
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

ank you all for appearing before me today"General Jian, we are all waiting for you to come back." Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!。We always believe you will come bac...For three consecutive days, that man did not set foot in the house.

Shen San and Shen Si stood like door gods, one on each side, with impassive faces.

Her former residence was almost destroyed, and she once again stepped into the Shen family courtyard. The deep courtyard was devoid of birdsong and floral fragrance. The housekeeper was very diligent, and everything had already been arranged properly.

Besides Shen San and Shen Si, she didn't even have a single person to talk to.

No, even Shen San and Shen Si wouldn't speak to her.

As for the housekeeper, whenever he saw her, he was always respectful and polite.

Her ears, they became decorations, her mouth, also a mere decoration.

The maids in the house, some familiar faces and some unfamiliar, always nodded respectfully when they saw her before going around.

Only the gardener in the garden, she looked at it tirelessly.

But this season, flowers and trees have long withered, there are no blossoms in full bloom, let alone a vibrant array of colors.

The frost-kissed ancient trees, and delicate greenery.

Besides, there wasn't another soul who could speak…not even an animal.

At this very moment, she unexpectedly remembered that man saying he would only talk to the fish in the pond when he felt lonely.

But... that's just a lie after all.

Another week gone by.

In this vast courtyard, she remained alone as ever.

That man, after half a month, had still not reappeared before her. Occasionally, Shen Er would return for a visit, but only to pick up some clean clothes and rush back out as quickly as he came in.

Besides endless confusion, gradually, a sense of gravity appeared on Shen San and Shen Si's faces.

She really couldn't guess why the two of them were like this.

On this day of deep winter, the iron gate of the Shen family's courtyard, which was always dark, creaked open once again. From afar, on the second floor, she saw that familiar Bentley car driving in.

He just stared at the car.

He... he still came back after all.

She retracted her gaze, unsure how to face him again.

Time ticked by. The housekeeper respectfully invited her downstairs from outside the door.

She wanted to say, could she not go and see that person.

But the housekeeper had already turned and walked away, aloofly.

She kept putting it off, but eventually she went downstairs.

...In her heart, she couldn't help but laugh at herself. When did she learn to know when to bend To be a wise person and act accordingly.

A self-deprecating chuckle escaped her lips, the smile fading before it could fully bloom, disappearing into the hollows of her increasingly gaunt cheeks.

At the foot of the stairs, a tall and imposing figure stood silently.

That is the person.

The man stood there, his chin slightly raised, silently watching her at the foot of the stairs.

At this moment, a strange feeling arose. The person seemed like a still painting, standing quietly within it. The figure in the painting was gazing at her silently.

Shen Er still stood respectfully behind that person, like an eternal guardian.

He looked at her for a while, then reached out and beckoned her upstairs. “Come here.”

It was the man's distinctive low voice, but with an uncommon gentleness added to it.

She fell silent, knowing she couldn't escape it.

Step down.

It felt like a century, she wanted to delay. She thought he always had a bad temper and lacked patience, that he would surely urge her several times, but he surprised her. He stood quietly at the bottom of the stairs, his gaze meeting hers as she slowly approached him, like a snail.

Suddenly, there was an illusion. It felt like that person had been waiting for her for over a century, an eternity stretching into stone, still standing tall, just waiting for her to arrive.

As soon as the absurd thought crossed her mind, she immediately dismissed it... how naive.

Moreover… she didn't know how she could ever face him again, or even cope with herself.

A century felt like a blink compared to the distance she'd traveled. When she finally reached him, her legs trembled with a strange lightness. Quietly, she stood before him, unable to meet his gaze, yet feeling the warmth of his eyes upon her head.

Perhaps out of curiosity, or maybe her mind had simply gone haywire, she silently raised her eyes to steal a glance... and then, she could no longer tear them away.

I was deeply captivated by the rich and complex emotions in his eyes.

Tender, entwined, yearning, and...and what else

She kept flipping through the vocabulary she had learned in her mind, trying to find one from those words... But, she rummaged through her memory bank and still couldn't find a word that matched.

Confusion slowly clouded her eyes.

Her eyes, she didn't understand.

It feels familiar, like I've seen it before, yet also strange, as if I've never encountered it.

A warm hand, so unexpectedly, without a word of warning, gently landed on her temple.

He gently caressed the scars that would never leave her.

"It must have hurt back then."

