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ld before him. For the first time, he was calculating his opponent from start to finish instead of reacting blindly. He really wanted to tell Ye Qian Xin a few things.“Lu Xiaoteng, was this trick of y...In the void, a city that looked steeped in ages floated silently.

Buildings, formations, and defensive facilities crafted from gemstones and rare materials have mostly collapsed. The entire city is now in ruins.

Giant dragon statues, once towering, now lay shattered into countless pieces. Patches of rust-colored blood stained the ground.

One by one, these long-bodied creatures with four limbs, a pair of praying mantis arms, and a long tail that trailed behind them transformed into streaks of green light. Their eagle-like heads swiveled as they completed the encirclement of the ancient city.

These monsters were about two meters tall, quite small compared to the dragon that was curled up in the center of the ancient city. However, they had a clear advantage in numbers.

Apart from the beast horde landing in the ancient city, outside a surge of green light was rippling, with countless exotic beasts scratching their ears and cheeks under the control of their respective small leaders.

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The dragon clan in the ancient city was surrounded and ready to be wiped out. Whoever could charge into the ancient city first would face greater danger, but it also meant opportunity.

The Ghost Mantis Eagle-mouthed Clan had finally seized the opportunity when the Dragon Clan's secret realm space fluctuations were abnormal, and they took advantage of the situation to break through the opponent's protective formation.

Now is the time to reap the rewards, and who can devour more dragonkind doesn't depend on friendliness or humility.

Although the last dilapidated formation of the Dragon Clan was still struggling to hold in the ancient city, anyone with eyes could see that this crumbling formation couldn't hold out for long.

Nearly half of the dragon clan with less than 20,000 members suffered light to severe injuries. Among them, there were three or four thousand critically wounded dragons. Once the formation was broken, these would be the immediate spoils of victory.

The most elite fighting force of the Ghost Mantis Hawkbill Demons are currently near the main formation. After breaking through, they will be able to charge at the front and reap the richest rewards.

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“Chief, it seems the formation won't hold much longer.”

Inside the battlefield, Jin Du, covered in blood, had a pale face and his eyes scanned the surroundings.

The dilapidated ancient city was the place where they grew up. Jin Du's eyes were full of nostalgia, even though the city had fallen into disrepair, it was still an unforgettable memory in their life.

It seems that, judging from the present situation, this ancient city, and even their tribe, will only exist in the memories of some people.

"It was I who lost the clan's battle flag that opens the protective formation, thus inviting this calamity." Jin Ting's eyes were bloodshot.

"It's also a karmic bond, as what we did that day has brought about the consequences today. When we expelled the Jinzhulan from the ancient city, the Ghost Mantis Falcon-mouthed Monster clan managed to infiltrate the city through their offspring."

The other party has been scheming for many years to bring Wei Shan into the clan. It wasn't your decision alone. The old man and several elders also share the blame for this oversight. A grave mistake has been made, and now it is too late to say anything.

Chief Jin Muhui's face darkened. "The last formation is no longer sufficient for defense. The old man will lead a portion of the clan to hold this place, and you each lead a group of clansmen to try to break through. Whoever can escape, let them escape."

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"Chieftain, the ancient city has been destroyed. Where can we escape to Even with the elixirs passed down through our clan, without this sanctuary, those pills wouldn't allow us to survive in the Nether Demon Pool for very long."

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Rather than have the family scattered and die in foreign lands, it's better to stay here and fight these ghosts to the death. Even in death, we will die on our ancestral grounds.”

The Golden Capital swayed, outside teeming with Ghost Mantises and Mouth-of-the-Monster creatures. Let's not talk about whether they could even break out; even if they did, under the eerie aura of the Extinction Dharma Pool, it would be difficult to survive for long. Their situation was somewhat similar to that of the Kongying clan. Although some dragons who had reached the Daluo Jinxian or Yuanshen level lived generations in the Extinction Dharma Pool, they already had resistance to the deadly and decaying aura of the pool. But low-ranking clansmen who went out for too long lost the protection of the pills and would undoubtedly die.

Most of the tribe perished here. What use are the few that escaped

Having lost the protection of their clan, and with the bloodthirsty nature of the other clans in the Devil's Pond seeking to eradicate them, even the few who escaped only became hunted outcasts.

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Rather than living in fear, it's better to die gloriously in battle.

“If we can't even defend our own homeland, what face do we have to leave Since the Ghost Mantis and Eaglebeaks want to fight, let us wage a bloody battle against them until the end.”

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Jin Ting took out his own war knife and slowly wiped it, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. This war knife had been with him through thick and thin, his most trusted companion. This time, he was afraid that it would sink to the bottom with him.

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"Enough, since you've made your decision, let the Ghost Mantisbeak see what it means to face a dragon's counterattack."

