
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

tern suit, every corner impeccably arranged, showcasing his rigorous demeanor.He is Ranch's father and the master of this house—Noel.Beside him, the butler was pouring tea for him....with the footstep...Chapter 425: Talia wondered which powerful demon had arrived.

In the distant southern continent, the Kingdom of Heston, the capital city of Ikereth.

At ten o'clock in the morning of April, the sky over Icerith was a soft blue, and the air was sweet with flowers.

Located on the east side of Ictereus Academy, across two wide and clean streets, there are shops lined up everywhere, bustling with activity.

A small restaurant was filled with the rich aroma of breakfast. The scent of oatmeal and cheese lingered gently in the air.

This is a two-story tea-colored wooden building. The shop's sign, carved in the script of the Kingdom of Heston, reads "Cat Boss Restaurant." The roof is wide and naturally curved, with eaves extending far out. Whenever a gentle breeze passes by, the wind chimes under the eaves will ring out a pleasant sound.

From time to time, a series of "ding-dong" sounds accompanied the opening and closing of the restaurant's doors as customers came and went. The first floor was simply and cleverly divided into several areas. Besides the counter at the entrance, there were passages leading to the kitchen and the second floor.

At this time, the restaurant was not during its peak breakfast hours; there were few customers. In the back kitchen, two women in aprons were preparing ingredients at a work table. Leafy greens, fruits, and various seasonings were neatly arranged.

Their collaboration was so seamless, words were unnecessary. On one side, the rhythm of knives dancing on the cutting board, crisp and powerful; on the other, the artistry of spices and ingredients intertwining.

Tallia was in charge of the cutting, each slice falling perfectly. She cut vegetables into uniform pieces and pushed them aside.

Asna was in charge of the preparation and processing on the side, preserving the original flavor of the ingredients while giving them new life.

This morning, as the student council vice president, Asna had no official duties.

And by the last semester of her junior year, she had already completed all the required course credits and finished her graduation project; she just needed to apply for graduation at the appointed time.

She is now the new head chef at Meow Boss Restaurant. She declined the offer to stay on as a lecturer at Ikether Academy and doesn't plan to continue her studies for a fourth year. After graduation, she will formally become a disciple of Meow Boss.

During this time, she has become a treasured friend and partner to Tata, the young lady who helps watch the store for the cat owner.

Miss Tata always gives the most accurate evaluation to help her improve her dishes.

And most importantly, no matter how many dishes are made, Miss Tata can eat them all.

You don't have to worry about her eating too much and being unable to continue giving herself guidance, nor do you have to worry about wasting food.

Since meeting Tata, Asana felt her cooking skills had improved tremendously. She began cooking for Tata day and night, and Tata was very happy. To speed up Asana's cooking process, he even became her sous chef.

The only thing that worries Asana a little is whether Tata will eat too much.

Although Tata still doesn't look like she has gained any weight, if she keeps eating like this, it's possible that we might see a little belly on Tata by summer.

Talya remained engrossed in a series of practiced motions, preparing the ingredients.

However, she suddenly stopped.

The blade in her hand rested quietly against the cutting board, and her gaze shifted from the vegetables she was chopping. She slowly lifted her head and looked towards one side of the kitchen.

Outside the window, the spring sunshine bathed the windowsill, and the leaves rustled gently in the breeze.

> "…"

Tallia's eyes seemed not to focus on this tranquil scene, but were cast farther away, immersed in some profound contemplation.

Her expression was particularly perplexed at this moment, her eyes flickering with complex light.

Asuna noticed the change, stopped her work, and looked at Talia with concern.

"Tata, what's wrong"

Ashna felt that Tata suddenly seemed to have something on her mind.

Talya shook her head.

It's nothing, don't worry.

Actually, she didn't know if it was an illusion or reality.

She always felt that just now, somewhere in the world, a new Great Demon Clan had appeared, and it was someone who had some connection with her, which would cause her, as an Evil Demon Clan member, to have such a strange feeling.

