
Late night reading, please turn on the night mode for a better reading experience~

, Mo Jun Yi's cold gaze swept over her, causing her to quickly clamp her mouth shut.Unable to do anything about it, Lei Hong could only turn around dejectedly and go back to her straw mat.Since Mo Jun...Although An'an didn't want to be held by Han Yun, An Xue Tang listened to Han Yun and Feng Ming bicker, knowing that Han Yun desperately wanted to play with the child.

She still couldn't bear to see him disappointed, so she smiled and picked up AnAn right now.

He shoved himself into Han Yun's arms without a word.

Han Yun immediately beamed. "Heh heh, this one knew it all along... Sure enough, the North Border Princess is still a kind person."

"...."Hearing him praise his own princess, Mo Yunjing's pair of dark and deep eyes narrowed slightly. At this moment, he suddenly stood up, walked to An Xue Tang's side, and pulled her to his side.

Feng Ming, Han Yun, An Xue Tang: “!”

As if!


An Xuetang and others were having a merry time in Jingtang Garden, unaware that the common people of the capital had erupted into chaos.

"What should we do What can we do It's been two hours already, and our Niu Niu still has a high fever. If it keeps burning like this, his brain…his brain might be fried!"

A woman was crying hysterically by the bedside, her whole body shaking.

She kept talking.

And on the bed lay a child of four or five, his eyes tightly closed, his face flushed, and his brows furrowed in discomfort.

This child has had a high fever for two hours.

For those two hours, no matter what method the family used, they just couldn't bring down the child's fever.

If it were someone else's child, perhaps they wouldn't react so strongly to a fever, nor would they be so worried and frightened.

This family knows too well the consequences of a child's fever persisting.

Because their family has a silly son.

And their silly son was once a normal child. It was because he had a high fever that didn't go away for several hours that it caused his brain to be burned out and he became an idiot.

Unable to even take care of oneself.

The child lying on the bed right now is the younger brother of the fool.

The couple only has these two children. If one of them becomes mentally disabled, and if the other also becomes mentally disabled, how can they possibly manage

Because she was too worried that her child would be burned silly, the woman's tears flowed like broken pearls, unable to stop.

There were several people sitting in the house, and even the child's grandparents were pacing anxiously.

But they had no way out.

Now, standing by the bed silently wiping tears, still holding that foolish child in my arms.

After a while, the male homeowner finally ran back.

He was panting, his face filled with disappointment.

When a sound was heard, everyone in the room turned to look at him, but seeing that he had come back alone, the woman's cries grew louder.

"I just couldn't help myself and collapsed onto the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. "This… haven't you found a doctor yet Oh Lord, why are you doing this to me My eldest son is already crazy, can't you show me some mercy Are you going to drive another one mad too"

The woman's cries were heart-wrenching.

The old man and woman looked at their son, the grandfather's voice trembling, "Still...still no doctor is willing to come"

The man shook his head, his eyes also red-rimmed. He didn't want his son to get into trouble either. "Father and mother are sorry, tonight...tonight for some reason, the doctors in town are too busy with their own families, my son has almost run through every medical clinic in town, all the old people and children in the doctor's families are running a high fever."

According to the doctors, those who have a high fever are like our Niu Niu, no matter what method they use, their fever still won't go down.

Not only that, but my son went for a walk in the city just now and found that many children in the city were showing similar symptoms to our Niu Niu, with inexplicable fevers.

"We're doing better than them, at least our Niu Niu hasn't been vomiting and diarrhea. Just now...just now our son saw those four or five-year-old children with high fevers, they were vomiting and having diarrhea terribly. The doctors haven't been able to do anything about it."

At these words, the old couple's legs went weak.

At this moment, the old man looked at his little grandson on the bed. He seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly changed. He glared at his son fiercely, "Quickly... quickly pick up Niu Niu, we're going to beg for mercy!"

His son, confused, furrowed his brow. "Father, what are you talking about What are you begging for"

The old man looked deeply annoyed. He suddenly knelt on both knees and slapped himself hard twice.

His actions startled everyone present. His wife and son immediately rushed over, blocking his hands on either side.

His wife cried, "Old man, what are you doing Little Bull is already in a bad state, what else do you want to do"

His son's eyes also reddened, "Yes, father, what are you doing"

The old man instantly burst into tears, filled with regret. "It's my fault... It's all my fault! Today, I was blinded by silver and listened to those people's words, going to the Northern Border Prince's Mansion to make a scene. It's retribution! It must be retribution!"

The old man's cry was hoarse, his voice trembling as he said, "This happened to Niu Niu because of retribution! It's all my fault, it's me who brought misfortune, who caused Niu Niu to become like this. If anything happens to Niu Niu, I won't live either! If Niu Niu can't get better, I will use my life to accompany him."

After saying this, his wife beside him instantly remembered the strange things that had happened to them after they went to the Beijang Royal Palace during the day.

At this time, the old woman seemed to have thought of something and knelt down as well, starting to kowtow to the heavens. "Oh Great Heaven, it was our two elders who were wrong. If you wish to punish us, then punish us, but please don't involve the child! Oh Great Heaven, we beg you, please spare our Niu Niu."

Seeing his own parents like this, the son's face was full of worry, and his eyes were filled with confusion.

He wanted to help the two old men up, but they were dead set against it.

"Mom and Dad, what's going on Niuniu is already like this, please don't make things worse, okay Right now, the most important thing is to find a way to cure Niuniu."

The old man shook his head. "Quickly...quickly, you kneel down too, kneel down and beg for mercy, beg for mercy from the heavens! This must be heaven's punishment, a warning to us."

During the day, the young couple went to the fields to do farm work. When they came back, their own son fell ill. The two of them did not have time to ask what happened during the day.

Hearing both the old man and his wife say this, the man immediately darkened his face and asked about what happened during the day.

The old man didn't dare to hide anything, and directly told them about how he had accepted their silver and followed the Fourth Prince and King Youxian to make a scene at the gate of Beijang Wangfu.

He also described the visions of the day to his own son.

When he heard about the blood rain falling from the sky, the Fourth Prince inexplicably knelt down, and the man's face turned pale.

At this moment, I finally understand why his parents prayed to heaven.

In his eyes, this was indeed a punishment from heaven!

After a moment of silence, the man suddenly raised his hand and patted his head. He then turned around and picked up his young son from the bed, saying in a hurry:

"Father and mother, hurry up and follow me. We're going to the Bei Jiang Wangfu to plead for mercy. Even if they agree, we can't do it here."

"Yes, yes." The whole family nodded, got up and rushed out.and then carried Zhou Zhiyao's body away.After everyone in the courtyard left, Fourteen's face darkened, and he immediately changed his clothes to leave. But before he could get out the door, a dart s...

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