
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

icial launch of the public test.Lu Buwei put on the virtual helmet, plugged the wires into the socket by his bed, and adjusted it slightly so that the neural hub fit snugly against his temple. He lay...Lu Buyi fell ill again.

His headache was like his skull was splitting, as if thousands of needles were piercing his nerves at the same time. His body felt like it was cracking and collapsing inch by inch. He took a deep breath, forcing down the pain, not uttering a single sound, even though he was drenched in sweat and his fingernails were digging into his flesh.

He instinctively reached out to take the medicine, only then remembering that he had been off it for a week.

With a whoosh, the empty medicine bottles piled on his desk were knocked over by his waving hand, scattered everywhere.

The dormitory was deathly silent. The tightly shut windows trembled in the cold wind. Outside, mottled walls stood against each other, a dilapidated air conditioner unit still dripping water on the withered old treetops, where a bird's nest hung precariously.

It took him a long time to calm down. He lay in bed, panting heavily, his eyes vacant.

In the palm that had been released, there was only blood.

On the wall hung a yellowed calendar, with prominent red circles drawn on it.

Today is the 2046th year of the solar calendar, January 17th. This marks the 3,001st day since Luchunyi began his fight against cancer. After stopping his medication, he endures this excruciating pain every day. He doesn't know how much longer he can hold on. In theory, once his anti-cancer medicine runs out, he will be close to death.

"Brother Lu, we're leaving now."

A knock on the door outside the dormitory startled He Sai. She poked her head in and, with a worried look, asked: "Are you really okay staying alone at school If it's too difficult, you can stay at my place. I'll talk to my mom, and we can even wait for the public exam together. You've been waiting for so long, haven't you"

Before he could finish his sentence, Kuroo interrupted him.

"Alright, the dormitory isn't bad. Just go back."

For Lù Bù'er, this was the only friend in the world who still cared about him, so he couldn't trouble her any further: "I'll go to the internet cafe and find you tomorrow. If you don't leave the dormitory by then, I'll lock it up for you."

He Sa scratched his head, and finally sighed: "Alright, see you tomorrow."

He waved his hand and turned to join his brothers at the end of the corridor.

The playground outside was deserted, and darkness swirled in the night.

Now, only Luchunyi remains in the school. After the final exams, it's winter vacation and everyone goes home to be with their families. No one wants to stay in this iron cage any longer.

Especially the meteorological bureau's warning, tonight there might be a once-in-a-century torrential rainstorm. The distant horizon is shrouded in thick clouds, and faintly, scorching lightning flashes intermittently, as if tearing open a gap in the darkness. The rumble of thunder rolls ominously.

It's about to rain heavily. Even through the window, you can smell the strong earthy scent. The strong wind whips up sand and leaves on the playground, as if it's going to swallow the whole world.

Lu Buyi went back to close the dormitory door, but he found some bags placed at the entrance. Inside were stacks of instant food and daily necessities, piled up high.

"This kid..."

Actually, he didn't have much time left and didn't want his dearest friend to waste their time or money on him, a dying man, because it wouldn't mean anything.

Well, this should be the last time.

I went back to the washroom and washed my hands. The reflection in the mirror was pale, like a paper doll, with red and swollen needle marks all over the back of my right hand. Just looking at it made me shudder.

His palm was covered in scratches from his fingernails, and the cold water stung as it washed over them. But for someone who had grown accustomed to cancer pain, this didn't feel like much. He had long since become numb to pain.

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The new era of treatment techniques, coupled with a healthy diet and regular exercise, kept his body in good shape, but it couldn't eliminate the pain brought by cancer.

Over almost a decade, he gradually adapted to this painful life. He got used to taking the crowded subway during rush hour to work, was accustomed to the smell of disinfectant in the hospital, and even took medical bills for granted. He also slowly became indifferent to his own life and death.

In the last stretch of his life, he would spend his time in a school dormitory.

Because Rokuro had no home left, the photographs of his parents hung on the wall for ten years. From the spacious apartment back then to the later rented house and leaky attic room, and finally to this small dormitory.

Remember when he was five years old, a shadow was found in his brain Even though surgery had been performed to remove the tumor, it grew back the following year. This stumped the attending physician at the hospital. After careful consideration, the risks of another surgery were too great, so they could only opt for conservative treatment.


Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

The price is to burn a lot of money.

Lu Bun's parents were both chief research officers at a network technology company and could afford medical expenses. However, they unexpectedly died in a car accident during a business trip.

It all collapsed at once.

In the end, only Lu Buwei was left, struggling alone to this day with his inheritance and compensation money, facing utter desolation.


> Some people say there is only one disease in the world that is the hardest to cure, and that is poverty.

That person was right.

