
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

couldn't tell anyone the real reason she stayed. " 。“No matter how much money I give you…” 。"Chu Yang readily offered to help, but his words left Qin Jingwen stunned. The scene from four years ago f..."It's all mountainous terrain, and it would take some time for the rescue team to get up there." 。“ Joe Shun-chen couldn't help but worry, his heart beating erratically. 。Now he regrets it, he should have taken Qin Jingwen home back then, then this wouldn't have happened. 。"Didn't we just say that the road there was smooth and undamaged, so it should be a very quick arrival" 。And the local people will also launch self-rescue efforts and certainly go to schools to help. 。" I just checked the local weather, besides some light rain everything else is fine and shouldn't cause secondary disasters " 。As long as the rescue team arrives quickly, General Qin will be fine. 。“

Sun Xu also tried to persuade him, but he knew such persuasion was useless 。Qin Jingwen's weight in Qiao Shunchen's heart has exceeded his own. 。"Alas..." No matter how much they tried to console Qiao Shunchen, he couldn't calm down. He had seen Qin Jingwen trapped inside the house with his two children... 。Of the three, she is the most dangerous one. How can he rest assured 。The plane arrived near the village where Qin Jingwen was, and finally found an empty space to land after much difficulty. 。The moment the plane landed, Joe Shunchen became even more eager. 。The playground was a bit of a distance from the school. As soon as Joe Shunchen got off the plane, he sprinted towards the school like a hundred-meter dash. 。Chen Shu followed closely behind, while Sun Xu lagged slightly as he was in charge of contacting the rescue team to ensure all supplies had arrived. 。Joe Shun-chen ran to school in one breath, and the rescue team also arrived. 。But what he saw was worse than he imagined. The classroom was in ruins, completely destroyed. 。Even if the rescue team arrived, he couldn't relax. 。"Sir, you cannot go in, it's very dangerous inside." 。Joe Shun-chen was stopped outside the safety perimeter. Fearful that the house might collapse further and cause unnecessary casualties, only professional rescuers could go in. 。My wife is in there, I have to go in. 。Joe Shun-chen wasn't angry, but he was on the verge of it. 。"Sir, we are here to..."The personnel trying to stop him continued to persuade him, but at this moment, Chen Shu pulled him aside. 。Let him in, he can protect himself. 。Underneath her lay her lover, completely unable to remain uninvolved. 。When Chen Shu was talking about her feelings, Qiao Shunchen rushed into the school. 。"How is it going Is there a connection to the inside"Joe Shun-chen wasn't sure who he was asking, he just hoped for an accurate answer. 。Hearing the sound of children, both children could speak clearly. 。The rescue personnel beside responded to Qiao Shunchen's questions. 。Then, Qiao Shunchen eagerly asked, "Where's the teacher" 。"The teacher hasn't spoken yet, the child said the teacher isn't reacting" 。A rescuer's one sentence almost made Joe Shunchen faint. 。This is the thing he least wants to accept, the thing he most dreads happening. 。He squeezed his eyes shut, his face contorted in pain. This kind of negative news was tearing him apart. 。"The teacher can't be in any trouble" 。“ Qiao Shunchen spoke and rushed toward the collapsed classroom, but rescue workers, quick to react, stopped him. 。"Sir, you can't get closer. There are rescue personnel and we will get everyone out as quickly as possible." 。"She's my wife, the mother of my children..." Qiao Shunchen finally couldn't help but roar, this feeling of losing a loved one was something only he could understand. 。This kind of pain is heart-wrenching, this farewell pain is unbearable. 。"Joe, Joe, stay calm" 。Sun Xu and Chen Shu both rushed over to stop Qiao Shunchen. 。"Joe, we don't know how to rescue. If we go over there and accidentally touch something, the house might collapse." 。Then General Qin would be even more dangerous. 。They are professionals, so let them handle it. 。" Sun Xu understood Qiao Shunchen's loss of control, but at this time he and Chen Shu couldn't be irrational. They had to stop Qiao Shunchen from affecting the rescue. " 。"