Chief Jin Muhui's expression calmed down. He didn't think that splitting up and fleeing at this moment would be a very good choice, the chances of success were extremely low.

Since the tribesmen were determined to fight to the death, there was no need for him to force them to leave. They had a point: it was better to die in their homeland than to perish in a foreign land. Even if they died in battle, they would make the enemy pay a bloody price.

“Ten thousand dragons perish, blood tears without a soul, formation shift!” Jin Muhai hissed with all his might, his voice hoarse and strained.

The tribe's future seemed as frantic, desperate, and utterly resolute as his roar.

In the midst of mournful horns, even those wounded began to shift with others, being assigned to their designated areas.

Because there were too many casualties, this formation was incomplete, just like the dilapidated ancient city.

This impending doom of the tribe's annihilation, though tragic, allowed the desolate aura of this Blood Dragon Formation to reach its peak. Buzz! The austere blood color and chillingly solemn air swept forth, crashing into the thousands of Ghost Mantis-Winged Beasts at the front. They were directly overwhelmed, their spirits shattered, then cleaved in two by the subsequent onslaught of blades and swords, all while the dragon clan remained unscathed.

"It seems the dragon clan is going for a last stand, this won't be easy."

As the formation within the ancient city grew ever larger and more powerful, the Ghost Mantis Hawk-Mouth Monster soon became aware of it.

The deaths of a mere few thousand Eagle-Beaks were insignificant compared to the vast hordes outside. It was the seemingly incomplete, yet deathly aura emanating from the dragon formation that truly gave cause for concern.

"The arrow is on the string and has to be let fly. If it were truly so easy to defeat the Dragon Clan, they wouldn't be feared by the myriad realms."

The patriarch, Mantis Jue, smiled coldly. "We should be grateful that this is just a dragon clan lacking sufficient lineage. Otherwise, their combat strength would not be limited to these. Even with all of us, we wouldn't stand a chance against them."

“Such astonishing combat power yet lacking sufficient lineage” The Mantis Elder beside him couldn't help but exclaim in astonishment. ...

With all their forces deployed, the Dragon Clan, a force one hundred times greater than their opponent, managed to completely suppress the enemy within the ancient city.

The Dragon Clan, by leveraging their advantageous terrain, conserved a considerable amount of energy. Despite such a disparity in military strength, they managed to achieve this stalemate, a feat that leaves one astounded.

Within the entire Desolate Dharma Abyss, this dragon clan's power wasn't even considered third-rate. Their greatest reliance was still on the ancient city and the restrictions within it.


The ancient city could disappear at any moment into this void. Its defenses were not as formidable as those of the Kongying clan's secret realm, but it was far more mysterious and enigmatic.

This Dragon Clan secret realm constantly changes its location. The Ghost Mantis Bird-Mouth Monster knew about the existence of this Dragon Clan secret realm a long time ago. But knowing their existence is one thing, finding and entering the secret realm is another. Even after many years of effort, they deduced the general appearance pattern of this Dragon Clan secret realm, but they were never able to enter it. It wasn't because its defenses were so strong that they were impossible to overcome.

Even though they knew the general operating principles of this Dragon Clan Secret Realm, it took several generations of meticulous planning to break through. They finally seized the opportunity by utilizing the descendants of a Dragon Clan traitor who infiltrated the secret realm from within, working in tandem to achieve their goal.

A dragon clan without a lineage surviving to this day in the Demonic Forbidden Pool, and possessing such a secret realm This was clearly unbelievable in Mantis Old Man's eyes.

This ancient city can only be considered a relatively secluded dwelling place, probably left behind by the ancestors of the dragon clan.

It seems that all the powerful seniors on the other side have been wiped out, and they haven't passed down any sufficiently powerful techniques.

Otherwise, the other party could leave such a secret realm, with the talents of these dragon clans, if they had enough cultivation techniques and resources, their cultivation would definitely not stop here.” Man Jue’s eyes flickered, his scarlet tongue licking around.

"It seems that there are rare bloodline dragons inside the secret realm." Mantis Elder's eyes lit up, otherwise he wouldn't have attacked the secret realm at such a high cost as the leader who seeks only profit.

"Not bad, a guy with a dragon bloodline, but badly wounded. With the resources that side has, he probably hasn't fully recovered yet."

Mantis had never intended to pass on this message to anyone. It was something his former chief, and thus his father, had told him. He only learned of it when his father stepped down and passed the mantle of chief to him.

It's a pity that his father couldn't survive the last Heavenly Tribulation and perished, otherwise, he would be able to witness the opening of the Dragon Clan Secret Realm now.

The Ghost Mantis-Clawed Monster clan and the Golden Reef Sea led by Jinmu have been entangled in this secret realm for so many years. Aside from other dragon clans, the most crucial factor is this individual possessing a bloodline of the Mad Dragon.

