lt;Zhu Ying Jiang Hu
Word count: not counted
author: <Zhu Ying Lan Yu&
Only a young girl with red lips and white teeth, who was once beautiful but now appeared utterly destitute, could be seen hiding in the corner of the cell. She clutched her legs tightly, tears welling up in her eyes, resembling a wounded little rabbit. Upon seeing Zhu Yingsu awaken, she disregarded her own sadness and rushed forward to examine the wound on Zhu Yingsu's head!,Just now, a few jailers tried to bully Li Wan'er. Zhu Ying stood up for her and, relying on the kung fu taught by his slovenly master, knocked down several people in three or five moves. Unexpectedly, this attracted more jailers. A tiger is no match for a pack of wolves, and in the end, he was knocked unconscious by a blow to the head!,"I'm fine, Wan'er. How are you" Zhu Ying held Li Wan'er's hand and asked with concern!。