war zone ahead, you can't go any further. Quickly, head east to Zag City, there are fewer rebels there."

As he said this, another thunderous explosion erupted nearby. He swayed on the car roof and cursed loudly before ordering his Xili army to head towards the battlefield. The vehicles kicked up a cloud of dust that covered Chen Ning's windshield with a thick layer of yellow dirt.

When the dust settled and the windows cleared, there was only their car on the road, along with the troops from their own country escorting them.

Chapter teacher made a snap decision, immediately changing course eastward to Zag City.

Throughout the journey, the sound of artillery fire from the combat zone was constant. The sky in one area was perpetually shrouded in thick smoke, with flashes of fire appearing intermittently. Even with the explosions, countless black fragments could be seen flying into the sky. Chen Ling dared not delve deeper into what those fragments were: remnants of objects, or perhaps, human remains.

There was a

loud bang, and the driver in front seemed to have hit something, slamming on the brakes. Chen Ning looked back, her back hair standing on end. She saw an unidentified object flying towards their windshield from midair, landing with a sickening thud. As it fell, she could clearly see that it was a human form, only half of its legs remained, hanging by shreds in front of their car, the upper body completely shattered and gone.

The driver reacted, continuing to press on the gas pedal and drive forward. The two severed legs fell to the ground, landing in the dust.

This visual shock left Chen Ling unable to handle it. She opened the window and vomited, bringing up everything she had eaten that morning, before finally feeling better.

Teacher Zhang didn't say anything, just handed her a piece of paper and told her to wipe.

She didn't say a word, took the paper and wiped silently, only her eyes were slightly red.

She drove on, the windows rolled down to let in the air. Occasionally, she'd see refugees along the roadside, families trudging forward with difficulty. But where could they possibly run to She thought sadly.

I also saw a young boy lying curled up asleep between two graves, which were probably his parents'.

For a moment, she had deep doubts about whether she could lead all her compatriots to safety from this land. But seeing Mr. Zhang's firm gaze, the Chinese soldiers beside her, and thinking of Song Jingye, she regained her confidence.

The car drove for what felt like an eternity before finally reaching Zag City. It hadn't fallen yet, so it was relatively calm. There were only a few hooligans causing trouble on the streets occasionally, but they were quickly dealt with by the government forces.

The construction site built by China is very conspicuous, right in the city center. From afar, you can see the towering crane with the prominent words "China xx Construction Group" written on it.

Song Jingye and his team had already arrived by airdrop. Following the map provided by Chen Ninghui, they found the hiding place of their fellow countrymen. At this time, over 200 people were all gathered inside the construction site.

When Chen Ning walked closer to them, she saw a 10-meter wide and 6-meter deep trench dug along the perimeter of the construction site by the workers themselves as a defense against any sudden attacks by hooligans.

Chen Ning and Teacher Zhang stood on this side of the trench, while Song Jingye and the workers stood on the other side. There was a sense of distance between them.

Chapter Teacher smiled rarely: "Look, this is the wisdom of the Chinese people. It's not so easy to harm them."

Because the main trouble in Zagazig is hooligans and there are no weapons with significant lethality, this trench can be very effective.

Chen Ling hesitated a little: "How do we get there Or how do they come here"

No sooner had he spoken than Song Jingye and his comrades swiftly leaped into the trench, then scrambled back up, appearing beside him as if teleporting. The whole process took less than a minute, with them standing in perfect formation before him.

Song Jingye stepped forward and simply told Teacher Zhang, "The workers have all assembled. Once the safety passage in Xishi is opened, they can be transferred out immediately."

Zhagai City is the only city in this region that has not yet fallen, because it is an industrial center and a large number of government troops have been stationed here. However, the surrounding cities have already fallen, so the situation for the government troops is becoming increasingly difficult.e because they were inherently part of her, inseparable. 。"You've finally come to your senses, it's not too late." 。Lin Zhihao praised her 。For specific details regarding the cooperation, you can con...

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