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tined to receive a very high score.Vice Dean Luo knew that this time, Lynch's temporary teammate Huberlian wasn't the best fit for Lynch.If Lynch were to find a teammate with perfect synergy, it would...Chapter 383: Sieglinde's Declaration of Sovereignty

In the mansion at midnight, the living room lights were surprisingly bright, as if rejecting the invasion of the rainy night outside.

Due to the soundproofing magic devices placed on the shelves, no one knew how heavy the rain was outside or if there were any booming thunder.

This ordinary, relaxed and comfortable living room held an atmosphere between the two women and the man that was as tense as a stretched string, ready to snap at any moment.

Huberleyan and Sigrid's eyes met with a steely determination, a glint of rivalry flashing between them like sharpened swords crossing in front of Lance.

Nobody was willing to yield an inch, and the air crackled with the stillness before a storm.

"Meow meow! You guys..."

The cat boss, who had originally wanted to mediate the argument, was about to speak when he felt the gazes of Sieglinde and Huberlian fixed upon him.

It shrank its head back in again, trembling with fear, and crawled under the sofa.

That is killing intent.

Whether it was Sigrid's icy gaze or Hubertian's eyes burning with fury, both conveyed a message of unflinching defiance.

Now the cat boss is friends with both Xiaobao and Xide. If things really go south, if the gunpowder barrel is truly about to explode, and it comes down to a showdown where he's forced to take sides... he doesn't even dare think about what he would do!

"Last warning, release my saint."

Siegfried's voice grew colder, and his grip tightened.

"You've only known him for about two months at most, how can you say such things without shame"

Hubley became extremely aggressive at this point, or perhaps that's just how she spoke from the beginning when she first met Lance.

"My son, tell her, are you mine"

Sieglinde looked at Lance and said, she rarely asked a question without a questioning tone, as if not allowing the other party to give a negative answer.


Lance took a deep breath, just about to try and diffuse the situation when Huberlian already looked over with a confused frown.

"The Son"

Huberly felt that Sigrid was deceiving her.

> At this moment, this is another suitable explanation—why Lanchi would cooperate with the Overlord branch.

If he was already in a high position within the Batian branch, then everything makes perfect sense!

Huperly stared at Lance, her eyes wide with disbelief, as if she needed an explanation from him.

If Lance really gave a definitive answer to Sigrid's question, she would only feel the sky was falling.

Mingming once lived in the Southern Continent, he was such a staunch enemy of the Resurrection Church.

"Now, I am part of the Hegemon Branch. To save the Protoss Empire, the Protoss Royal Mage Academy is now inextricably allied with the Hegemon Branch."

Lanche had no choice but to let Huberly continue gripping his forearm. He didn't understand why Huberly was so resistant to the Revival Church.

Even though they had agreed to infiltrate the Extinction Branch separately before parting ways, when they met again, she seemed as if she was sworn enemies with the Resurrection Church.

", you really joined the Revival Church"

Hubert felt that this was more than just lurking.

If he were undercover, he should have given himself some hints, instead of being so open and honest about bringing himself to the headquarters of the Overlord branch in the school. It's almost as if he wants to sincerely cooperate with the Overlord branch.

Of course, he had sworn that he would never betray the Hegemon Church in his lifetime.

Siegfried glanced at Lance, his voice tinged with a hint of triumph as he answered for him.

"That must have been under duress."

Huibalian couldn't believe it. What kind of love potion did this woman give to Lanchi She managed to bring Lanchi before the Dominator, making him swear allegiance to the Dominator.

She knew that when Lan Chi faced those powerful figures in the Hegemon Church, he was like fish on a chopping board. To survive, he would definitely agree to join the Hegemon branch!

He volunteered.

Sieglinde stated with certainty.

"You're lying!"

However, Huberlian found that no matter what the woman named Sid said, Ranch didn't utter a single rebuttal.

"Speak up."

Hubert could only stare at Lance, his voice trembling as he spoke.

If Lance is forced, at least he could blink his eyes. He must be able to understand it himself.


But Lance's eyes weren't flustered at all, as if telling her, Sigrid was pretty much right.

"What on earth has been going on these past two months…"

Hubberley shook her head. The person she trusted most had joined the Resurrection Church, and was entangled with a woman from the Hegemony branch.

"Do you understand Don't touch other people's things."

Sigrid asked Hubrian.

He is not yours!

Hubberley had not let go of Ranch, even at this moment. She knew that if Ranch ever strayed from the right path, she would be the only one who could pull him back from the abyss.

Then she looked at Lynch again.

Whatever you say today, I will never cooperate with the Resurrection Church. By the Goddess's name, I swear I will never betray my faith for personal feelings.

Hubberley's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she resolutely said to Lynch.

She was also confronting Lan Chi about why she reacted so intensely when she learned he had joined the Resurrection Church, and how heartbroken she truly was.

"Lady… are you a follower of the Goddess of Fate"

Siegfried frowned, staring at Huberlian with a sudden understanding.

That's easy. We don't have a good working relationship anyway, and it doesn't matter what he says now. I'm going to show you today who's really in charge of this house.

Siegfried snorted coldly, finding it absurd. The Saint Child had actually brought back a spy from the Fate Goddess Church. From now on, he really couldn't let him go near other women anymore. He was easily deceived.

"You are a friend of the Son, and I will not put you to death. But if you do not understand that he belongs to me, I will also teach you a lesson."

Siegfried glared at Huberlian's hand, his icy eyes devoid of the last shred of patience.

“Do you want to duel me I'm ready right now.”

Hubbert looked unflinchingly at Sigrid and retorted.

If you want to get your hands dirty, go to the semi-restricted or unrestricted areas. It's a place where life and death are determined by your skill and rank.

You're not worthy of challenging me one-on-one, and besides, he has the duty to protect me.

"Don't you think he's captivated by you"

"What if I really get into danger, will he protect me!"

He won't protect you, he'll only protect me!

Their words piled on top of each other, their speech speed and tone growing increasingly intense. They didn't even wait for the other person to finish speaking, as if trying to drown out their voice!

This argument was even more volatile than when they could at least talk to each other sentence by sentence.

Finally, they both looked at Lance, who had been silent for half the day. Their eyes, filled with anger, seemed to be questioning who he would help.

Only this issue will he not be able to brush aside in any way.

The cat boss found that the dead end finally arrived.


Artwork by @Non_replica (Weibo)

The End.

[ ]Please provide the content you would like translated. I'm ready!nvolved in interracial conflicts."Hmm."Fred nodded. He had heard Lance talk about the Northern Continent culture as described by Loren."But there's one thing... I can be fairly certain about.""What"If...

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