Ten thousand of me t
Word count: not counted
author: d like anything else
Before that, Lan Nuo was planning to find a girl and lose his virginity before he died. As for where to find girls without money...that would be in his dreams! Back when he was alive, Lan Nuo was a famous millionaire, earning at least eight figures every night.,To the one who was crying, I said, Don't be afraid, because we're here! We are our own heroes! Each and every one of us must live on, not a single soul missing!,The door to the room was kicked open, and over a dozen people rushed in. The doctor, who had been expressionless, was taken aback and pressed to the ground. Among them, a muscular man resembling Schwarzenegger wiped the blood from his face and walked up to Leno, patting him on the shoulder: "Don't cry! We agreed! Not one less!"。