
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

y in one place. Their bodies were enveloped by shadows and light, making their images appear even more eerie and sinister. {Novel chapters without errors, google search}"Level 3 courses are not usual...Chapter 72: How Did Lan Qi Become the Headmaster

In the painting classroom, the light falling beside Lance seemed to become brighter, as if after a long period of gloom, the sun had finally shone brightly.

And as for Ranchi, the Glittering Demon, at this moment, he seemed like a true savior, his figure so dazzling.

Professor Mogg lowered his head slightly, bowing to Lance in respect.

The appearance of the special correspondent means that the academy is saved.

The entire classroom fell silent and solemn in that brief moment, with only the ticking of the clock's second hand to be heard.

Finally, Lance spoke again.

"Take me to the vice principal. I'll help you deal with the blood messenger."


Professor Mogute's voice was serious and solemn.

Immediately, his eyes narrowed slightly and turned to Huberlian.

"Then she…"

Professor Mugurt thought Huberlian knew too much.

Since the correspondent is already on the scene.

Then, their teachers wouldn't have to strictly enforce the school rules anymore.

Everything will prioritize the academy overcoming this blood emissary obstacle.

"The Demon Lord instructed me that if I find gifted students at the school, I can bring them back to the capital. This is another of my missions, and you needn't ask about the specifics. Just know there's no need for concern; treat her as a colleague I'm training."

Lanci glanced at Huberlian and said indifferently.


Professor Mogute nodded hastily, understanding in his heart why the special envoy had been undercover for so long.

I also wouldn't dare to do anything that could offend her again.

Whether what Ranch said about "another mission" is true or false, those in the know understand it's not something a professor should be involved in.

"Come with me, I'll take you to an emergency meeting of the academy's higher-ups."

Professor Mogurt strode urgently to the classroom door, needing to get this correspondent to the vice-principal at once.


Ranch clasped his hands behind his back and nodded slightly.

There's a palpable aura of a leader visiting a subordinate unit for inspection.

He knew that the fourth class seemed unnecessary.


On the stone, shadowy corridor, Bachelor kept anxiously staring at the wooden door of the painting classroom.

Finally, as he heard the crisp click of a door latch from inside the painting classroom, his body instantly froze.

Looking up, I saw a familiar figure walking out of the door.

That was Lance, as always composed and calm, as if he had just finished not a grueling lesson but a casual afternoon chat.

Professor Mogute's gaze swept over Bachelor, an intangible coldness that seemed to have substance, sending a deep chill down Bachelor's spine.

Bachler had never imagined he would one day be so close to the school's top leadership.


Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Just as Bachelor was about to call out to Lance, a chill rose from the bottom of his heart, as if he had been instantly transported to an icy abyss.

This was the killing intent emanating from Professor Mogute, who seemed to find it intolerable that someone like Bachelor dared to offend Lance, even slightly delaying their time.

However, faced with such a scene, Lance remained unmoved. He simply smiled gently, raised his hand leisurely, and with his actions signaled Professor Mogut to "relax."

At that, Professor Moghute, to Bachelor's astonishment, actually withdrew all hostility as Lance had suggested!

"Bachelor, go to class properly. Now I have some serious business to attend to."

Lance, as if the game were over, patted Bachelor on the shoulder and bid him farewell as he passed by.


Bachelor's brain whirred, seeming to grasp the truth but unable to accept its terrifying implications for a moment.

He had long known that this radiant demon was no ordinary one, but he never expected its true identity and status to be even higher than that of a high-ranking professor!


As Bachelor didn't know how to talk to Ranch, a crisp sound was heard. At parting, Ranch threw him a credit chip.

Bachelor hurriedly caught it.

Thank you!

After Lanche's figure disappeared into the depths of the hallway, Bachelor slowly straightened up.

He lowered his head and peeked at the credit coin in his palm.

There, lying quietly, was a strange-looking credit chip he had never seen before.

Its existence was like a dreamlike reality, causing a tremor in Bachell's serpentine eyes that he couldn't suppress. It felt as if his entire blood was boiling over.

It is a legendary 10 credit coin.

Bachelor stood there, dumbfounded, unable to calm the turmoil within him for a long time.

For several seconds, Bachelor clutched the 10-credit coin tightly in his hand.

"I also want... to become someone like that, a powerful demon who can rule over others..."

His voice was raspy, as if the long-dormant desires buried deep within him had been stirred awake by an irresistible force.


Half an hour later.

At the stroke of midnight, in the hallowed halls of Etheria Academy, a soft white glow emanated from the Gera Memorial Square.

The clock on the tower had already pointed to half past midnight.

However, this did not make the square silent.

On the contrary, the area around the open-air giant screen in the square was still bustling with excitement. An atmosphere of anticipation and joy permeated the air.

Students who decided to stay up all night have brought their own blankets and found their places to sit on the steps of the plaza.

Many people clutched steaming cups of coffee to ward off the chill of the late night. Students, in particular, were like on a picnic, with wooden wine boxes beside them. The charcoal grill on the steps was burning brightly, roasting meat and vegetables that wafted an aroma so enticing it made one's mouth water even in the dead of night.

Under the illumination of street lamps lining the distant road, a solitary figure walked slowly, their gaze fixed on the outdoor giant screen in the square.

Her long gray hair was braided into a plait, and she wore plain glasses on her face, appearing quiet and dignified.

This is Talia in disguise.

She, who originally appeared cold as ice, now seemed to have taken on a few more points of the melancholy literary girl's air.

Now the difference between her and the great love poet seemed even greater. Under the dim light of midnight, it was almost impossible for anyone to find any resemblance between them.

She was holding a box of roasted chicken, its skin crispy and the meat tender, glazed with a savory sauce. Every now and then, she'd pick up a piece and gently feed it to her mouth, chewing slowly as if forgetting all the weariness of the late night.

Ten minutes ago, she remembered the ancient demon realm shadow world she had seen in the afternoon. She tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep. Coincidentally, she felt a little hungry, so she went out for another trip to the Ikrete Academy.

However, what puzzled Talia was that the academy at this moment was much more lively than she had imagined.

"Mi Qing Cai!"

From time to time, the square in the direction of

could still be heard with a buzz of chatter and cheers.

Like staying up all night watching some kind of annual championship.

"How exciting can it be...Isn't it just Ranchi taking exams and attending classes"

Tallia muttered to herself, confused.

(The End)

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