Please let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Lu Buyi could no longer afford the expensive anti-cancer drugs, and the cancer cells had long spread. Last month, a quack doctor even recommended he try some ancestral ash water, which almost made him furious.

That stuff definitely kills cancer cells, but the corpse attracts flies like crazy.

All I can say is that some diseases are just fate.

Thus, he accepted his fate and began counting down the days of his life.

He wasn't afraid of death, he just didn't want to live like a zombie.

Before the end of his life, he had one more thing he had to do.

"Lu Ge, don't forget the public beta of Pure Land."

The content you provided is already in English. Did you perhaps want to translate something else Let me know and I'll be happy to help!

He Sai sent him a message reminding him.

It was 6:45 p.m., fifteen minutes before the official launch of Paradise, a groundbreaking online game that had everyone buzzing in their student group chat. They had already pre-ordered neural network connected VR headsets and were busy setting them up at home.

It seems everyone is doing well, just far away from the life of Lu Buwei.

Lu Buyi lay in bed, staring out the window.

In just half an hour, the bustling streets had emptied out. The small shops along the street were all closed, and there was not a single person in sight on the usually lively night market.

The residential buildings in the alleyway turned on their lights one by one, and high-rise buildings flickered to life in the darkness.

It's like a dark world suddenly being illuminated.


The public test launch of the Pure Land has begun.

In the darkness, Rook's placid face was illuminated by his phone screen. Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

"This is a punishment of hubris. They disturbed the tomb of the gods, and divine blood flowed across the land, bringing disaster. Natural calamities, hardship, and demons... they buried the bones of the gods in the earth, building a towering tree to reach heaven, opening the gates of paradise, and beginning the path of evolution."

The head of Aurora Tech appears on the screen, his voice like a burning torch in a mine shaft, a mysterious aura enveloping him: "This is the origin of everything, and the beginning of a new era. Every civilization that does not undergo transformation cannot usher in rebirth."

Screens around the world are broadcasting this live event, and the face of O'Lara Tech's CEO appears on every television and phone.

Lu Buer watched the livestream silently. Even in his lonely dormitory building, he could hear the tsunami-like cheers from outside the community. The official livestream was overwhelmed by a barrage of bullet comments.

It makes people's hormones surge.

Because this is the data released during the public test of Pure Land, with 2 billion people watching it across the entire network and 195 countries paying close attention, it was simply a nationwide celebration.

Everything is because of that mysterious ancient tree.

Legend has it that on July 17, 2046 in the Solar Calendar, a North Pole research vessel from Aurora Technology broke through the ice and entered an uncharted territory untouched for millions of years. At the edge of the world, they discovered a mysterious ancient giant tree, inadvertently uncovering the truth of the universe!

> "About deities, about devils, about the origin of life and the existence of consciousness."

“A new era has begun, humanity has ushered in an unprecedented technological explosion. We have used God's legacy to open the gates of heaven and with God's grace, we have changed the world!”

This is a transcendent online game utopia, the ultimate masterpiece released by Aurora Technology after ten years of development. It achieves perfect neural sensory simulation and creates a virtual world that can replace reality based on the concept of the metaverse. It fully utilizes sleep time to give players a dreamlike experience in another world.

Even abandoning the real world, reshaping one's life and altering fate within a virtual space.

Whether it's the redistribution of wealth or the re-realization of self-worth.

...are no longer a fantasy.

Moreover, this technology can effectively treat human mental illnesses and is very helpful for brain development. In a sense, it is the key to evolution.

That's why it caused a nationwide frenzy.

"Can the virtual world really change your destiny It always sounds so appealing, doesn't it"

Lu Buer didn't think so. The only reason he paid attention to this press conference was that Aurora Technology was the company where his parents worked before their death.

Before his parents' car accident, he was the chief researcher of this groundbreaking technology, focusing on neural sensory transmission and thought synchronization in the realm of consciousness. He even explored aspects of the origin of consciousness.

Although O'Rora Tech was still a small company at the time, it was able to afford Dr. Kaneshiro's expensive medical bills.

If there was one thing Lu Buwei had to see with his own eyes in his final moments, it would be the birth of this groundbreaking technology.

If my parents were still alive, they would probably be very pleased to see this game released.

It's a pity that Lu Bunai doesn't have the money to buy a virtual helmet and can't participate in today's open test. He can only wait until tomorrow to go to an internet cafe and experience it by renting one temporarily.

It's not like he was addicted to the internet; he just wanted to take a quick look.

Take a look at your parents' life's work.

The live stream playing on the phone was interrupted by a call. After answering, a familiar, boisterous voice came through: “Xiao Lu Are you still at school My goodness, there's a package for you here. Hurry over and get it, it's about to pour down rain, I have to go home quickly!”

That was Lao Li's voice at the school gate. Lu Buyi was taken aback.