Thinking about it carefully, the ruins of the Great Demon Clan trials have been destroyed for the most part. Even if there are any remnants left, they are probably controlled by humans.

People cannot allow powerful demons to complete their trials and become great demons.

Unless—and she knew the familiar demonkind were still alive, lurking among humans, having recently found an opportunity to infiltrate the Great Demon Trial, gathering the final mark, and successfully becoming a member of the Great Demon Clan.

But no matter how Talia thought about it, she couldn't figure out which demon clan it could be.

A hundred years ago, not to mention powerful demons, even talented demons were almost extinct.

Even now, having become a Great Demon, there's no other use besides unlocking the upper limit of one's innate magic talent.

Because there is no Demon Lord or ancestral land, they cannot even obtain a title and can only become "Unnamed Great Demonic Beasts."

What must be said is that the Great Demon Tribe has one more use: it's enough to match the descendants of the Demon King.

According to the demon clan tradition, the fiancée of an evil demon lord needs to be at least a great demon.

However, she had no interest in anyone who pursued her, whether they were demons, great demons, or humans.

Even if a new Great Demon was born now, one related to her, it wouldn't be for the purpose of proposing marriage to her, ultimately causing rumors to spread throughout the Demon Realm.

She would always find herself, in a daze, realizing that the Demon Realm had ceased to exist a century ago, and she herself had long since vanished. The Demons, and the North Continent, were all but strangers to her now.

If there's anything to regret...

That was totally clueless about the whereabouts of her dearest friend, protector Anatas.

Now that her life is going well, she often feels a little lonely because Antanas isn't around.

"Tata, are you thinking of someone"

Aina noticed that Tata had been absent-minded ever since they started working. After finishing her own tasks, she slowly asked about it.

"I remembered a close friend of mine, whom I haven't been in touch with for a long time."

Talya nodded and replied.

Now she considered Asana to be her friend as well, and it was hard to imagine that one day she would befriend a human, being sincere with each other, working together every day, living together, and chatting together.

"Then you could ask Lance to help you find someone. He's good at this kind of civil commission work."

Asna recalled that this semester, after the start of the new school year, the Student Union felt much busier without Lance and Huberlian.

"Never mind."

Tata shook his head, Asna not knowing that this was far more than a civil matter.

Antanas was an ancient Great Demon, they had been out of contact for a hundred years, even Talya couldn't depict Antanas's specific appearance.

He couldn't possibly ask Lance to bring back a demon named Antanas on his trip to the Northern Continent, could he He wouldn't want Lance to return after his travels like a tourist with souvenirs, dragging Antanas right up to the shop door.

Dreaming isn't done like this.

And she wasn't even prepared. If Antanas suddenly saw her, completely human now, living peacefully and amicably with humans, she probably would take her own life.

Talya thought for a moment, then continued to chop the vegetables calmly.

"By the way, Asana, when you guys have your mid-term break in a while, can I take a few days off"

Talya remembered that every May and June, the Iketeri Academy would have a seven-day mid-term break. During that time, Asuna should be able to stay at the shop every day, and the student council president Monaster would also come to the shop to help Asuna.

"No problem, are you preparing for a trip"

Asana nodded.

"No, I think I'll go back to Namantina for a bit. Something has been on my mind lately, and I want to check it out."

Talya, hearing Asuna mention Lance, couldn't help but think back to when they were at the station on the border of Nanantina. Hans, Lance's housekeeper, had bid them farewell and mentioned that Lance had painted a picture that she hadn't been able to see, which was a shame.

She became more and more curious about what kind of painting it was.

>Just recently, the cat boss's restaurant is back on track. Next month there's a good opportunity, she's planning to go back to Nam Wan Taina and visit the Wilford family to see that landscape painting.

Currently, there are 21 chapters added / a total of 36 chapters.

(The End)

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