He asked gently.

She was annoyed by this gentleness, reaching out and waving her hand impatiently, "It doesn't hurt." She had been through worse, much worse than this.

Ask her if she's in pain... What kind of a good guy are you acting like

At that time, she thought to herself.

A blush of redness immediately appeared on the back of that person's hand.

Shen Er glared angrily, but the man waved his hand and said, "All of you go outside."

Shen Er reluctantly left, and at the same time, the maidservants in the house, led by the butler, retreated to the courtyard together.

For a moment, the vast living room was filled only with her and him.

That person reached out and rubbed their swollen back of the hand, like pampering themselves:

"It's alright."

But she didn't know how to break this eerie silence.

That person's voice, once again:

I still remember your 18th birthday party, the way you looked then, dancing wildly and recklessly, not even looking at me.

I still remember you back then, like a little tiger, baring your teeth with those just-emerging fangs... quite interesting."

"I don't remember."

She deliberately wanted to sing a different tune from him.

"I remember, it was a summer afternoon. I was resting under a tree with my eyes closed. You thought I was asleep and kissed me."

"I don't remember," she denied flatly.

Upon hearing this, the man simply smiled and let it pass.

"I remember, on Valentine's Day, you made chocolate like other girls and secretly put it in my backpack."

"Last fed the dog."

His deep laughter rippled out, obviously amused by her: “No, you made chocolate that even my dog turned his nose up at.”

"Yeah, you've always looked down on me." She unconsciously followed his lead, replying with a huff.

"No, in the end I ate it." The man's smile softened, a hint of seriousness in his eyes, yet he still smiled:

"Then I had acute gastroenteritis and was hospitalized for three days, with diarrhea for three days."

"Is that even possible"

She wanted to sneer, sarcastically mocking him for his nonsense. But her memory held a different account: she had once visited the Shen residence, and their servants told her that their young master was hospitalized with food poisoning.

“I remember when we were playing basketball, you took so many pictures of me.” He reached out his hand towards her. “The photos They belong to me now.”

"...Lost it."

Upon hearing this, he looked at her deeply.

She was, however, made uneasy and troubled by his inexplicable attitude and words.

"I can't bear it any longer! Shen Xiujin! What on earth are you doing! Catching up"

She asked in a cold voice.

The man, as if he hadn't heard, continued speaking to himself.

"I remember, you loved me."

She suddenly trembled... closed her eyes... he said, he remembered, she loved him.

"Don't you remember, the Jian family didn't have anyone named Jian Tong" she asked. That was his original statement; there was no one named Jian Tong in the Jian family.

Mr. Shen, hello, I am a prisoner who has been reformed through labor. I have killed people before, and I am full of sins.

That person fell silent, drooping their head. Finally, with a sigh, they reached out again, "Really, truly, will you never feel anything for me again"

When he asked that question, her heart skipped a beat. Even though he hadn't said anything, the past pain, like ivy, invaded her crazily.

Reaching out, instinctively wanting to cover her heart, but at the moment she raised her hand, she forced herself to let go... It didn't hurt, it didn't hurt, she wasn't in pain, she had already forgotten, so let it be forgotten.

A still mind, a mind without pain, a mind without pain... why make things difficult for yourself.

Yet in the next moment, she fell into a warm embrace. She instinctively wanted to struggle away, but the person buried their head in her ear:

"Don't push me away. I just want to hug you."

Perhaps it was an illusion, but she felt a plea in his words, softening her heart momentarily. She stiffened and allowed herself to be held in his arms.

She could clearly feel the man's resolute jaw rubbing against her scalp.

That person lightly patted her back with his palms, again and again… as if, in his embrace, it wasn't her, but a treasure.

Her chin was lifted, warm fingertips pressed against her lips, her eyes narrowed, watching him warily.

But I only saw in his dark eyes, fondness and tenderness.

That person's fingertips, with a faint smell of tobacco, rubbed against her lips again and again. Several times she thought this person was about to lose control.

But he just rubbed, lightly rubbed, his slightly rough fingertips, rubbing until her lip felt a little itchy, and she grew increasingly annoyed.

"Don't move. Don't move. Just look at me." The man spoke in a low voice, and she only found it strange, when did this person learn to be "gentle"

At the moment their eyes met, she was captivated by his gaze. His eyes were like a black hole, swirling and intense, as if they could consume her whole. Within them, she sensed a passion that seemed poised to erupt at any second.