He hasn't shopped online in a long time, there shouldn't be any of his deliveries.

There was no way around it. Luo Buyi could only put on his clothes and venture out in the wind, the January gale made him shiver uncontrollably. Even the security booth at the school gate was about to be overturned. Old Li, wearing a military coat, handed him a tightly sealed express box, then turned and rode away on his electric scooter.

The box was heavy and well-sealed.


Lu Buni was taken aback. The shipping address actually read "Aurora Technology."


As for the recipient's address, it truly is his own.

That's strange.

Let me know if you'd like me to translate anything else!

He rushed back to his dorm, panting. After opening the delivery box, he was visibly shocked.

Because inside the package was, surprisingly, the latest model of virtual reality headset from Aurora Technology.

This thing isn't cheap, the base model costs around 10,000 yuan on the market. There was a large-scale free giveaway before, but unfortunately, he didn't win.

This latest style starts at over 100,000 and is in high demand, with more buyers than sellers. You have to fight for it.

Whenever a middleman gets involved, the price doubles.

At first, He Sai wanted to buy him a gift with his saved lucky money, but he was scolded by him.

"It can't be this guy He Sai who bought it, right"

Lu Bu's heart felt a twinge of suspicion, but upon further thought, he found it illogical.

That guy wouldn't even buy the latest model if someone paid him to.

Unless he's willing to break his back.

“Sent to the wrong place That shouldn’t be right, the address clearly says mine… Or maybe, Aurora Tech still remembers the family of an old employee” Lu Buyi opened his phone’s contact list. Back then, his parents had a colleague named Su who was quite kind to him.

But these years, I don't know where they went, and there's been no word from them.

He dialed the number with a tentative attitude, but all he heard was a busy signal.

"That's strange."

Let me know if you have other text you'd like translated!

I don't know who sent him the virtual helmet, but it can't be a bad thing.

Lu Buni was fiddling with the VR headset, not feeling any danger. After all, in this world, no one would be willing to spend so much to harm a dying man.

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

There are five minutes and forty-two seconds left until the official launch of the public test.

Lu Buwei put on the virtual helmet, plugged the wires into the socket by his bed, and adjusted it slightly so that the neural hub fit snugly against his temple. He lay flat on the iron bed in his dormitory.

The virtual headset's button has a built-in internet connection, and the green light on top indicates that it is connected to the internet. A massive amount of data is being downloaded, and the whole process is very smooth.

“Put on your helmets and initiate the consciousness data link.”

The city reverberated with the excited shouts of Aurora Tech's CEO, and players around the world held their breath, anticipating the unknown world and the mysterious adventure that awaited them.

Let's count down three, two, one, and welcome that beautiful new world!

For a fleeting moment, all the lights in the city went out, plunging the world into darkness.

The hands on the wall clock came to a sudden halt.

Time was fixed at 6:43:54 pm.

Let me know if you'd like me to translate anything else!

At this moment, the world seemed to fall silent.

Here is your translation:

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Politicians and socialites from around the world, top executives and employees of renowned corporations, professors and students from prestigious universities, researchers and scientists, as well as soldiers serving in the military, all donned virtual reality headsets, silently awaiting the dawn of a new world.

At the same time.

Some people are lying in the gaming chairs of internet cafes wearing virtual helmets, some are stealing moments at the sales desk to put on virtual helmets, some are excitedly putting on the virtual helmets they won in a draw after school, and some busy office workers are reluctantly putting on virtual helmets under the urging of salespeople. Even patients receiving intravenous infusions in the hospital unwittingly put on virtual helmets, and even workers at scrapyards are bewilderedly adjusting the virtual helmets sent by their college-aged sons.

Most people have received advice from friends and family or strong instructions from their superiors: they must participate in the public test of Pure Land.

More people joined the revelry spontaneously.

The wealthy in the manor, the children in the orphanage.

Regardless of status or position.

Whether one is rich or poor.

They all got their virtual helmets in various ways.

Even those who have no interest in games are trying to use virtual reality headsets to enter deep sleep.

The world in Roku's eyes was shattered, consciousness a haze.

What he didn't see was that the city had already been enveloped by a massive dark cloud, an endless storm raging across the heavens and earth, lightning and thunder tearing through the world, causing the mountains to tremble and the earth to quake.

A shadow that pierced the heavens and earth, burned like a torch.

That was... a gigantic golden ancient tree.

"The Kabbalah Tree of Life system is activated, the soul matrix is online and operational, vital signs are being frozen, bodily functions are commencing hibernation, imminent cocoon encasement..."

>Kaneshiro's expensive medical bills.If there was one thing Lu Buwei had to see with his own eyes in his final moments, it would be the birth of this groundbreaking technology.If my parents were still...

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