Dragons are not common to begin with, and a dragon clan with such a rare bloodline is once in ten thousand years.

This Dragon Clan Secret Realm has existed for at least millions of years. Inside, dragons thrived, reproduced, lived out their lifespans, died in battle, or perished from heavenly tribulations, the number unknown. It is within this realm that such a rare bloodline of dragon emerged.

Their decline has a direct relation to the mad dragon bloodline.

At the beginning, all the powerful figures of this lineage had exerted themselves, beating the Mad Dragon into a serious injury. They originally thought they were in control, but the opponent actually went berserk. In that battle, the Ghost Mantis Eagle-Beak Monster branch's powerful fighters also suffered heavy casualties...

Although the opponent was also a primordial spirit and their cultivation realm wasn't much higher than theirs, this kind of frenzied rampage that burned their own essence, fighting seven enemies single-handedly almost wiped them all out.

As long as he could obtain this ferocious dragon, Manjue would be confident in advancing his cultivation further. This point had already been proven by the ancestors of the Ghost Mantis Clan.

... Those ancestors only absorbed the bloodlines of ordinary dragon clans. The Ghost Mantis clan's power stretches far beyond this point; they are merely a relatively small branch within it.

Several primordial spirits aren't considered top-tier. However, by breaking through the Dragon Clan's secret realm this time and harvesting all these dragons, especially since he can absorb the bloodline of the mad dragon, his branch will flourish soon enough.

All information regarding the Mad Dragon was strictly confidential, even Mantis had no idea what extent his injuries were. After all these years, whether or not he had recovered partially and to what degree remained a mystery.

When facing a situation alone, the Mantis Master doesn't have much confidence. He still needs his trusted assistant, Old Mantis, in crucial moments.

"Mad Dragon Bloodline! This is an extremely rare dragon clan even from ancient times. It is said that the top Mad Dragon Bloodlines once produced peerless powerhouses at the Heavenly Dragon Realm."

Tang Shou's face was filled with shock. If there truly was a Mad Dragon Warrior within this ancient city, it wouldn't just be worth the heavy casualties to their clan, even if they could collect all the information from their enemy, it would be worthwhile.

This also goes without saying, a dragon clan with the Bloodline of the Azure Dragon, if they are not lacking in techniques and cultivation resources, would absolutely not be someone that their branch could provoke.

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"I don't ask for their bloodline to be so pure, even if it's a Dragon Lord level bloodline, it would be an incredible opportunity for you and me. Our foundations are too shallow. If we can capture the Mad Dragon, I'll share some of the spoils with you." Man Jue let out a sinister laugh.

"Many thanks, Chieftain. If the chieftain gives an order, I will follow it without hesitation." ManShou was overwhelmed with emotion and repeatedly thanked the other party.

"It's too early to talk about loot from the battle. First, we need to take down these dragon clans. The opponent's final battle formation is incredibly formidable."

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"The Mantis Cave and the Mantis Luo, those two always cherish their feathers. If they suffer even a slight loss, they'll find ways to make up for it by shifting blame. This time, we have to force them to fight each other until their forces are completely wiped out." Mantis Jue said in a sinister tone.

“They have always been insubordinate to the tribal chief, doing many things behind his back that went against his orders. This attack on the Dragon Clan’s secret realm must not allow them to cheat again, it would be best if they died in the conflict.” Mantang Elder nodded in deep agreement.

“Kill all these dragon races, all the treasures and dragon corpses belong to us.” Man Jue was calculating, and some of the Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian powerhouses from his front tribe had already roared hoarsely.


In an instant, countless mantis-faced creatures with emerald bodies charged toward the dragon clan formation ahead.

“The secret realm has been destroyed, and we have no other way out. The Ghost Mantis Hawk-beasts have been our enemies for generations, today we will make them pay for their blood debt!”

Jin Muhai transformed into a dragon shape, soaring above the ancient city. A roar emanated from its mouth.

>“Blood debt paid with blood!”

"Blood for blood!"

All the dragons roared, the Ghost Mantis-Beaked Monster had been eyeing their secret realm for many years, and after generations of scheming, it finally used an insider to break into their sanctuary.

The clansmen suffered heavy casualties, with no escape route left. Generations of accumulated blood feuds drove these dragons into unprecedented madness.

There's no escaping death either way, so why not drag a few more to share the burden

The Goblin Mantis-Beaks, with their overwhelming numbers and no weak strength, drove them to desperation. Their goal was nothing more than to usurp the dragons' position. After this battle, inside the hidden realm, every dragon, regardless of age or gender, would meet their demise. For a time, hatred towards the Goblin Mantis-Beaks surged within them.

Please: m2.ddyueshu

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