
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

n fighting, I estimate I would have been scolded severely... So I was scared and got up in the middle of the night and wrote six thousand words straight.Daddies, please give Xigouzi some monthly votes...Chapter 56: Ranchi is a Good Student Wherever He Goes

The stage suddenly became eerie, as if the atmosphere brought by the performance was completely extinguished.

However, this is just the silence from Ranch and Huberly's perspective.

Soon, many students on stage erupted in even more joyful cheers, as if this dramatic and intense killing was what truly captivated them.

The imps began to act, skillfully cleaning the stage. In just a few seconds, they restored it to its original neatness and order.

And the host teacher on stage, as if nothing had happened, maintained an elegant smile and began to invite the next student due to perform in an orderly manner!

A gruesome and absurd performance, a delightful spectacle for the demonic race.

Even Huberlian, who has half-demon blood, feels that the demon realm of this era is too absurd, making it unacceptable to her.

"I see, so this is what music from the demon race sounds like..."

Lance murmured.

He was now fixated on the four masters' figures, feeling rather like a student attentively listening in class.

On the far left, seated in a chair, was a suit of armor completely black, wrapped in a thin layer of soul fire, like a moving ghost flame.

And beside him, the music tutor was a demon spirit. Its half-spirit visage had eyes forever closed, as if immersed in an eternal slumber.

The third person was covered in poisonous glyphs, like a mysterious and dangerous forbidden experiment.

The last one resembled a figure sculpted from pristine snow mountains. His skin was as white as snow, and his fluffy fur covered his body, emanating an icy breath.

Lan Qi remembered that the handbook mentioned that these four music instructors were called Phantom Armor, Sleeping Demon Spirit, Pathogenic Toxin, and Snow Devil.

They are not particularly skilled in combat and hold low positions, but they are renowned in the Demon Realm music scene. Therefore, they were specially invited to serve as music instructors for the Demon Academy and participate in this graduation assessment panel.

If, as the examination guidelines state, 【each invited music mentor will rigorously and fairly judge performances in their area of expertise】, then only those who have met a specific condition should receive recognition from the corresponding mentor.



It lasted for a full fifty minutes.

Ranch and Huberlian sat in the audience, watching over a dozen performances, finally pinpointing what these four conditions were.

The Ghost Armor only judges based on the atmosphere at the scene. The intensity of the emotions and shouts from the demon students is his only criterion.

And if music could be so loud and enchanting that it lulled even the sleeping demons to sleep, he would then be considered acceptable.

The mutated toxins are expected to produce screams of terror at a psychic attack level.

The Snow Demon, requiring extremely exaggerated stage visual effects.

>After repeated confirmations, Lanci and Huberlian finally arrived at this absurd result.

The music of the demon realm is indeed quite different from what humans understand as music.

Actually, when you look at these four requirements separately, each one is not that bad.

But if a musical performance simultaneously possesses any two of the above—

What was ultimately played out were scenes of hell that humans could scarcely endure.

Ranche they saw, to their surprise, that a performance in the classroom had actually received approval from three mentors!

...and that performance.

The intensity of the explosion has spread to the viewers watching the live broadcast in real time.


"Oh my! Oh my! What kind of music is this!"

At the Ikritere Academy, students watching from before the open-air screen couldn't help but cover their ears.

Many students had their faces scrunched up in distress, tears welling up at the corners of their eyes. Their facial muscles contracted intensely, but it was still impossible to hide the paleness that crept across their faces.

My head felt like it had been hit by a sledgehammer, and a jolting numbness ran from my forehead to the back of my skull.

This sound is like it could rip a hole open in the air.

Since Lanci and Huberli entered the music classroom, the students at Gerard Square were also getting beaten by this open-air giant screen for several minutes!

"It's fine that those who can't pass the exam are still okay."

Anything that earns the approval of two music instructors as a "qualified performance" is a lethal form of mental magic attack!

"That guy who just impressed three demon mages almost sent me flying off the screen!"

Even just letting that demonic sound wash over my eardrums like a tsunami, was like being forced to drink a mouthful of thousand-fold concentrated sour pickled cucumber mixed with ghost pepper water.

"Never again a performance endorsed by three mentors, I can't stand such avant-garde art."

“Could there be a situation where four mentors approve at the same time…”

A student asked worriedly.

He remembered that the guidebook Ranchi and Huberlyan had looked at earlier didn't mention any rewards for a performance approved by four music mentors.

"It's impossible. The conditions of these four mentors actually conflict with each other in some ways, and the most likely outcome is that we can only satisfy three of them. It's absolutely impossible to make all four happy at the same time."

If there were truly performances of a fully recognized level, not to mention the demons in the classroom, we here would probably have several people collapsing.

By this point, the students of Iketerite Academy were also convinced as to why this music room was a level 2 difficulty.

Challengers must use extremely harsh sound magic, spirit magic, illusions, etc. — spells that can combine with music — on stage. Only then is it possible to meet the requirements of at least two of the four mentors and win a reward of 2 merit points!

And if one possesses a heaven-defying magical repertoire and musical performance level, able to simultaneously satisfy the recognition of all three music instructors, they will not only receive three credit coins but also be awarded an additional magic instrument that amplifies the effects of demon race music magic.

And the most hellish thing about this classroom is —

The earlier a performance takes place, the less reference information and preparation time is available.

The later the performance, the more cruelly one's mental state will be tormented by the spiritual attacks brought on by these demonic sounds!

In this large theater, the bad-tempered demon students, the more they find that students in the audience can't bear their music, the harder they will try to perform! Severely tormenting the weak.

This is a triple test of judgment, spell repertoire, and endurance.

On the giant screen broadcasting the match, Huberley covered her ears and buried her head, her feet stomping incessantly, as if she could barely take it anymore.

Compared to the current students who watch live broadcasts, she is experiencing the magical sounds firsthand at a concert!

And Batchelor had already foamed at the mouth and fainted.


The heavyweight athlete standing beside them —

Lanche's eyes were now brimming with excitement, and he often clapped and cheered for the demon classmates' performance. He seemed to have fully integrated into this class!

Last night I updated at 0:00, but the server crashed and it wasn't until a little past 1:00 that I could refresh the new chapter on my phone.


(The End)

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Let me know if you'd like to translate any other text!ime, Ranchi and Huberlian borrowed Asana's desserts to visit Tallia.Later, Talia gave it a very high rating.Ashna asked Huberlian to continue bringing new snacks for Talia. Back and forth, Huberlian b...

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