Where had she ever endured such things.

Such a Shen Xiuqin, she had never seen before.

Right before her patience ran out, he let go of her.

He took a step back, reached into his suit jacket pocket, and pulled out a piece of paper, handing it to her:

"Don't you want to leave I'll let you go."

He said.

She took the paper, glanced at it, a divorce agreement.

As her gaze drifted downwards, the man had already signed his name.

She became even more confused for a moment.

He pushed her to be with him relentlessly, using every means necessary. Now he's pulling out a divorce agreement.

She didn't understand.

Gazing at the person, their eyes were full of confusion.

There was no trace of gentleness left in his eyes, only a bone-chilling coldness. His thin lips curled into a cold sneer:

"Don't forget who I am."

That person coldly said:

I don't want a woman who is searching for death or life.

The way you set yourself on fire, it's ugly, it soiled my eyes.

Jian Tong, sign here. I'm done with this game.

He said it nonchalantly, yet his words pierced her heart like a sharp arrow.

She feigned indifference, but her ears were flushed red... He said he was tired of this game.

"The position of Mrs. Shen's signature should never belong to you."

A game, a toy.

Mrs. Shen's choice of a husband prospect needs to be dignified, gentle, virtuous, beautiful, and graceful. You lack all these qualities.

He said, "I'm tired of you."

She should have been happy, but her whole body trembled.

She didn't know if she was feeling joyful or pain at this moment.

Is it liberation, or something else.

"Jian Tong, look, you're still so easily influenced by me. Ever since we reminisced about the past, you've been taken back to those old times."

See, I said I ate your chocolate and got acute gastroenteritis hospitalized, you believed me.

"I said I knew it was you who stole a kiss from me under the tree in the past, and you were also emotionally agitated... You don't even want to think about it, if you are the person Shen Xiuqin wants, how could I have never shown any indication after you kissed me"

That man's lips curled into a cold sneer:

Because I have never cared for you.

You, were never what I wanted.

It's just that I was bored and couldn't find a more interesting toy than you, so I kept you.

But I'm bored now.

"You, on both sides, are just tasteless and a pity to discard."

The color drained from her face.

Her lips gradually turned pale.

Holding the divorce papers in her hand, she walked to the living room, took a pen, and signed her name.

The man's voice sounded immediately behind her after she finished signing:

"Shen San Shen Si, help Miss Jian pack her luggage and ask her to leave the Shen Family Courtyard."

She trembled impatient.

She closed her eyes, and said she should be happy, so, the corner of her mouth slowly twitched into a smile.

"Hold on." He called out to her as she was finishing packing her luggage.

"Shen San Shen Si, open her luggage and check to see if she has taken anything that doesn't belong to her."

She was beside herself with anger, trembling.

She just pursed her lips and stood stubbornly, watching as two burly men rummaged through her belongings like they were guarding against thieves. To herself, she muttered... freedom was near, she would be leaving this wretched place soon, returning to the rhythm of her own life.

But she still couldn't bear it, sneering: "Mr. Shen, look closely, have I taken anything that doesn't belong to me" she retorted sarcastically.

That man gave a contemptuous glance and snorted, "There's no such thing as best. You may leave now."

Such negligence, Jian Tong bit her lip and endured.

She kept telling herself... as long as she could leave, what did a little bit of suffering matter She'd suffered before, hadn't she

She told herself, isn't this what you've always longed for

Now, I can finally escape this person, escape all of this.

Pushing her suitcase, she stepped out of the house.

There was a gaze following her as she left... She had, she had taken something that wasn't hers.

The man quietly clasped his hands together.

Shen Er walked over: "Boss, let's go back to the hospital."

"Well. Let's go."

Jian Tong walked out of the iron gate of the Shen family's courtyard. Beside her, a black Bentley sped past, without paying any attention to her.

She stopped and watched the car disappear into the distance.

A gust of wind blew, a piercing chill that made her shiver. She shrank back and hugged herself gently.

"Congratulations, Jian Tong, your wish has come true," she whispered to herself. "It's really good, he and she are no longer entangled."

From now on, the heart remains still, the heart does not ache.f their subordinates dared to go up.After a while, Lu Mingchu's phone rang. He took it out, pressed the answer button, and listened for a moment, a satisfied smile slowly spreading across his lips.As...

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