The gentleman is right, you're in the way and only slowing down our rescue efforts." 。"I understand your worry about your loved one, but it's still important to be rational. " 。Your rationality is your wife's hope of life, it is fighting for her time. 。Rescue workers understood Qiao Shunchen's actions when they heard it was a love relationship. 。As he said, whoever is buried under the rubble at this moment must remain rational. 。Okay, I'm rational, I'm rational. 。“ You made me go and call her. She’s sensitive to my voice, and she probably would have responded to me. 。Joe Shun-chen was persuaded by rescuers to calm down and control himself. 。But he still couldn't stand here waiting, even if he couldn't help with anything, he had to be as close to Qin Jingwen as possible. 。The rescue personnel listened to Joe Shunchen's words and began to ponder. They then called the rescue commander over to explain the situation. 。"What you said makes sense. So, when you go over there, be careful and try calling her name to see if she responds." 。The leader agreed with Joe Shunchen's opinion, and then helped him put on a rescue suit and a safety helmet, accompanying him to walk over. 。"Warm warm...Can you hear me, Warm"At this point, Qiao Shunchen's voice had softened. Even though he was eager to beat someone up, he still tried his best to control himself. 。"Warm...warm, I'm right by your side, you have to hold on..." 。" Just as Qiao Shunchen called Qin Jingwen's name once again, a child's voice came from inside. 。"Mr. Qin moved his hand slightly..." Let me know if you'd like me to translate any other text!。A child's words made Qiao Shunchen take a breath, and his tense nerves also eased slightly. 。"Okay, stop talking and conserve your energy. " 。We are rescuing, don't be afraid little ones, teachers are with you. 。" The rescuers responded to the child, encouraging the child. 。“Teacher... Teacher, protect us! Teacher, your head is bleeding!” 。When the rescuers persuaded them like this, one of the children burst into tears. 。"Don't cry, kids. We will save the teacher." 。You should be happy to meet a teacher who protects you with their life. 。Rescue personnel continuously comforted the child, while rescue operations on the other side were conducted swiftly and safely. 。and Qiao Shunchen couldn't stand idly by as a spectator either. He followed the rescue command and helped with the rescue efforts. 。Every brick moved, every tile shifted, tugged at Qiao Shunchen's heart. 。He helped with the rescue effort, his hands quickly becoming raw and bleeding. But he didn't feel any pain, completely devoting himself to the rescue work. 。Since there were many rescue personnel, the progress was also very fast. 。Support where it needs supporting, dismantle where it needs dismantling, and move where it needs moving. After two childhoods, they finally saw Qin Jing and Wen warmly embrace their two children. 。 "Wnn... Wnn, wake up..." 。" Qiao Shunchen couldn't bear it any longer, he shouted at Qin Jingwen loudly, however, Qin Jingwen was still in a coma and didn't respond at all. 。"Get the child out first..." Rescue workers were directing operations. At this point, Qin Jingwen's surroundings provided absolute safety. 。"No, the teacher is pinning down the child, save the teacher first." 。" The rescuers who arrived most recently could see it clearly. The teacher couldn't save them, and the children couldn't be saved either. 。"Then let's save the teacher, 120 is here, there will be no problem." 。Then Qin Jingwen was the first to be rescued and sent straight to the 120 ambulance. Qiao Shunchen followed suit and got on the 120 ambulance as well. 。"Doctor, please check me. If it's okay, let me get on my plane so I can leave faster." 。“Joe Shunchen’s face turned pale. Even though Qin Jingwen was right in front of him, even though Qin Jingwen now had vital signs ”

"Vital signs are normal, but there's no way to determine if there are any fractures." 。ade a little progress, but he was still low-key. 。Until the very last round, he was brilliant, winning the championship outright. 。" He is..." The host, in order to create a more tense atmosphere, de...

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